diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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+# SciPost
+The complete scientific publication portal
+## Dependencies
+SciPost is written in Python 3.5 using Django and requires a PostgreSQL database.
+Python dependencies are listed in `requirements.txt`.
+## Getting started
+### Python version
+Make sure you're using Python 3.5. If you need to use multiple versions of Python, use [pyenv](https://github.com/yyuu/pyenv).
+### Python dependencies
+Setup a virtual environment using[(py)venv](https://docs.python.org/3/library/venv.html), and activate it:
+$ pyvenv scipostenv
+$ source scipostenv/bin/activate
+ ```
+Now install dependencies:
+(scipostenv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
+### Database
+Make sure that Postgres is installed and running, and that a database and user are set up for it. A
+good guide how to do this can be found [here](https://djangogirls.gitbooks.io/django-girls-tutorial-extensions/content/optional_postgresql_installation/) (NOTE: stop before the 'Update settings' part).
+### Host-specific settings
+In this project, host-specific settings are defined in the `scipost-host-settings.json` file in the directory *above* the project root. The structure is as follows:
+    "SECRET_KEY": "<change_me>",
+    "CERTFILE": "none",
+    "DEBUG": true,
+    "ADMINS": "",
+    "ALLOWED_HOSTS": "['localhost:8000', '',]",
+    "CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE": false,
+    "DB_NAME": "scipost",
+    "DB_USER": "scipost",
+    "DB_PWD": "",
+    "MEDIA_ROOT": "<media_dir>",
+    "MEDIA_URL": "/media/",
+    "STATIC_URL": "/static/",
+    "STATIC_ROOT": "<static_dir>",
+    "EMAIL_BACKEND": "django.core.mail.backends.filebased.EmailBackend",
+    "EMAIL_FILE_PATH": "<email_dir>",
+    "EMAIL_HOST": "",
+    "EMAIL_HOST_USER": "",
+    "SERVER_EMAIL": "",
+    "JOURNALS_DIR": "<journals_dir>",
+### Check, double check
+To make sure everything is setup and configured well, run:
+(scipostenv) $ ./manage.py check
+### Create groups and permissions
+Groups and their respective permissions are created using the management command
+(scipostenv) $ ./manage.py create_groups_and_permissions
+### Run migrations
+Now that everything is setup, we can setup the datastructures. This is a step you need to repeat
+everytime the data structures change (Django should notify you of this):
+(scipostenv) $ ./manage.py migrate
+### Run development server
+You are now ready to run the development server:
+(scipostenv) $ ./manage.py runserver
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