using SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra, Arpack include("io/io_helper.jl") function diagonalize(ham::Hamiltonian, param::Dict{Any,Any}) """ Performs the diagonalization as specified in the paramter dictionary. Done either by iterated Arnoldi method with ARPACK (when full_diag is set to `false`) or by full diagonalization. Notes: - Julia has a matrix-independent iteration number of 300 per default, this is potentially problematic. Needs to be adjusted in some cases. """ sparse_ham = sparse(ham.row, ham.col,, ham.n_fock, ham.n_fock) if ham.n_fock > 1 @info "Starting to diagonalize the Hamiltonian." n_fock=Int(ham.n_fock) if get(param, "full_diag", false) # Full diagonalization with built-in method. time = @elapsed mem = @allocated F = eigen(Matrix(sparse_ham)) @info "Done computing the full spectrum." time=time allocated=MemoryTag(mem) spectrum=F.values return F.values, F.vectors else # Arnoldi method with ARPACK. which_map = Dict([ ("SA", :SR) ]) # Here, we set the default values that are otherwise overwritten # if specified in the parameter dictionary. time = @elapsed mem = @allocated ev, est = eigs( sparse_ham, nev=get(param, "n_eigenvalues", 10), which=which_map[get(param, "ev_type", "SA")], tol=get(param, "tol", 1e-15), maxiter=get(param, "max_iter", 10*ham.n_fock) ) @info "Done computing the lower spectrum." time=time allocated=MemoryTag(mem) spectrum=ev return ev, est end end @info "Trivial 1x1 matrix to diagonalize." return Matrix(sparse_ham)[1,1], [1] end