diff --git a/submissions/management/commands/email_fellows_tasklist.py b/submissions/management/commands/email_fellows_tasklist.py
index efeb5eb7be4ebea5b73a696250fb920c9421e923..1dce36913618407852eb596076ca36bbe10e996a 100644
--- a/submissions/management/commands/email_fellows_tasklist.py
+++ b/submissions/management/commands/email_fellows_tasklist.py
@@ -14,12 +14,16 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
         for fellow in fellows:
-            submissions_as_eic = Submission.objects.filter_for_eic(
-                fellow.user).order_by('submission_date')
-            assignments_to_consider = EditorialAssignment.objects.open().filter(
-                to=fellow)
-            if submissions_as_eic or assignments_to_consider:
-                SubmissionUtils.load({'fellow': fellow,
-                                      'submissions_as_eic': submissions_as_eic,
-                                      'assignments_to_consider': assignments_to_consider,})
+            assignments_ongoing = fellow.editorial_assignments.ongoing()
+            assignments_to_consider = fellow.editorial_assignments.open()
+            assignments_upcoming_deadline = fellow.editorial_assignments_deadline_within(days=7)
+            if assignments_ongoing or assignments_to_consider or assignments_upcoming_deadline:
+                SubmissionUtils.load(
+                    {
+                        'fellow': fellow,
+                        'assignments_ongoing': assignments_ongoing,
+                        'assignments_to_consider': assignments_to_consider,
+                        'assignments_upcoming_deadline': assignments_upcoming_deadline,
+                    }
+                )
diff --git a/submissions/managers.py b/submissions/managers.py
index e85f7218cbfaf72c5d5479d5b316e59a8aab5c87..1c8db3f2c9fd6022e4a1d45bb21e444317df7313 100644
--- a/submissions/managers.py
+++ b/submissions/managers.py
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class SubmissionQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
     def _pool(self, user):
-        This filter creates 'the complete pool' for an user. This new-style pool does
+        This filter creates 'the complete pool' for a user. This new-style pool does
         explicitly not have the author filter anymore, but registered pools for every Submission.
@@ -256,6 +256,11 @@ class EditorialAssignmentQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
     def open(self):
         return self.filter(accepted=None, deprecated=False)
+    def refereeing_deadline_within(self, days=7):
+        return self.exclude(
+            submission__reporting_deadline_gt=timezone.now() + timezone.timedelta(days=days)
+            ).exclude(submission__reporting_deadline_lt=timezone.now())
 class EICRecommendationQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
     def get_for_user_in_pool(self, user):
diff --git a/templates/email/email_fellow_tasklist.html b/templates/email/email_fellow_tasklist.html
index 4f555a08a26e31911e015aaadce7531885376277..197296867b2d135108ae037db9b07ea40b9e2f80 100644
--- a/templates/email/email_fellow_tasklist.html
+++ b/templates/email/email_fellow_tasklist.html
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
+{% load bootstrap %}
 {% load submissions_extras %}
 <p>Dear {{ fellow.get_title_display }} {{ fellow.user.last_name }},</p>
-<p>Please find below a digest of your pending and upcoming required actions as SciPost Fellow. Many thanks in advance for your timely invervention.</p>
+<p>Please find below a digest of your current assignments, with pending and upcoming required actions. Many thanks in advance for your timely invervention.</p>
 {% if assignments_to_consider %}
 <h3>Assignments for you to consider:</h3>
@@ -11,21 +12,38 @@
 {% endfor %}
 {% endif %}
-{% if submissions_as_eic %}
-<h3>Submissions for which you are Editor-in-charge:</h3>
+{% if assignments_ongoing %}
+<h3>Current assignments (Submissions for which you are Editor-in-charge):</h3>
-{% for submission in submissions_as_eic %}
-<div class="pool-item">
-    <p class="mb-1">
-        <a href="{% url 'submissions:pool' submission.arxiv_identifier_w_vn_nr %}">{{ submission.title }}</a><br>
-        <em>by {{ submission.author_list }}</em>
-    </p>
-    <p><a href="{% url 'submissions:editorial_page' submission.arxiv_identifier_w_vn_nr %}">Go to this Submission's Editorial page</a></p>
-    {% include 'submissions/_required_actions_block.html' with submission=submission %}
-{% endfor %}
+  {% for assignment in assignments_ongoing %}
+  <li>
+    <div class="pool-item">
+      <p class="mb-1">
+        <a href="{% url 'submissions:pool' assignment.submission.arxiv_identifier_w_vn_nr %}">{{ assignment.submission.title }}</a><br>
+        <em>by {{ assignment.submission.author_list }}</em>
+      </p>
+      <p><a href="{% url 'submissions:editorial_page' assignment.submission.arxiv_identifier_w_vn_nr %}">Go to this Submission's Editorial page</a></p>
+      {% include 'submissions/_required_actions_block.html' with submission=assignment.submission %}
+    </div>
+  </li>
+  {% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if assignments_upcoming_deadline %}
+<h3>Upcoming refereeing deadlines:</h3>
+  {% for assignment in assignments_upcoming_deadline %}
+  <li>
+    <div class="pool-item">
+      <p class="mb-1">
+        <a href="{% url 'submissions:pool' assignment.submission.arxiv_identifier_w_vn_nr %}">{{ assignment.submission.title }}</a><br>
+        <em>by {{ assignment.submission.author_list }}</em>
+      </p>
+      <p>Refereeing deadline: {{ assignment.submission.reporting_deadline|date:"Y-m-d" }}.</p>
+      <p><a href="{% url 'submissions:editorial_page' assignment.submission.arxiv_identifier_w_vn_nr %}">Go to this Submission's Editorial page</a></p>
+    </div>
+  </li>
+  {% endfor %}
 {% endif %}
diff --git a/templates/email/email_fellow_tasklist.txt b/templates/email/email_fellow_tasklist.txt
index 3cc75670c70e036c4d256d53feb68e9916239cfb..5e6fb41558e9794e510f3d01726803bf687c03ba 100644
--- a/templates/email/email_fellow_tasklist.txt
+++ b/templates/email/email_fellow_tasklist.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 {% load submissions_extras %}
 Dear {{ fellow.get_title_display }} {{ fellow.user.last_name }},\n\n
-Please find below a digest of your pending and upcoming required actions as SciPost Fellow. Many thanks in advance for your timely invervention.\n\n
+Please find below a digest of your current assignments, with pending and upcoming required actions. Many thanks in advance for your timely invervention.\n\n
 {% if assignments_to_consider %}
 Assignments for you to consider:\n\n
 {% for assignment in assignments_to_consider %}
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ On submission: {{ assignment.submission }}\n
 Accept or decline at {% url 'submissions:assignment_request' assignment.id %}"
 {% endfor %}
 {% endif %}
-{% if submissions_as_eic %}
-Submissions for which you are Editor-in-charge:\n\n
-{% for submission in submissions_as_eic %}
-{{ submission.title }}\n
-by {{ submission.author_list }}\n\n
-{% if submission.cycle.has_required_actions %}
+{% if assignments_ongoing %}
+Current assignments (Submissions for which you are Editor-in-charge):\n\n
+{% for assignment in assignments_ongoing %}
+{{ assignment.submission.title }}\n
+by {{ assignment.submission.author_list }}\n\n
+{% if assignment.submission.cycle.has_required_actions %}
 Required actions:\n
-{% for action in submission.cycle.get_required_actions %}
+{% for action in assignment.submission.cycle.get_required_actions %}
 {% empty %}
 No actions required\n
@@ -24,6 +24,15 @@ No actions required\n
 {% endfor %}
 {% endif %}
+{% if assignments_upcoming_deadline %}
+Upcoming refereeing deadlines:\n\n
+{% for assignment in assignments_upcoming_deadline %}
+{{ assignment.submission.title }}\n
+by {{ assignment.submission.author_list }}\n
+Refereeing deadline: {{ assignment.submission.reporting_deadline|date:"Y-m-d" }}.\n
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
 You can take action on all of these starting from your personal page at https://scipost.org/personal_page. Don't hesitate to email the editorial administration at edadmin@scipost.org if you need any assistance.\n\n
 Many thanks,\n
 The SciPost Team.