diff --git a/theses/forms.py b/theses/forms.py
index 758b586096d923282f2743dac7cb9b11d571c738..3f5dfcc0e5784131d4e8a0d9f7039bad5b07064a 100644
--- a/theses/forms.py
+++ b/theses/forms.py
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ class VetThesisLinkForm(RequestThesisLinkForm):
         (EMPTY_CHOICE, '---'),
-        (ALREADY_EXISTS, 'a link to this thesis already exists'),
-        (LINK_DOES_NOT_WORK, 'the external link to this thesis does not work'),
+        (ALREADY_EXISTS, 'A link to this thesis already exists'),
+        (LINK_DOES_NOT_WORK, 'The external link to this thesis does not work'),
     action_option = forms.ChoiceField(
@@ -69,59 +69,38 @@ class VetThesisLinkForm(RequestThesisLinkForm):
             'full_url': self.request.build_absolute_uri(
                 reverse('theses:thesis', kwargs={'thesislink_id': thesislink.id}))
-        if int(self.cleaned_data['action_option']) == VetThesisLinkForm.ACCEPT:
+        action = int(self.cleaned_data['action_option'])
+        if action == VetThesisLinkForm.ACCEPT or action == VetThesisLinkForm.MODIFY:
             thesislink.vetted = True
             thesislink.vetted_by = Contributor.objects.get(user=user)
-            message_plain = render_to_string('theses/thesislink_accepted.txt', mail_params)
-            print(message_plain)
-            email = EmailMessage(
-                'SciPost Thesis Link activated',
-                message_plain,
-                'SciPost Theses <theses@scipost.org>',
-                [thesislink.requested_by.user.email],
-                ['theses@scipost.org'],
-                reply_to=['theses@scipost.org']
-            )
-            email.send(fail_silently=False)
-        elif int(self.cleaned_data['action_option']) == VetThesisLinkForm.REFUSE:
-            email_text = ('Dear ' + title_dict[thesislink.requested_by.title] + ' '
-                          + thesislink.requested_by.user.last_name
-                          + ', \n\nThe Thesis Link you have requested, concerning thesis with'
-                          + ' title ' + thesislink.title + ' by ' + thesislink.author
-                          + ', has not been activated for the following reason: '
-                          + self.cleaned_data['refusal_reason']
-                          + '.\n\nThank you for your interest, \nThe SciPost Team.')
-            if self.cleaned_data['justification']:
-                email_text += '\n\nFurther explanations: ' + \
-                    self.cleaned_data['justification']
-            emailmessage = EmailMessage('SciPost Thesis Link', email_text,
-                                        'SciPost Theses <theses@scipost.org>',
-                                        [thesislink.requested_by.user.email],
-                                        ['theses@scipost.org'],
-                                        reply_to=['theses@scipost.org'])
-            emailmessage.send(fail_silently=False)
+            subject_line = 'SciPost Thesis Link activated'
+            if action == VetThesisLinkForm.ACCEPT:
+                message_plain = render_to_string('theses/thesislink_accepted.txt', mail_params)
+            elif action == VetThesisLinkForm.MODIFY:
+                message_plain = render_to_string('theses/thesislink_modified.txt', mail_params)
+        elif action == VetThesisLinkForm.REFUSE:
+            refusal_reason = int(self.cleaned_data['refusal_reason'])
+            refusal_reason = dict(self.fields['refusal_reason'].choices)[refusal_reason]
+            mail_params['refusal_reason'] = refusal_reason
+            mail_params['justification'] = self.cleaned_data['justification']
+            message_plain = render_to_string('theses/thesislink_refused.txt', mail_params)
+            subject_line = 'SciPost Thesis Link'
-        elif int(self.cleaned_data['action_option']) == VetThesisLinkForm.MODIFY:
-            thesislink.vetted = True
-            thesislink.vetted_by = Contributor.objects.get(user=user)
-            thesislink.save()
-            email_text = ('Dear ' + title_dict[thesislink.requested_by.title] + ' '
-                          + thesislink.requested_by.user.last_name
-                          + ', \n\nThe Thesis Link you have requested, concerning thesis with'
-                          + ' title ' + thesislink.title + ' by ' + thesislink.author
-                          + ', has been activated '
-                          '(with slight modifications to your submitted details) at '
-                          'https://scipost.org/thesis/' + str(thesislink.id) + '.'
-                          '\n\nThank you for your contribution, \nThe SciPost Team.')
-            emailmessage = EmailMessage('SciPost Thesis Link activated', email_text,
-                                        'SciPost Theses <theses@scipost.org>',
-                                        [thesislink.requested_by.user.email],
-                                        ['theses@scipost.org'],
-                                        reply_to=['theses@scipost.org'])
-            emailmessage.send(fail_silently=False)
+        email = EmailMessage(
+            subject_line,
+            message_plain,
+            'SciPost Theses <theses@scipost.org>',
+            [thesislink.requested_by.user.email],
+            ['theses@scipost.org'],
+            reply_to=['theses@scipost.org']
+        ).send(fail_silently=False)
 class ThesisLinkSearchForm(forms.Form):
diff --git a/theses/templates/theses/thesislink_accepted.txt b/theses/templates/theses/thesislink_accepted.txt
index d1ccc54145d6d00e7b765c5c5fc8209e99733bdc..dd3f511a4093ecbc784a8a321d2b87ba2a6121da 100644
--- a/theses/templates/theses/thesislink_accepted.txt
+++ b/theses/templates/theses/thesislink_accepted.txt
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
 Dear {{ vocative_title }} {{ thesislink.requested_by.user.last_name }},
-The Thesis Link you have requested, concerning thesis with title `{{ thesislink.title }}' by {{ thesislink.author }},
-has been activated at {{ full_url }}.
+The Thesis Link you have requested, concerning thesis with title `{{ thesislink.title }}' by {{ thesislink.author }}, has been activated at {{ full_url }}.
 Thank you for your contribution,
 The SciPost Team
diff --git a/theses/templates/theses/thesislink_refused.txt b/theses/templates/theses/thesislink_refused.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0528fe6ff0831720c081e1605a2b97c9ab7c4eb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theses/templates/theses/thesislink_refused.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Dear {{ vocative_title }} {{ thesislink.requested_by.user.last_name }},
+The Thesis Link you have requested, concerning thesis with title `{{ thesislink.title }}' by {{ thesislink.author }}, has not been activated for the following reason:
+{{ refusal_reason }}.
+{% if justification %}
+Further explanations:
+{{ justification }}
+{% endif %}
+Thank you for your interest,
+The SciPost Team
diff --git a/theses/templates/thesislink_modified.txt b/theses/templates/thesislink_modified.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b39ffd34d057f348281108990de698342780758a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theses/templates/thesislink_modified.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Dear {{ vocative_title }} {{ thesislink.requested_by.user.last_name }},
+The Thesis Link you have requested, concerning thesis with title `{{ thesislink.title }}' by {{ thesislink.author }}, has been activated at (with slight modifications to your submitted details) {{ full_url }}.
+Thank you for your contribution,
+The SciPost Team
diff --git a/theses/test_views.py b/theses/test_views.py
index f049bbc38f5bc67a694ef8d4778c0b1e88028d22..068fd5935d30c2ad0d8da087b866a709ad69767f 100644
--- a/theses/test_views.py
+++ b/theses/test_views.py
@@ -131,6 +131,8 @@ class TestVetThesisLinkRequests(TestCase):
         post_data = model_form_data(ThesisLinkFactory(), VetThesisLinkForm, form_kwargs={'request': request})
         post_data["action_option"] = VetThesisLinkForm.REFUSE
+        post_data["refusal_reason"] = VetThesisLinkForm.ALREADY_EXISTS
+        post_data["justification"] = "This thesis already exists."
         target = reverse('theses:vet_thesislink', kwargs={'pk': self.thesislink.id})
         request = RequestFactory().post(target, post_data)