From 2130b3bc91747898a6d95c19fa258cb35c62570e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "J.-S. Caux" <>
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2019 09:51:15 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add Biology specializations

 .../migrations/     | 18 +++++++++++++
 .../migrations/     | 24 +++++++++++++++++
 .../migrations/     | 19 +++++++++++++
 scipost/                          | 27 +++++++++++++++++++
 scipost/migrations/ | 19 +++++++++++++
 .../migrations/     | 24 +++++++++++++++++
 theses/migrations/  | 18 +++++++++++++
 7 files changed, 149 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 commentaries/migrations/
 create mode 100644 journals/migrations/
 create mode 100644 profiles/migrations/
 create mode 100644 scipost/migrations/
 create mode 100644 submissions/migrations/
 create mode 100644 theses/migrations/

diff --git a/commentaries/migrations/ b/commentaries/migrations/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7c263ecbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/commentaries/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Generated by Django 2.1.8 on 2019-10-17 07:49
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+    dependencies = [
+        ('commentaries', '0013_auto_20191005_1142'),
+    ]
+    operations = [
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='commentary',
+            name='subject_area',
+            field=models.CharField(choices=[('Physics', (('Phys:AE', 'Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:AT', 'Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:BI', 'Biophysics'), ('Phys:CE', 'Condensed Matter Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:CT', 'Condensed Matter Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:CC', 'Condensed Matter Physics - Computational'), ('Phys:FD', 'Fluid Dynamics'), ('Phys:GR', 'Gravitation, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics'), ('Phys:HE', 'High-Energy Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:HT', 'High-Energy Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:HP', 'High-Energy Physics - Phenomenology'), ('Phys:MP', 'Mathematical Physics'), ('Phys:NE', 'Nuclear Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:NT', 'Nuclear Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:QP', 'Quantum Physics'), ('Phys:SM', 'Statistical and Soft Matter Physics'))), ('Astronomy', (('Astro:GA', 'Astrophysics of Galaxies'), ('Astro:CO', 'Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics'), ('Astro:EP', 'Earth and Planetary Astrophysics'), ('Astro:HE', 'High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena'), ('Astro:IM', 'Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics'), ('Astro:SR', 'Solar and Stellar Astrophysics'))), ('Biology', (('Bio:AB', 'Animal Behavior and Cognition'), ('Bio:BC', 'Biochemistry'), ('Bio:BE', 'Bioengineering'), ('Bio:BI', 'Bioinformatics'), ('Bio:BP', 'Biophysics'), ('Bio:CB', 'Cancer Biology'), ('Bio:CE', 'Cell Biology'), ('Bio:DB', 'Developmental Biology'), ('Bio:EC', 'Ecology'), ('Bio:EB', 'Evolutionary Biology'), ('Bio:GE', 'Genetics'), ('Bio:GO', 'Genomics'), ('Bio:IM', 'Immunology'), ('Bio:MI', 'Microbiology'), ('Bio:MO', 'Molecular Biology'), ('Bio:NE', 'Neuroscience'), ('Bio:PA', 'Paleontology'), ('Bio:PO', 'Pathology'), ('Bio:PT', 'Pharmacology and Toxicology'), ('Bio:PH', 'Physiology'), ('Bio:PB', 'Plant Biology'), ('Bio:SC', 'Scientific Communication and Education'), ('Bio:SB', 'Synthetic Biology'), ('Bio:SY', 'Systems Biology'), ('Bio:ZO', 'Zoology'))), ('Chemistry', (('Chem:BI', 'Biochemistry'), ('Chem:IN', 'Inorganic Chemistry'), ('Chem:OR', 'Organic Chemistry'), ('Chem:PH', 'Physical Chemistry'), ('Chem:MA', 'Materials Chemistry'), ('Chem:TC', 'Theoretical and Computational Chemistry'), ('Chem:CE', 'Chemical Engineering'), ('Chem:AN', 'Analytical Chemistry'), ('Chem:NA', 'Nanoscience'), ('Chem:EN', 'Environmental Chemistry'), ('Chem:NU', 'Nuclear Chemistry'))), ('Mathematics', (('Math:AG', 'Algebraic Geometry'), ('Math:AT', 'Algebraic Topology'), ('Math:AP', 'Analysis of PDEs'), ('Math:CT', 'Category Theory'), ('Math:CA', 'Classical Analysis and ODEs'), ('Math:CO', 'Combinatorics'), ('Math:AC', 'Commutative Algebra'), ('Math:CV', 'Complex Variables'), ('Math:DG', 'Differential Geometry'), ('Math:DS', 'Dynamical Systems'), ('Math:FA', 'Functional Analysis'), ('Math:GM', 'General Mathematics'), ('Math:GN', 'General Topology'), ('Math:GT', 'Geometric Topology'), ('Math:GR', 'Group Theory'), ('Math:HO', 'History and Overview'), ('Math:IT', 'Information Theory'), ('Math:KT', 'K-Theory and Homology'), ('Math:LO', 'Logic'), ('Math:MP', 'Mathematical Physics'), ('Math:MG', 'Metric Geometry'), ('Math:NT', 'Number Theory'), ('Math:NA', 'Numerical Analysis'), ('Math:OA', 'Operator Algebras'), ('Math:OC', 'Optimization and Control'), ('Math:PR', 'Probability'), ('Math:QA', 'Quantum Algebra'), ('Math:RT', 'Representation Theory'), ('Math:RA', 'Rings and Algebras'), ('Math:SP', 'Spectral Theory'), ('Math:ST', 'Statistics Theory'), ('Math:SG', 'Symplectic Geometry'))), ('Computer Science', (('Comp:AI', 'Artificial Intelligence'), ('Comp:CC', 'Computational Complexity'), ('Comp:CE', 'Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science'), ('Comp:CG', 'Computational Geometry'), ('Comp:GT', 'Computer Science and Game Theory'), ('Comp:CV', 'Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition'), ('Comp:CY', 'Computers and Society'), ('Comp:CR', 'Cryptography and Security'), ('Comp:DS', 'Data Structures and Algorithms'), ('Comp:DB', 'Databases'), ('Comp:DL', 'Digital Libraries'), ('Comp:DM', 'Discrete Mathematics'), ('Comp:DC', 'Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing'), ('Comp:ET', 'Emerging Technologies'), ('Comp:FL', 'Formal Languages and Automata Theory'), ('Comp:GL', 'General Literature'), ('Comp:GR', 'Graphics'), ('Comp:AR', 'Hardware Architecture'), ('Comp:HC', 'Human-Computer Interaction'), ('Comp:IR', 'Information Retrieval'), ('Comp:IT', 'Information Theory'), ('Comp:LG', 'Learning'), ('Comp:LO', 'Logic in Computer Science'), ('Comp:MS', 'Mathematical Software'), ('Comp:MA', 'Multiagent Systems'), ('Comp:MM', 'Multimedia'), ('Comp:NI', 'Networking and Internet Architecture'), ('Comp:NE', 'Neural and Evolutionary Computing'), ('Comp:NA', 'Numerical Analysis'), ('Comp:OS', 'Operating Systems'), ('Comp:OH', 'Other Computer Science'), ('Comp:PF', 'Performance'), ('Comp:PL', 'Programming Languages'), ('Comp:RO', 'Robotics'), ('Comp:SI', 'Social and Information Networks'), ('Comp:SE', 'Software Engineering'), ('Comp:SD', 'Sound'), ('Comp:SC', 'Symbolic Computation'), ('Comp:SY', 'Systems and Control')))], default='Phys:QP', max_length=10),
+        ),
+    ]
diff --git a/journals/migrations/ b/journals/migrations/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5646a6d17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/journals/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Generated by Django 2.1.8 on 2019-10-17 07:49
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import scipost.fields
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+    dependencies = [
+        ('journals', '0084_journal_minimal_nr_of_reports'),
+    ]
+    operations = [
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='publication',
+            name='secondary_areas',
+            field=scipost.fields.ChoiceArrayField(base_field=models.CharField(choices=[('Physics', (('Phys:AE', 'Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:AT', 'Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:BI', 'Biophysics'), ('Phys:CE', 'Condensed Matter Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:CT', 'Condensed Matter Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:CC', 'Condensed Matter Physics - Computational'), ('Phys:FD', 'Fluid Dynamics'), ('Phys:GR', 'Gravitation, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics'), ('Phys:HE', 'High-Energy Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:HT', 'High-Energy Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:HP', 'High-Energy Physics - Phenomenology'), ('Phys:MP', 'Mathematical Physics'), ('Phys:NE', 'Nuclear Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:NT', 'Nuclear Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:QP', 'Quantum Physics'), ('Phys:SM', 'Statistical and Soft Matter Physics'))), ('Astronomy', (('Astro:GA', 'Astrophysics of Galaxies'), ('Astro:CO', 'Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics'), ('Astro:EP', 'Earth and Planetary Astrophysics'), ('Astro:HE', 'High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena'), ('Astro:IM', 'Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics'), ('Astro:SR', 'Solar and Stellar Astrophysics'))), ('Biology', (('Bio:AB', 'Animal Behavior and Cognition'), ('Bio:BC', 'Biochemistry'), ('Bio:BE', 'Bioengineering'), ('Bio:BI', 'Bioinformatics'), ('Bio:BP', 'Biophysics'), ('Bio:CB', 'Cancer Biology'), ('Bio:CE', 'Cell Biology'), ('Bio:DB', 'Developmental Biology'), ('Bio:EC', 'Ecology'), ('Bio:EB', 'Evolutionary Biology'), ('Bio:GE', 'Genetics'), ('Bio:GO', 'Genomics'), ('Bio:IM', 'Immunology'), ('Bio:MI', 'Microbiology'), ('Bio:MO', 'Molecular Biology'), ('Bio:NE', 'Neuroscience'), ('Bio:PA', 'Paleontology'), ('Bio:PO', 'Pathology'), ('Bio:PT', 'Pharmacology and Toxicology'), ('Bio:PH', 'Physiology'), ('Bio:PB', 'Plant Biology'), ('Bio:SC', 'Scientific Communication and Education'), ('Bio:SB', 'Synthetic Biology'), ('Bio:SY', 'Systems Biology'), ('Bio:ZO', 'Zoology'))), ('Chemistry', (('Chem:BI', 'Biochemistry'), ('Chem:IN', 'Inorganic Chemistry'), ('Chem:OR', 'Organic Chemistry'), ('Chem:PH', 'Physical Chemistry'), ('Chem:MA', 'Materials Chemistry'), ('Chem:TC', 'Theoretical and Computational Chemistry'), ('Chem:CE', 'Chemical Engineering'), ('Chem:AN', 'Analytical Chemistry'), ('Chem:NA', 'Nanoscience'), ('Chem:EN', 'Environmental Chemistry'), ('Chem:NU', 'Nuclear Chemistry'))), ('Mathematics', (('Math:AG', 'Algebraic Geometry'), ('Math:AT', 'Algebraic Topology'), ('Math:AP', 'Analysis of PDEs'), ('Math:CT', 'Category Theory'), ('Math:CA', 'Classical Analysis and ODEs'), ('Math:CO', 'Combinatorics'), ('Math:AC', 'Commutative Algebra'), ('Math:CV', 'Complex Variables'), ('Math:DG', 'Differential Geometry'), ('Math:DS', 'Dynamical Systems'), ('Math:FA', 'Functional Analysis'), ('Math:GM', 'General Mathematics'), ('Math:GN', 'General Topology'), ('Math:GT', 'Geometric Topology'), ('Math:GR', 'Group Theory'), ('Math:HO', 'History and Overview'), ('Math:IT', 'Information Theory'), ('Math:KT', 'K-Theory and Homology'), ('Math:LO', 'Logic'), ('Math:MP', 'Mathematical Physics'), ('Math:MG', 'Metric Geometry'), ('Math:NT', 'Number Theory'), ('Math:NA', 'Numerical Analysis'), ('Math:OA', 'Operator Algebras'), ('Math:OC', 'Optimization and Control'), ('Math:PR', 'Probability'), ('Math:QA', 'Quantum Algebra'), ('Math:RT', 'Representation Theory'), ('Math:RA', 'Rings and Algebras'), ('Math:SP', 'Spectral Theory'), ('Math:ST', 'Statistics Theory'), ('Math:SG', 'Symplectic Geometry'))), ('Computer Science', (('Comp:AI', 'Artificial Intelligence'), ('Comp:CC', 'Computational Complexity'), ('Comp:CE', 'Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science'), ('Comp:CG', 'Computational Geometry'), ('Comp:GT', 'Computer Science and Game Theory'), ('Comp:CV', 'Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition'), ('Comp:CY', 'Computers and Society'), ('Comp:CR', 'Cryptography and Security'), ('Comp:DS', 'Data Structures and Algorithms'), ('Comp:DB', 'Databases'), ('Comp:DL', 'Digital Libraries'), ('Comp:DM', 'Discrete Mathematics'), ('Comp:DC', 'Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing'), ('Comp:ET', 'Emerging Technologies'), ('Comp:FL', 'Formal Languages and Automata Theory'), ('Comp:GL', 'General Literature'), ('Comp:GR', 'Graphics'), ('Comp:AR', 'Hardware Architecture'), ('Comp:HC', 'Human-Computer Interaction'), ('Comp:IR', 'Information Retrieval'), ('Comp:IT', 'Information Theory'), ('Comp:LG', 'Learning'), ('Comp:LO', 'Logic in Computer Science'), ('Comp:MS', 'Mathematical Software'), ('Comp:MA', 'Multiagent Systems'), ('Comp:MM', 'Multimedia'), ('Comp:NI', 'Networking and Internet Architecture'), ('Comp:NE', 'Neural and Evolutionary Computing'), ('Comp:NA', 'Numerical Analysis'), ('Comp:OS', 'Operating Systems'), ('Comp:OH', 'Other Computer Science'), ('Comp:PF', 'Performance'), ('Comp:PL', 'Programming Languages'), ('Comp:RO', 'Robotics'), ('Comp:SI', 'Social and Information Networks'), ('Comp:SE', 'Software Engineering'), ('Comp:SD', 'Sound'), ('Comp:SC', 'Symbolic Computation'), ('Comp:SY', 'Systems and Control')))], max_length=10), blank=True, null=True, size=None),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='publication',
+            name='subject_area',
+            field=models.CharField(choices=[('Physics', (('Phys:AE', 'Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:AT', 'Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:BI', 'Biophysics'), ('Phys:CE', 'Condensed Matter Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:CT', 'Condensed Matter Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:CC', 'Condensed Matter Physics - Computational'), ('Phys:FD', 'Fluid Dynamics'), ('Phys:GR', 'Gravitation, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics'), ('Phys:HE', 'High-Energy Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:HT', 'High-Energy Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:HP', 'High-Energy Physics - Phenomenology'), ('Phys:MP', 'Mathematical Physics'), ('Phys:NE', 'Nuclear Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:NT', 'Nuclear Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:QP', 'Quantum Physics'), ('Phys:SM', 'Statistical and Soft Matter Physics'))), ('Astronomy', (('Astro:GA', 'Astrophysics of Galaxies'), ('Astro:CO', 'Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics'), ('Astro:EP', 'Earth and Planetary Astrophysics'), ('Astro:HE', 'High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena'), ('Astro:IM', 'Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics'), ('Astro:SR', 'Solar and Stellar Astrophysics'))), ('Biology', (('Bio:AB', 'Animal Behavior and Cognition'), ('Bio:BC', 'Biochemistry'), ('Bio:BE', 'Bioengineering'), ('Bio:BI', 'Bioinformatics'), ('Bio:BP', 'Biophysics'), ('Bio:CB', 'Cancer Biology'), ('Bio:CE', 'Cell Biology'), ('Bio:DB', 'Developmental Biology'), ('Bio:EC', 'Ecology'), ('Bio:EB', 'Evolutionary Biology'), ('Bio:GE', 'Genetics'), ('Bio:GO', 'Genomics'), ('Bio:IM', 'Immunology'), ('Bio:MI', 'Microbiology'), ('Bio:MO', 'Molecular Biology'), ('Bio:NE', 'Neuroscience'), ('Bio:PA', 'Paleontology'), ('Bio:PO', 'Pathology'), ('Bio:PT', 'Pharmacology and Toxicology'), ('Bio:PH', 'Physiology'), ('Bio:PB', 'Plant Biology'), ('Bio:SC', 'Scientific Communication and Education'), ('Bio:SB', 'Synthetic Biology'), ('Bio:SY', 'Systems Biology'), ('Bio:ZO', 'Zoology'))), ('Chemistry', (('Chem:BI', 'Biochemistry'), ('Chem:IN', 'Inorganic Chemistry'), ('Chem:OR', 'Organic Chemistry'), ('Chem:PH', 'Physical Chemistry'), ('Chem:MA', 'Materials Chemistry'), ('Chem:TC', 'Theoretical and Computational Chemistry'), ('Chem:CE', 'Chemical Engineering'), ('Chem:AN', 'Analytical Chemistry'), ('Chem:NA', 'Nanoscience'), ('Chem:EN', 'Environmental Chemistry'), ('Chem:NU', 'Nuclear Chemistry'))), ('Mathematics', (('Math:AG', 'Algebraic Geometry'), ('Math:AT', 'Algebraic Topology'), ('Math:AP', 'Analysis of PDEs'), ('Math:CT', 'Category Theory'), ('Math:CA', 'Classical Analysis and ODEs'), ('Math:CO', 'Combinatorics'), ('Math:AC', 'Commutative Algebra'), ('Math:CV', 'Complex Variables'), ('Math:DG', 'Differential Geometry'), ('Math:DS', 'Dynamical Systems'), ('Math:FA', 'Functional Analysis'), ('Math:GM', 'General Mathematics'), ('Math:GN', 'General Topology'), ('Math:GT', 'Geometric Topology'), ('Math:GR', 'Group Theory'), ('Math:HO', 'History and Overview'), ('Math:IT', 'Information Theory'), ('Math:KT', 'K-Theory and Homology'), ('Math:LO', 'Logic'), ('Math:MP', 'Mathematical Physics'), ('Math:MG', 'Metric Geometry'), ('Math:NT', 'Number Theory'), ('Math:NA', 'Numerical Analysis'), ('Math:OA', 'Operator Algebras'), ('Math:OC', 'Optimization and Control'), ('Math:PR', 'Probability'), ('Math:QA', 'Quantum Algebra'), ('Math:RT', 'Representation Theory'), ('Math:RA', 'Rings and Algebras'), ('Math:SP', 'Spectral Theory'), ('Math:ST', 'Statistics Theory'), ('Math:SG', 'Symplectic Geometry'))), ('Computer Science', (('Comp:AI', 'Artificial Intelligence'), ('Comp:CC', 'Computational Complexity'), ('Comp:CE', 'Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science'), ('Comp:CG', 'Computational Geometry'), ('Comp:GT', 'Computer Science and Game Theory'), ('Comp:CV', 'Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition'), ('Comp:CY', 'Computers and Society'), ('Comp:CR', 'Cryptography and Security'), ('Comp:DS', 'Data Structures and Algorithms'), ('Comp:DB', 'Databases'), ('Comp:DL', 'Digital Libraries'), ('Comp:DM', 'Discrete Mathematics'), ('Comp:DC', 'Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing'), ('Comp:ET', 'Emerging Technologies'), ('Comp:FL', 'Formal Languages and Automata Theory'), ('Comp:GL', 'General Literature'), ('Comp:GR', 'Graphics'), ('Comp:AR', 'Hardware Architecture'), ('Comp:HC', 'Human-Computer Interaction'), ('Comp:IR', 'Information Retrieval'), ('Comp:IT', 'Information Theory'), ('Comp:LG', 'Learning'), ('Comp:LO', 'Logic in Computer Science'), ('Comp:MS', 'Mathematical Software'), ('Comp:MA', 'Multiagent Systems'), ('Comp:MM', 'Multimedia'), ('Comp:NI', 'Networking and Internet Architecture'), ('Comp:NE', 'Neural and Evolutionary Computing'), ('Comp:NA', 'Numerical Analysis'), ('Comp:OS', 'Operating Systems'), ('Comp:OH', 'Other Computer Science'), ('Comp:PF', 'Performance'), ('Comp:PL', 'Programming Languages'), ('Comp:RO', 'Robotics'), ('Comp:SI', 'Social and Information Networks'), ('Comp:SE', 'Software Engineering'), ('Comp:SD', 'Sound'), ('Comp:SC', 'Symbolic Computation'), ('Comp:SY', 'Systems and Control')))], default='Phys:QP', max_length=10, verbose_name='Primary subject area'),
+        ),
+    ]
diff --git a/profiles/migrations/ b/profiles/migrations/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c0b362e90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profiles/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Generated by Django 2.1.8 on 2019-10-17 07:49
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import scipost.fields
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+    dependencies = [
+        ('profiles', '0029_auto_20191005_1142'),
+    ]
+    operations = [
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='profile',
+            name='expertises',
+            field=scipost.fields.ChoiceArrayField(base_field=models.CharField(choices=[('Physics', (('Phys:AE', 'Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:AT', 'Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:BI', 'Biophysics'), ('Phys:CE', 'Condensed Matter Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:CT', 'Condensed Matter Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:CC', 'Condensed Matter Physics - Computational'), ('Phys:FD', 'Fluid Dynamics'), ('Phys:GR', 'Gravitation, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics'), ('Phys:HE', 'High-Energy Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:HT', 'High-Energy Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:HP', 'High-Energy Physics - Phenomenology'), ('Phys:MP', 'Mathematical Physics'), ('Phys:NE', 'Nuclear Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:NT', 'Nuclear Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:QP', 'Quantum Physics'), ('Phys:SM', 'Statistical and Soft Matter Physics'))), ('Astronomy', (('Astro:GA', 'Astrophysics of Galaxies'), ('Astro:CO', 'Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics'), ('Astro:EP', 'Earth and Planetary Astrophysics'), ('Astro:HE', 'High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena'), ('Astro:IM', 'Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics'), ('Astro:SR', 'Solar and Stellar Astrophysics'))), ('Biology', (('Bio:AB', 'Animal Behavior and Cognition'), ('Bio:BC', 'Biochemistry'), ('Bio:BE', 'Bioengineering'), ('Bio:BI', 'Bioinformatics'), ('Bio:BP', 'Biophysics'), ('Bio:CB', 'Cancer Biology'), ('Bio:CE', 'Cell Biology'), ('Bio:DB', 'Developmental Biology'), ('Bio:EC', 'Ecology'), ('Bio:EB', 'Evolutionary Biology'), ('Bio:GE', 'Genetics'), ('Bio:GO', 'Genomics'), ('Bio:IM', 'Immunology'), ('Bio:MI', 'Microbiology'), ('Bio:MO', 'Molecular Biology'), ('Bio:NE', 'Neuroscience'), ('Bio:PA', 'Paleontology'), ('Bio:PO', 'Pathology'), ('Bio:PT', 'Pharmacology and Toxicology'), ('Bio:PH', 'Physiology'), ('Bio:PB', 'Plant Biology'), ('Bio:SC', 'Scientific Communication and Education'), ('Bio:SB', 'Synthetic Biology'), ('Bio:SY', 'Systems Biology'), ('Bio:ZO', 'Zoology'))), ('Chemistry', (('Chem:BI', 'Biochemistry'), ('Chem:IN', 'Inorganic Chemistry'), ('Chem:OR', 'Organic Chemistry'), ('Chem:PH', 'Physical Chemistry'), ('Chem:MA', 'Materials Chemistry'), ('Chem:TC', 'Theoretical and Computational Chemistry'), ('Chem:CE', 'Chemical Engineering'), ('Chem:AN', 'Analytical Chemistry'), ('Chem:NA', 'Nanoscience'), ('Chem:EN', 'Environmental Chemistry'), ('Chem:NU', 'Nuclear Chemistry'))), ('Mathematics', (('Math:AG', 'Algebraic Geometry'), ('Math:AT', 'Algebraic Topology'), ('Math:AP', 'Analysis of PDEs'), ('Math:CT', 'Category Theory'), ('Math:CA', 'Classical Analysis and ODEs'), ('Math:CO', 'Combinatorics'), ('Math:AC', 'Commutative Algebra'), ('Math:CV', 'Complex Variables'), ('Math:DG', 'Differential Geometry'), ('Math:DS', 'Dynamical Systems'), ('Math:FA', 'Functional Analysis'), ('Math:GM', 'General Mathematics'), ('Math:GN', 'General Topology'), ('Math:GT', 'Geometric Topology'), ('Math:GR', 'Group Theory'), ('Math:HO', 'History and Overview'), ('Math:IT', 'Information Theory'), ('Math:KT', 'K-Theory and Homology'), ('Math:LO', 'Logic'), ('Math:MP', 'Mathematical Physics'), ('Math:MG', 'Metric Geometry'), ('Math:NT', 'Number Theory'), ('Math:NA', 'Numerical Analysis'), ('Math:OA', 'Operator Algebras'), ('Math:OC', 'Optimization and Control'), ('Math:PR', 'Probability'), ('Math:QA', 'Quantum Algebra'), ('Math:RT', 'Representation Theory'), ('Math:RA', 'Rings and Algebras'), ('Math:SP', 'Spectral Theory'), ('Math:ST', 'Statistics Theory'), ('Math:SG', 'Symplectic Geometry'))), ('Computer Science', (('Comp:AI', 'Artificial Intelligence'), ('Comp:CC', 'Computational Complexity'), ('Comp:CE', 'Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science'), ('Comp:CG', 'Computational Geometry'), ('Comp:GT', 'Computer Science and Game Theory'), ('Comp:CV', 'Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition'), ('Comp:CY', 'Computers and Society'), ('Comp:CR', 'Cryptography and Security'), ('Comp:DS', 'Data Structures and Algorithms'), ('Comp:DB', 'Databases'), ('Comp:DL', 'Digital Libraries'), ('Comp:DM', 'Discrete Mathematics'), ('Comp:DC', 'Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing'), ('Comp:ET', 'Emerging Technologies'), ('Comp:FL', 'Formal Languages and Automata Theory'), ('Comp:GL', 'General Literature'), ('Comp:GR', 'Graphics'), ('Comp:AR', 'Hardware Architecture'), ('Comp:HC', 'Human-Computer Interaction'), ('Comp:IR', 'Information Retrieval'), ('Comp:IT', 'Information Theory'), ('Comp:LG', 'Learning'), ('Comp:LO', 'Logic in Computer Science'), ('Comp:MS', 'Mathematical Software'), ('Comp:MA', 'Multiagent Systems'), ('Comp:MM', 'Multimedia'), ('Comp:NI', 'Networking and Internet Architecture'), ('Comp:NE', 'Neural and Evolutionary Computing'), ('Comp:NA', 'Numerical Analysis'), ('Comp:OS', 'Operating Systems'), ('Comp:OH', 'Other Computer Science'), ('Comp:PF', 'Performance'), ('Comp:PL', 'Programming Languages'), ('Comp:RO', 'Robotics'), ('Comp:SI', 'Social and Information Networks'), ('Comp:SE', 'Software Engineering'), ('Comp:SD', 'Sound'), ('Comp:SC', 'Symbolic Computation'), ('Comp:SY', 'Systems and Control')))], max_length=10), blank=True, null=True, size=None),
+        ),
+    ]
diff --git a/scipost/ b/scipost/
index 8a95d110d..83b71bb97 100644
--- a/scipost/
+++ b/scipost/
@@ -172,6 +172,33 @@ SCIPOST_SUBJECT_AREAS = (
         ('Astro:IM', 'Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics'),
         ('Astro:SR', 'Solar and Stellar Astrophysics'))
+    ('Biology', (
+        ('Bio:AB', 'Animal Behavior and Cognition'),
+        ('Bio:BC', 'Biochemistry'),
+        ('Bio:BE', 'Bioengineering'),
+        ('Bio:BI', 'Bioinformatics'),
+        ('Bio:BP', 'Biophysics'),
+        ('Bio:CB', 'Cancer Biology'),
+        ('Bio:CE', 'Cell Biology'),
+        ('Bio:DB', 'Developmental Biology'),
+        ('Bio:EC', 'Ecology'),
+        ('Bio:EB', 'Evolutionary Biology'),
+        ('Bio:GE', 'Genetics'),
+        ('Bio:GO', 'Genomics'),
+        ('Bio:IM', 'Immunology'),
+        ('Bio:MI', 'Microbiology'),
+        ('Bio:MO', 'Molecular Biology'),
+        ('Bio:NE', 'Neuroscience'),
+        ('Bio:PA', 'Paleontology'),
+        ('Bio:PO', 'Pathology'),
+        ('Bio:PT', 'Pharmacology and Toxicology'),
+        ('Bio:PH', 'Physiology'),
+        ('Bio:PB', 'Plant Biology'),
+        ('Bio:SC', 'Scientific Communication and Education'),
+        ('Bio:SB', 'Synthetic Biology'),
+        ('Bio:SY', 'Systems Biology'),
+        ('Bio:ZO', 'Zoology'))
+    ),
     ('Chemistry', (
         ('Chem:BI', 'Biochemistry'),
         ('Chem:IN', 'Inorganic Chemistry'),
diff --git a/scipost/migrations/ b/scipost/migrations/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6771cd0ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scipost/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Generated by Django 2.1.8 on 2019-10-17 07:49
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import scipost.fields
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+    dependencies = [
+        ('scipost', '0033_auto_20191005_1142'),
+    ]
+    operations = [
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='contributor',
+            name='expertises',
+            field=scipost.fields.ChoiceArrayField(base_field=models.CharField(choices=[('Physics', (('Phys:AE', 'Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:AT', 'Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:BI', 'Biophysics'), ('Phys:CE', 'Condensed Matter Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:CT', 'Condensed Matter Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:CC', 'Condensed Matter Physics - Computational'), ('Phys:FD', 'Fluid Dynamics'), ('Phys:GR', 'Gravitation, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics'), ('Phys:HE', 'High-Energy Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:HT', 'High-Energy Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:HP', 'High-Energy Physics - Phenomenology'), ('Phys:MP', 'Mathematical Physics'), ('Phys:NE', 'Nuclear Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:NT', 'Nuclear Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:QP', 'Quantum Physics'), ('Phys:SM', 'Statistical and Soft Matter Physics'))), ('Astronomy', (('Astro:GA', 'Astrophysics of Galaxies'), ('Astro:CO', 'Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics'), ('Astro:EP', 'Earth and Planetary Astrophysics'), ('Astro:HE', 'High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena'), ('Astro:IM', 'Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics'), ('Astro:SR', 'Solar and Stellar Astrophysics'))), ('Biology', (('Bio:AB', 'Animal Behavior and Cognition'), ('Bio:BC', 'Biochemistry'), ('Bio:BE', 'Bioengineering'), ('Bio:BI', 'Bioinformatics'), ('Bio:BP', 'Biophysics'), ('Bio:CB', 'Cancer Biology'), ('Bio:CE', 'Cell Biology'), ('Bio:DB', 'Developmental Biology'), ('Bio:EC', 'Ecology'), ('Bio:EB', 'Evolutionary Biology'), ('Bio:GE', 'Genetics'), ('Bio:GO', 'Genomics'), ('Bio:IM', 'Immunology'), ('Bio:MI', 'Microbiology'), ('Bio:MO', 'Molecular Biology'), ('Bio:NE', 'Neuroscience'), ('Bio:PA', 'Paleontology'), ('Bio:PO', 'Pathology'), ('Bio:PT', 'Pharmacology and Toxicology'), ('Bio:PH', 'Physiology'), ('Bio:PB', 'Plant Biology'), ('Bio:SC', 'Scientific Communication and Education'), ('Bio:SB', 'Synthetic Biology'), ('Bio:SY', 'Systems Biology'), ('Bio:ZO', 'Zoology'))), ('Chemistry', (('Chem:BI', 'Biochemistry'), ('Chem:IN', 'Inorganic Chemistry'), ('Chem:OR', 'Organic Chemistry'), ('Chem:PH', 'Physical Chemistry'), ('Chem:MA', 'Materials Chemistry'), ('Chem:TC', 'Theoretical and Computational Chemistry'), ('Chem:CE', 'Chemical Engineering'), ('Chem:AN', 'Analytical Chemistry'), ('Chem:NA', 'Nanoscience'), ('Chem:EN', 'Environmental Chemistry'), ('Chem:NU', 'Nuclear Chemistry'))), ('Mathematics', (('Math:AG', 'Algebraic Geometry'), ('Math:AT', 'Algebraic Topology'), ('Math:AP', 'Analysis of PDEs'), ('Math:CT', 'Category Theory'), ('Math:CA', 'Classical Analysis and ODEs'), ('Math:CO', 'Combinatorics'), ('Math:AC', 'Commutative Algebra'), ('Math:CV', 'Complex Variables'), ('Math:DG', 'Differential Geometry'), ('Math:DS', 'Dynamical Systems'), ('Math:FA', 'Functional Analysis'), ('Math:GM', 'General Mathematics'), ('Math:GN', 'General Topology'), ('Math:GT', 'Geometric Topology'), ('Math:GR', 'Group Theory'), ('Math:HO', 'History and Overview'), ('Math:IT', 'Information Theory'), ('Math:KT', 'K-Theory and Homology'), ('Math:LO', 'Logic'), ('Math:MP', 'Mathematical Physics'), ('Math:MG', 'Metric Geometry'), ('Math:NT', 'Number Theory'), ('Math:NA', 'Numerical Analysis'), ('Math:OA', 'Operator Algebras'), ('Math:OC', 'Optimization and Control'), ('Math:PR', 'Probability'), ('Math:QA', 'Quantum Algebra'), ('Math:RT', 'Representation Theory'), ('Math:RA', 'Rings and Algebras'), ('Math:SP', 'Spectral Theory'), ('Math:ST', 'Statistics Theory'), ('Math:SG', 'Symplectic Geometry'))), ('Computer Science', (('Comp:AI', 'Artificial Intelligence'), ('Comp:CC', 'Computational Complexity'), ('Comp:CE', 'Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science'), ('Comp:CG', 'Computational Geometry'), ('Comp:GT', 'Computer Science and Game Theory'), ('Comp:CV', 'Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition'), ('Comp:CY', 'Computers and Society'), ('Comp:CR', 'Cryptography and Security'), ('Comp:DS', 'Data Structures and Algorithms'), ('Comp:DB', 'Databases'), ('Comp:DL', 'Digital Libraries'), ('Comp:DM', 'Discrete Mathematics'), ('Comp:DC', 'Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing'), ('Comp:ET', 'Emerging Technologies'), ('Comp:FL', 'Formal Languages and Automata Theory'), ('Comp:GL', 'General Literature'), ('Comp:GR', 'Graphics'), ('Comp:AR', 'Hardware Architecture'), ('Comp:HC', 'Human-Computer Interaction'), ('Comp:IR', 'Information Retrieval'), ('Comp:IT', 'Information Theory'), ('Comp:LG', 'Learning'), ('Comp:LO', 'Logic in Computer Science'), ('Comp:MS', 'Mathematical Software'), ('Comp:MA', 'Multiagent Systems'), ('Comp:MM', 'Multimedia'), ('Comp:NI', 'Networking and Internet Architecture'), ('Comp:NE', 'Neural and Evolutionary Computing'), ('Comp:NA', 'Numerical Analysis'), ('Comp:OS', 'Operating Systems'), ('Comp:OH', 'Other Computer Science'), ('Comp:PF', 'Performance'), ('Comp:PL', 'Programming Languages'), ('Comp:RO', 'Robotics'), ('Comp:SI', 'Social and Information Networks'), ('Comp:SE', 'Software Engineering'), ('Comp:SD', 'Sound'), ('Comp:SC', 'Symbolic Computation'), ('Comp:SY', 'Systems and Control')))], max_length=10), blank=True, null=True, size=None),
+        ),
+    ]
diff --git a/submissions/migrations/ b/submissions/migrations/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9b029ba04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/submissions/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Generated by Django 2.1.8 on 2019-10-17 07:49
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import scipost.fields
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+    dependencies = [
+        ('submissions', '0073_auto_20191016_2030'),
+    ]
+    operations = [
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='submission',
+            name='secondary_areas',
+            field=scipost.fields.ChoiceArrayField(base_field=models.CharField(choices=[('Physics', (('Phys:AE', 'Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:AT', 'Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:BI', 'Biophysics'), ('Phys:CE', 'Condensed Matter Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:CT', 'Condensed Matter Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:CC', 'Condensed Matter Physics - Computational'), ('Phys:FD', 'Fluid Dynamics'), ('Phys:GR', 'Gravitation, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics'), ('Phys:HE', 'High-Energy Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:HT', 'High-Energy Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:HP', 'High-Energy Physics - Phenomenology'), ('Phys:MP', 'Mathematical Physics'), ('Phys:NE', 'Nuclear Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:NT', 'Nuclear Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:QP', 'Quantum Physics'), ('Phys:SM', 'Statistical and Soft Matter Physics'))), ('Astronomy', (('Astro:GA', 'Astrophysics of Galaxies'), ('Astro:CO', 'Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics'), ('Astro:EP', 'Earth and Planetary Astrophysics'), ('Astro:HE', 'High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena'), ('Astro:IM', 'Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics'), ('Astro:SR', 'Solar and Stellar Astrophysics'))), ('Biology', (('Bio:AB', 'Animal Behavior and Cognition'), ('Bio:BC', 'Biochemistry'), ('Bio:BE', 'Bioengineering'), ('Bio:BI', 'Bioinformatics'), ('Bio:BP', 'Biophysics'), ('Bio:CB', 'Cancer Biology'), ('Bio:CE', 'Cell Biology'), ('Bio:DB', 'Developmental Biology'), ('Bio:EC', 'Ecology'), ('Bio:EB', 'Evolutionary Biology'), ('Bio:GE', 'Genetics'), ('Bio:GO', 'Genomics'), ('Bio:IM', 'Immunology'), ('Bio:MI', 'Microbiology'), ('Bio:MO', 'Molecular Biology'), ('Bio:NE', 'Neuroscience'), ('Bio:PA', 'Paleontology'), ('Bio:PO', 'Pathology'), ('Bio:PT', 'Pharmacology and Toxicology'), ('Bio:PH', 'Physiology'), ('Bio:PB', 'Plant Biology'), ('Bio:SC', 'Scientific Communication and Education'), ('Bio:SB', 'Synthetic Biology'), ('Bio:SY', 'Systems Biology'), ('Bio:ZO', 'Zoology'))), ('Chemistry', (('Chem:BI', 'Biochemistry'), ('Chem:IN', 'Inorganic Chemistry'), ('Chem:OR', 'Organic Chemistry'), ('Chem:PH', 'Physical Chemistry'), ('Chem:MA', 'Materials Chemistry'), ('Chem:TC', 'Theoretical and Computational Chemistry'), ('Chem:CE', 'Chemical Engineering'), ('Chem:AN', 'Analytical Chemistry'), ('Chem:NA', 'Nanoscience'), ('Chem:EN', 'Environmental Chemistry'), ('Chem:NU', 'Nuclear Chemistry'))), ('Mathematics', (('Math:AG', 'Algebraic Geometry'), ('Math:AT', 'Algebraic Topology'), ('Math:AP', 'Analysis of PDEs'), ('Math:CT', 'Category Theory'), ('Math:CA', 'Classical Analysis and ODEs'), ('Math:CO', 'Combinatorics'), ('Math:AC', 'Commutative Algebra'), ('Math:CV', 'Complex Variables'), ('Math:DG', 'Differential Geometry'), ('Math:DS', 'Dynamical Systems'), ('Math:FA', 'Functional Analysis'), ('Math:GM', 'General Mathematics'), ('Math:GN', 'General Topology'), ('Math:GT', 'Geometric Topology'), ('Math:GR', 'Group Theory'), ('Math:HO', 'History and Overview'), ('Math:IT', 'Information Theory'), ('Math:KT', 'K-Theory and Homology'), ('Math:LO', 'Logic'), ('Math:MP', 'Mathematical Physics'), ('Math:MG', 'Metric Geometry'), ('Math:NT', 'Number Theory'), ('Math:NA', 'Numerical Analysis'), ('Math:OA', 'Operator Algebras'), ('Math:OC', 'Optimization and Control'), ('Math:PR', 'Probability'), ('Math:QA', 'Quantum Algebra'), ('Math:RT', 'Representation Theory'), ('Math:RA', 'Rings and Algebras'), ('Math:SP', 'Spectral Theory'), ('Math:ST', 'Statistics Theory'), ('Math:SG', 'Symplectic Geometry'))), ('Computer Science', (('Comp:AI', 'Artificial Intelligence'), ('Comp:CC', 'Computational Complexity'), ('Comp:CE', 'Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science'), ('Comp:CG', 'Computational Geometry'), ('Comp:GT', 'Computer Science and Game Theory'), ('Comp:CV', 'Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition'), ('Comp:CY', 'Computers and Society'), ('Comp:CR', 'Cryptography and Security'), ('Comp:DS', 'Data Structures and Algorithms'), ('Comp:DB', 'Databases'), ('Comp:DL', 'Digital Libraries'), ('Comp:DM', 'Discrete Mathematics'), ('Comp:DC', 'Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing'), ('Comp:ET', 'Emerging Technologies'), ('Comp:FL', 'Formal Languages and Automata Theory'), ('Comp:GL', 'General Literature'), ('Comp:GR', 'Graphics'), ('Comp:AR', 'Hardware Architecture'), ('Comp:HC', 'Human-Computer Interaction'), ('Comp:IR', 'Information Retrieval'), ('Comp:IT', 'Information Theory'), ('Comp:LG', 'Learning'), ('Comp:LO', 'Logic in Computer Science'), ('Comp:MS', 'Mathematical Software'), ('Comp:MA', 'Multiagent Systems'), ('Comp:MM', 'Multimedia'), ('Comp:NI', 'Networking and Internet Architecture'), ('Comp:NE', 'Neural and Evolutionary Computing'), ('Comp:NA', 'Numerical Analysis'), ('Comp:OS', 'Operating Systems'), ('Comp:OH', 'Other Computer Science'), ('Comp:PF', 'Performance'), ('Comp:PL', 'Programming Languages'), ('Comp:RO', 'Robotics'), ('Comp:SI', 'Social and Information Networks'), ('Comp:SE', 'Software Engineering'), ('Comp:SD', 'Sound'), ('Comp:SC', 'Symbolic Computation'), ('Comp:SY', 'Systems and Control')))], max_length=10), blank=True, null=True, size=None),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='submission',
+            name='subject_area',
+            field=models.CharField(choices=[('Physics', (('Phys:AE', 'Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:AT', 'Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:BI', 'Biophysics'), ('Phys:CE', 'Condensed Matter Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:CT', 'Condensed Matter Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:CC', 'Condensed Matter Physics - Computational'), ('Phys:FD', 'Fluid Dynamics'), ('Phys:GR', 'Gravitation, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics'), ('Phys:HE', 'High-Energy Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:HT', 'High-Energy Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:HP', 'High-Energy Physics - Phenomenology'), ('Phys:MP', 'Mathematical Physics'), ('Phys:NE', 'Nuclear Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:NT', 'Nuclear Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:QP', 'Quantum Physics'), ('Phys:SM', 'Statistical and Soft Matter Physics'))), ('Astronomy', (('Astro:GA', 'Astrophysics of Galaxies'), ('Astro:CO', 'Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics'), ('Astro:EP', 'Earth and Planetary Astrophysics'), ('Astro:HE', 'High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena'), ('Astro:IM', 'Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics'), ('Astro:SR', 'Solar and Stellar Astrophysics'))), ('Biology', (('Bio:AB', 'Animal Behavior and Cognition'), ('Bio:BC', 'Biochemistry'), ('Bio:BE', 'Bioengineering'), ('Bio:BI', 'Bioinformatics'), ('Bio:BP', 'Biophysics'), ('Bio:CB', 'Cancer Biology'), ('Bio:CE', 'Cell Biology'), ('Bio:DB', 'Developmental Biology'), ('Bio:EC', 'Ecology'), ('Bio:EB', 'Evolutionary Biology'), ('Bio:GE', 'Genetics'), ('Bio:GO', 'Genomics'), ('Bio:IM', 'Immunology'), ('Bio:MI', 'Microbiology'), ('Bio:MO', 'Molecular Biology'), ('Bio:NE', 'Neuroscience'), ('Bio:PA', 'Paleontology'), ('Bio:PO', 'Pathology'), ('Bio:PT', 'Pharmacology and Toxicology'), ('Bio:PH', 'Physiology'), ('Bio:PB', 'Plant Biology'), ('Bio:SC', 'Scientific Communication and Education'), ('Bio:SB', 'Synthetic Biology'), ('Bio:SY', 'Systems Biology'), ('Bio:ZO', 'Zoology'))), ('Chemistry', (('Chem:BI', 'Biochemistry'), ('Chem:IN', 'Inorganic Chemistry'), ('Chem:OR', 'Organic Chemistry'), ('Chem:PH', 'Physical Chemistry'), ('Chem:MA', 'Materials Chemistry'), ('Chem:TC', 'Theoretical and Computational Chemistry'), ('Chem:CE', 'Chemical Engineering'), ('Chem:AN', 'Analytical Chemistry'), ('Chem:NA', 'Nanoscience'), ('Chem:EN', 'Environmental Chemistry'), ('Chem:NU', 'Nuclear Chemistry'))), ('Mathematics', (('Math:AG', 'Algebraic Geometry'), ('Math:AT', 'Algebraic Topology'), ('Math:AP', 'Analysis of PDEs'), ('Math:CT', 'Category Theory'), ('Math:CA', 'Classical Analysis and ODEs'), ('Math:CO', 'Combinatorics'), ('Math:AC', 'Commutative Algebra'), ('Math:CV', 'Complex Variables'), ('Math:DG', 'Differential Geometry'), ('Math:DS', 'Dynamical Systems'), ('Math:FA', 'Functional Analysis'), ('Math:GM', 'General Mathematics'), ('Math:GN', 'General Topology'), ('Math:GT', 'Geometric Topology'), ('Math:GR', 'Group Theory'), ('Math:HO', 'History and Overview'), ('Math:IT', 'Information Theory'), ('Math:KT', 'K-Theory and Homology'), ('Math:LO', 'Logic'), ('Math:MP', 'Mathematical Physics'), ('Math:MG', 'Metric Geometry'), ('Math:NT', 'Number Theory'), ('Math:NA', 'Numerical Analysis'), ('Math:OA', 'Operator Algebras'), ('Math:OC', 'Optimization and Control'), ('Math:PR', 'Probability'), ('Math:QA', 'Quantum Algebra'), ('Math:RT', 'Representation Theory'), ('Math:RA', 'Rings and Algebras'), ('Math:SP', 'Spectral Theory'), ('Math:ST', 'Statistics Theory'), ('Math:SG', 'Symplectic Geometry'))), ('Computer Science', (('Comp:AI', 'Artificial Intelligence'), ('Comp:CC', 'Computational Complexity'), ('Comp:CE', 'Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science'), ('Comp:CG', 'Computational Geometry'), ('Comp:GT', 'Computer Science and Game Theory'), ('Comp:CV', 'Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition'), ('Comp:CY', 'Computers and Society'), ('Comp:CR', 'Cryptography and Security'), ('Comp:DS', 'Data Structures and Algorithms'), ('Comp:DB', 'Databases'), ('Comp:DL', 'Digital Libraries'), ('Comp:DM', 'Discrete Mathematics'), ('Comp:DC', 'Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing'), ('Comp:ET', 'Emerging Technologies'), ('Comp:FL', 'Formal Languages and Automata Theory'), ('Comp:GL', 'General Literature'), ('Comp:GR', 'Graphics'), ('Comp:AR', 'Hardware Architecture'), ('Comp:HC', 'Human-Computer Interaction'), ('Comp:IR', 'Information Retrieval'), ('Comp:IT', 'Information Theory'), ('Comp:LG', 'Learning'), ('Comp:LO', 'Logic in Computer Science'), ('Comp:MS', 'Mathematical Software'), ('Comp:MA', 'Multiagent Systems'), ('Comp:MM', 'Multimedia'), ('Comp:NI', 'Networking and Internet Architecture'), ('Comp:NE', 'Neural and Evolutionary Computing'), ('Comp:NA', 'Numerical Analysis'), ('Comp:OS', 'Operating Systems'), ('Comp:OH', 'Other Computer Science'), ('Comp:PF', 'Performance'), ('Comp:PL', 'Programming Languages'), ('Comp:RO', 'Robotics'), ('Comp:SI', 'Social and Information Networks'), ('Comp:SE', 'Software Engineering'), ('Comp:SD', 'Sound'), ('Comp:SC', 'Symbolic Computation'), ('Comp:SY', 'Systems and Control')))], default='Phys:QP', max_length=10, verbose_name='Primary subject area'),
+        ),
+    ]
diff --git a/theses/migrations/ b/theses/migrations/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..473c65b60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theses/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Generated by Django 2.1.8 on 2019-10-17 07:49
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+    dependencies = [
+        ('theses', '0010_auto_20191005_1142'),
+    ]
+    operations = [
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='thesislink',
+            name='subject_area',
+            field=models.CharField(choices=[('Physics', (('Phys:AE', 'Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:AT', 'Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:BI', 'Biophysics'), ('Phys:CE', 'Condensed Matter Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:CT', 'Condensed Matter Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:CC', 'Condensed Matter Physics - Computational'), ('Phys:FD', 'Fluid Dynamics'), ('Phys:GR', 'Gravitation, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics'), ('Phys:HE', 'High-Energy Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:HT', 'High-Energy Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:HP', 'High-Energy Physics - Phenomenology'), ('Phys:MP', 'Mathematical Physics'), ('Phys:NE', 'Nuclear Physics - Experiment'), ('Phys:NT', 'Nuclear Physics - Theory'), ('Phys:QP', 'Quantum Physics'), ('Phys:SM', 'Statistical and Soft Matter Physics'))), ('Astronomy', (('Astro:GA', 'Astrophysics of Galaxies'), ('Astro:CO', 'Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics'), ('Astro:EP', 'Earth and Planetary Astrophysics'), ('Astro:HE', 'High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena'), ('Astro:IM', 'Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics'), ('Astro:SR', 'Solar and Stellar Astrophysics'))), ('Biology', (('Bio:AB', 'Animal Behavior and Cognition'), ('Bio:BC', 'Biochemistry'), ('Bio:BE', 'Bioengineering'), ('Bio:BI', 'Bioinformatics'), ('Bio:BP', 'Biophysics'), ('Bio:CB', 'Cancer Biology'), ('Bio:CE', 'Cell Biology'), ('Bio:DB', 'Developmental Biology'), ('Bio:EC', 'Ecology'), ('Bio:EB', 'Evolutionary Biology'), ('Bio:GE', 'Genetics'), ('Bio:GO', 'Genomics'), ('Bio:IM', 'Immunology'), ('Bio:MI', 'Microbiology'), ('Bio:MO', 'Molecular Biology'), ('Bio:NE', 'Neuroscience'), ('Bio:PA', 'Paleontology'), ('Bio:PO', 'Pathology'), ('Bio:PT', 'Pharmacology and Toxicology'), ('Bio:PH', 'Physiology'), ('Bio:PB', 'Plant Biology'), ('Bio:SC', 'Scientific Communication and Education'), ('Bio:SB', 'Synthetic Biology'), ('Bio:SY', 'Systems Biology'), ('Bio:ZO', 'Zoology'))), ('Chemistry', (('Chem:BI', 'Biochemistry'), ('Chem:IN', 'Inorganic Chemistry'), ('Chem:OR', 'Organic Chemistry'), ('Chem:PH', 'Physical Chemistry'), ('Chem:MA', 'Materials Chemistry'), ('Chem:TC', 'Theoretical and Computational Chemistry'), ('Chem:CE', 'Chemical Engineering'), ('Chem:AN', 'Analytical Chemistry'), ('Chem:NA', 'Nanoscience'), ('Chem:EN', 'Environmental Chemistry'), ('Chem:NU', 'Nuclear Chemistry'))), ('Mathematics', (('Math:AG', 'Algebraic Geometry'), ('Math:AT', 'Algebraic Topology'), ('Math:AP', 'Analysis of PDEs'), ('Math:CT', 'Category Theory'), ('Math:CA', 'Classical Analysis and ODEs'), ('Math:CO', 'Combinatorics'), ('Math:AC', 'Commutative Algebra'), ('Math:CV', 'Complex Variables'), ('Math:DG', 'Differential Geometry'), ('Math:DS', 'Dynamical Systems'), ('Math:FA', 'Functional Analysis'), ('Math:GM', 'General Mathematics'), ('Math:GN', 'General Topology'), ('Math:GT', 'Geometric Topology'), ('Math:GR', 'Group Theory'), ('Math:HO', 'History and Overview'), ('Math:IT', 'Information Theory'), ('Math:KT', 'K-Theory and Homology'), ('Math:LO', 'Logic'), ('Math:MP', 'Mathematical Physics'), ('Math:MG', 'Metric Geometry'), ('Math:NT', 'Number Theory'), ('Math:NA', 'Numerical Analysis'), ('Math:OA', 'Operator Algebras'), ('Math:OC', 'Optimization and Control'), ('Math:PR', 'Probability'), ('Math:QA', 'Quantum Algebra'), ('Math:RT', 'Representation Theory'), ('Math:RA', 'Rings and Algebras'), ('Math:SP', 'Spectral Theory'), ('Math:ST', 'Statistics Theory'), ('Math:SG', 'Symplectic Geometry'))), ('Computer Science', (('Comp:AI', 'Artificial Intelligence'), ('Comp:CC', 'Computational Complexity'), ('Comp:CE', 'Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science'), ('Comp:CG', 'Computational Geometry'), ('Comp:GT', 'Computer Science and Game Theory'), ('Comp:CV', 'Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition'), ('Comp:CY', 'Computers and Society'), ('Comp:CR', 'Cryptography and Security'), ('Comp:DS', 'Data Structures and Algorithms'), ('Comp:DB', 'Databases'), ('Comp:DL', 'Digital Libraries'), ('Comp:DM', 'Discrete Mathematics'), ('Comp:DC', 'Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing'), ('Comp:ET', 'Emerging Technologies'), ('Comp:FL', 'Formal Languages and Automata Theory'), ('Comp:GL', 'General Literature'), ('Comp:GR', 'Graphics'), ('Comp:AR', 'Hardware Architecture'), ('Comp:HC', 'Human-Computer Interaction'), ('Comp:IR', 'Information Retrieval'), ('Comp:IT', 'Information Theory'), ('Comp:LG', 'Learning'), ('Comp:LO', 'Logic in Computer Science'), ('Comp:MS', 'Mathematical Software'), ('Comp:MA', 'Multiagent Systems'), ('Comp:MM', 'Multimedia'), ('Comp:NI', 'Networking and Internet Architecture'), ('Comp:NE', 'Neural and Evolutionary Computing'), ('Comp:NA', 'Numerical Analysis'), ('Comp:OS', 'Operating Systems'), ('Comp:OH', 'Other Computer Science'), ('Comp:PF', 'Performance'), ('Comp:PL', 'Programming Languages'), ('Comp:RO', 'Robotics'), ('Comp:SI', 'Social and Information Networks'), ('Comp:SE', 'Software Engineering'), ('Comp:SD', 'Sound'), ('Comp:SC', 'Symbolic Computation'), ('Comp:SY', 'Systems and Control')))], default='Phys:QP', max_length=10),
+        ),
+    ]