diff --git a/scipost_django/scipost/templates/scipost/portal/_home_donate_prompt.html b/scipost_django/scipost/templates/scipost/portal/_home_donate_prompt.html
index 0effdb68822ade9cd8abab7fa24b13b14bcd3f22..ef9887501392b699f15cb2920af669c620378582 100644
--- a/scipost_django/scipost/templates/scipost/portal/_home_donate_prompt.html
+++ b/scipost_django/scipost/templates/scipost/portal/_home_donate_prompt.html
@@ -8,18 +8,120 @@
   <div class="card-body">
-      SciPost guarantees free online access to all publications in all its Journals and does not charge any article processing fees for publishing. <a href="{% url "organizations:organizations" %}">Supporting organizations</a> provide <a href="{% url "finances:subsidies" %}">operating funds</a> to SciPost through a cost-slashing consortial model.
+      SciPost guarantees free online access to all publications in all its Journals and does not charge any article processing fees for publishing. <a href="{% url "organizations:organizations" %}">Supporting organizations</a> provide <a href="{% url 'finances:subsidies' %}">operating funds</a> to SciPost through a cost-slashing consortial model.
+    <h4>Scientists, please help us out!</h4>
     <p class="mb-0">
-      Scientists, please help us out: if it is not listed on our organization page, please encourage your institution (through a librarian, Open Access officer, director, ...) to join by personally emailing them directly.
+      For each of your affiliated institutions, please encourage them to support us at an appropriate level by personally emailing them directly (through a librarian, Open Access officer, director, etc.).
     <div class="d-flex flex-column gap-2 my-3">
-      <a href="mailto:?subject=Petition to support SciPost&body={% autoescape on %}{% include 'petitions/petition_email.html' %}{% endautoescape %}&cc=sponsors@scipost.org"
-         class="btn bg-primary text-white">Contact your institution
-        <span class="ms-2">{% include "bi/envelope-fill.html" %}</span>
-      </a>
+      {% for organization in currently_affiliated_orgs %}
+        <!-- Disabled for now, we don't have enough up-to-date information to display this confidently
+          <details class="bg-light" open>
+            <summary class="list-triangle bg-warning bg-opacity-10 p-2">
+              <a href="{% url 'organizations:organization_detail' pk=organization.id %}"><strong>{{ organization.name }}</strong></a> was a sponsor of SciPost, but is no longer.
+              <span class="text-warning float-end">
+                {% include "bi/exclamation-circle-fill.html" %}
+              </span>
+            </summary>
+            <div class="p-2">
+              <p>
+                <a href="{% url 'organizations:organization_detail' pk=organization.id %}">{{ organization.name }}</a> used to be a sponsor of SciPost, but <strong>has since stopped supporting us</strong>. Its support is still necessary to sustain SciPost's activities. Please encourage them to resume their support.
+              </p>
+              <a href="mailto:?subject=Petition to support SciPost&body={% autoescape on %}{% include 'petitions/petition_email.html' %}{% endautoescape %}&cc=sponsors@scipost.org" class="w-100 btn bg-primary text-white">Contact {{ organization.name }}
+                <span class="ms-2">{% include "bi/envelope-fill.html" %}</span>
+              </a>
+            </div>
+          </details> 
+        -->
+        {% if organization.has_any_subsidy or organization.has_contributing_parent %}
+          {% if organization.impact_on_reserves >= 0 %}
+            <details class="bg-light">
+              <summary class="list-triangle bg-success bg-opacity-10 p-2">
+                <span class="text-success float-end">{% include "bi/check-circle-fill.html" %}</span>
+                <a href="{% url 'organizations:organization_detail' pk=organization.id %}"><strong>{{ organization.name }}</strong></a> is already a generous sponsor of SciPost.
+              </summary>
+              <p class="mb-0 p-2">
+                <a href="{% url 'organizations:organization_detail' pk=organization.id %}">{{ organization.name }}</a> is already a generous sponsor of SciPost, fully covering the costs of publishing for its affiliated authors. Thank you for your support!
+              </p>
+            </details>
+          {% else %}
+            <details class="bg-light" open>
+              <summary class="list-triangle bg-primary bg-opacity-10 p-2">
+                <span class="text-primary float-end">
+                  {% include "bi/exclamation-circle-fill.html" %}
+                </span>
+                <a href="{% url 'organizations:organization_detail' pk=organization.id %}"><strong>{{ organization.name }}</strong></a> is already a sponsor of SciPost.
+              </summary>
+              <div class="p-2">
+                <p>
+                  <a href="{% url 'organizations:organization_detail' pk=organization.id %}">{{ organization.name }}</a> is already a sponsor of SciPost. However, <strong>its level of contribution is not sufficient</strong> to cover the costs of publishing for its affiliated authors. Please encourage them to increase their support and help sustain SciPost's activities.
+                </p>
+                <a href="mailto:?subject=Petition to support SciPost&body={% autoescape on %}{% include 'petitions/petition_email.html' %}{% endautoescape %}&cc=sponsors@scipost.org"
+                   class="w-100 btn bg-primary text-white">Contact {{ organization.name }}
+                  <span class="ms-2">{% include "bi/envelope-fill.html" %}</span>
+                </a>
+              </div>
+            </details>
+          {% endif %}
+        {% else %}
+          <details class="bg-light p-0" open>
+            <summary class="list-triangle bg-danger bg-opacity-10 p-2">
+              <a href="{% url 'organizations:organization_detail' pk=organization.id %}"><strong>{{ organization.name }}</strong></a> does not support SciPost.
+              <span class="text-danger float-end">
+                {% include "bi/exclamation-circle-fill.html" %}
+              </span>
+            </summary>
+            <div class="p-2">
+              <p>
+                <a href="{% url 'organizations:organization_detail' pk=organization.id %}">{{ organization.name }}</a> <strong>does not support SciPost</strong>. Its support is necessary to sustain SciPost's activities. Please encourage them to support us.
+              </p>
+              <a href="mailto:?subject=Petition to support SciPost&body={% autoescape on %}{% include 'petitions/petition_email.html' %}{% endautoescape %}&cc=sponsors@scipost.org"
+                 class="w-100 btn bg-primary text-white">Contact {{ organization.name }}
+                <span class="ms-2">{% include "bi/envelope-fill.html" %}</span>
+              </a>
+            </div>
+          </details>
+        {% endif %}
+        {% if forloop.last %}
+          <details class="bg-light">
+            <summary class="list-triangle p-2">
+              Affiliated to an institution not in this list?
+              <span class="text-primary float-end">
+                {% include "bi/question-circle-fill.html" %}
+              </span>
+            </summary>
+            <div class="p-2">
+              <p>
+                If you are affiliated with an organization that is not listed here, please check our <a href="{% url 'organizations:organizations' %}">full list of affiliated organizations</a> and encourage them to support us if they are not already doing so.
+              </p>
+              <a href="mailto:?subject=Petition to support SciPost&body={% autoescape on %}{% include 'petitions/petition_email.html' %}{% endautoescape %}&cc=sponsors@scipost.org"
+                 class="w-100 btn bg-primary text-white">Contact your institution
+                <span class="ms-2">{% include "bi/envelope-fill.html" %}</span>
+              </a>
+            </div>
+          </details>
+        {% endif %}
+      {% empty %}
+        <a href="mailto:?subject=Petition to support SciPost&body={% autoescape on %}{% include 'petitions/petition_email.html' %}{% endautoescape %}&cc=sponsors@scipost.org"
+           class="w-100 btn bg-primary text-white">Contact your institution
+          <span class="ms-2">{% include "bi/envelope-fill.html" %}</span>
+        </a>
+      {% endfor %}
diff --git a/scipost_django/scipost/views.py b/scipost_django/scipost/views.py
index 00410a85be028832dfb74e0635fcefdea49b9969..662f03d8be1eda0cdea25693a4db3443e38f00df 100644
--- a/scipost_django/scipost/views.py
+++ b/scipost_django/scipost/views.py
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ __license__ = "AGPL v3"
 import urllib
+from django.db.models.functions import Cast, Coalesce
 from django.template.response import TemplateResponse
 from django.utils import timezone
 from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render
@@ -29,11 +30,13 @@ from django.core.paginator import Paginator
 from django.urls import reverse, reverse_lazy
 from django.db import transaction
 from django.db.models import (
+    F,
+    IntegerField,
@@ -217,9 +220,44 @@ def portal_hx_home(request):
         news_items = NewsItem.objects.none()
     latest_blogpost = BlogPost.objects.published().first()
+    if request.user.is_authenticated:
+        currently_affiliated_orgs = (
+            Organization.objects.filter(
+                id__in=request.user.contributor.profile.affiliations.all()
+                .current()
+                .values("organization")
+            )
+            # .annot_has_current_subsidy()
+            .annot_has_any_subsidy().annotate(
+                has_contributing_parent=Exists(
+                    Organization.objects.filter(
+                        children=OuterRef("pk"),
+                        subsidy__isnull=False,
+                    )
+                ),
+                impact_on_reserves=Coalesce(
+                    Cast(
+                        F(
+                            "parent__cf_balance_info__cumulative__impact_on_reserves",
+                        ),
+                        IntegerField(),
+                    ),
+                    0,
+                )
+                + Cast(
+                    F("cf_balance_info__cumulative__impact_on_reserves"),
+                    IntegerField(),
+                ),
+            )
+        )
+    else:
+        currently_affiliated_orgs = Organization.objects.none()
     context = {
         "news_items": news_items,
         "latest_blogpost": latest_blogpost,
+        "currently_affiliated_orgs": currently_affiliated_orgs,
     return render(request, "scipost/portal/_hx_home.html", context)