diff --git a/comments/models.py b/comments/models.py
index 74a89b0071fa138a75668f0906a9bdeb9a24b800..d8ff43dfb400576a45462a9d9a68ceb85e1b2c28 100644
--- a/comments/models.py
+++ b/comments/models.py
@@ -63,27 +63,24 @@ class Comment(models.Model):
     remarks_for_editors = models.TextField(default='', blank=True, verbose_name='optional remarks for the Editors only')
     date_submitted = models.DateTimeField('date submitted')
     # Opinions 
-    nr_FA = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
-    nr_MA = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
-    nr_DIS = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
-    nr_OBJ = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
+    nr_A = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
+    nr_N = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
+    nr_D = models.PositiveIntegerField(default=0)
     def __str__ (self):
         return self.comment_text
     def recalculate_nr_opinions(self):
-        self.nr_FA = Opinion.objects.filter(comment=self, opinion='FA').count()
-        self.nr_MA = Opinion.objects.filter(comment=self, opinion='MA').count()
-        self.nr_DIS = Opinion.objects.filter(comment=self, opinion='DIS').count()
-        self.nr_OBJ = Opinion.objects.filter(comment=self, opinion='OBJ').count()
+        self.nr_A = Opinion.objects.filter(comment=self, opinion='A').count()
+        self.nr_N = Opinion.objects.filter(comment=self, opinion='N').count()
+        self.nr_D = Opinion.objects.filter(comment=self, opinion='D').count()
     def opinions_as_ul(self):
         output = '<div class="opinionsDisplay"><ul>'
-        output += '<li>Fully agree: ' + str(self.nr_FA) + '</li>'
-        output += '<li>Mostly agree: ' + str(self.nr_MA) + '</li>'
-        output += '<li>Disagree: ' + str(self.nr_DIS) + '</li>'
-        output += '<li>Object: ' + str(self.nr_OBJ) + '</li>'
+        output += '<li>Agree: ' + str(self.nr_A) + '</li>'
+        output += '<li>Neutral: ' + str(self.nr_N) + '</li>'
+        output += '<li>Disagree: ' + str(self.nr_D) + '</li>'
         output += '</ul></div>'
         return output
diff --git a/scipost/models.py b/scipost/models.py
index 9b0a0dbe1daed821c384bffd55ec902b4f0d0bf9..1208e41e6e0be7205813af0ca4da36889e7e0542 100644
--- a/scipost/models.py
+++ b/scipost/models.py
@@ -112,15 +112,13 @@ class Assessment(models.Model):
     significance = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(choices=ASSESSMENT_CHOICES, default=101)
 ### Opinions
     ('ABS', '-'),
-    ('FA', 'I fully agree'),
-    ('MA', 'I mostly agree'),
-    ('DIS', 'I disagree'),
-    ('OBJ', 'I object to this'),
+    ('A', 'agree'),
+    ('N', 'neutral'),
+    ('D', 'disagree'),
 opinion_choices_dict = dict(OPINION_CHOICES)
diff --git a/scipost/views.py b/scipost/views.py
index 50c2b77cc7209d9c3d1b913ce425aa5f698c9cc7..650304762ab08c3971c4109868506271b2355de6 100644
--- a/scipost/views.py
+++ b/scipost/views.py
@@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ def index(request):
     submission_search_form = SubmissionSearchForm(request.POST)
     commentary_search_form = CommentarySearchForm(request.POST)
     thesislink_search_form = ThesisLinkSearchForm(request.POST)
-    context = {'submission_search_form': submission_search_form, 'commentary_search_form': commentary_search_form, 'thesislink_search_form': thesislink_search_form}
+    context = {'submission_search_form': submission_search_form, 
+               'commentary_search_form': commentary_search_form, 
+               'thesislink_search_form': thesislink_search_form}
     return render(request, 'scipost/index.html', context)
@@ -67,11 +69,14 @@ def register(request):
         Utils.load({'form': form})
         if form.is_valid():
             if Utils.password_mismatch():
-                return render(request, 'scipost/register.html', {'form': form, 'errormessage': 'Your passwords must match'})
+                return render(request, 'scipost/register.html', 
+                              {'form': form, 'errormessage': 'Your passwords must match'})
             if Utils.username_already_taken():
-                return render(request, 'scipost/register.html', {'form': form, 'errormessage': 'This username is already in use'})
+                return render(request, 'scipost/register.html', 
+                              {'form': form, 'errormessage': 'This username is already in use'})
             if Utils.email_already_taken():
-                return render(request, 'scipost/register.html', {'form': form, 'errormessage': 'This email address is already in use'})
+                return render(request, 'scipost/register.html', 
+                              {'form': form, 'errormessage': 'This email address is already in use'})
             return HttpResponseRedirect('thanks_for_registering')
@@ -117,8 +122,13 @@ def request_new_activation_link(request, oldkey):
     contributor.activation_key = hashlib.sha1(salt+usernamesalt).hexdigest()
     contributor.key_expires = datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=2), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-    email_text = 'Dear ' + title_dict[contributor.title] + ' ' + contributor.user.last_name + ', \n\nYour request for a new email activation link for registration to the SciPost publication portal has been received. You now need to visit this link within the next 48 hours: \n\n' + 'https://scipost.org/activation/' + contributor.activation_key + '\n\nYour registration will thereafter be vetted. Many thanks for your interest.  \n\nThe SciPost Team.'
-    emailmessage = EmailMessage('SciPost registration: new email activation link', email_text, 'registration@scipost.org', [contributor.user.email, 'registration@scipost.org'], reply_to=['registration@scipost.org'])
+    email_text = ('Dear ' + title_dict[contributor.title] + ' ' + contributor.user.last_name + 
+                  ', \n\nYour request for a new email activation link for registration to the SciPost ' +
+                  'publication portal has been received. You now need to visit this link within the next 48 hours: \n\n' + 
+                  'https://scipost.org/activation/' + contributor.activation_key + 
+                  '\n\nYour registration will thereafter be vetted. Many thanks for your interest.  \n\nThe SciPost Team.')
+    emailmessage = EmailMessage('SciPost registration: new email activation link', email_text, 'registration@scipost.org', 
+                                [contributor.user.email, 'registration@scipost.org'], reply_to=['registration@scipost.org'])
     return render (request, 'scipost/request_new_activation_link_ack.html')
@@ -143,15 +153,23 @@ def vet_registration_request_ack(request, contributor_id):
             if form.cleaned_data['promote_to_rank_1']:
                 contributor.rank = 1
-                email_text = 'Dear ' + title_dict[contributor.title] + ' ' + contributor.user.last_name + ', \n\nYour registration to the SciPost publication portal has been accepted. You can now login and contribute. \n\nThe SciPost Team.'
-                emailmessage = EmailMessage('SciPost registration accepted', email_text, 'registration@scipost.org', [contributor.user.email, 'registration@scipost.org'], reply_to=['registration@scipost.org'])
+                email_text = ('Dear ' + title_dict[contributor.title] + ' ' + contributor.user.last_name + 
+                              ', \n\nYour registration to the SciPost publication portal has been accepted. ' +
+                              'You can now login and contribute. \n\nThe SciPost Team.')
+                emailmessage = EmailMessage('SciPost registration accepted', email_text, 'registration@scipost.org', 
+                                            [contributor.user.email, 'registration@scipost.org'], 
+                                            reply_to=['registration@scipost.org'])
                 ref_reason = int(form.cleaned_data['refusal_reason'])
-                email_text = 'Dear ' + title_dict[contributor.title] + ' ' + contributor.user.last_name + ', \n\nYour registration to the SciPost publication portal has been turned down, the reason being: ' + reg_ref_dict[ref_reason] + '. You can however still view all SciPost contents, just not submit papers, comments or votes. We nonetheless thank you for your interest. \n\nThe SciPost Team.'
+                email_text = ('Dear ' + title_dict[contributor.title] + ' ' + contributor.user.last_name + 
+                              ', \n\nYour registration to the SciPost publication portal has been turned down, the reason being: ' + 
+                              reg_ref_dict[ref_reason] + '. You can however still view all SciPost contents, just not submit papers, ' +
+                              'comments or votes. We nonetheless thank you for your interest. \n\nThe SciPost Team.')
                 if form.cleaned_data['email_response_field']:
                     email_text += '\n\nFurther explanations: ' + form.cleaned_data['email_response_field']
-                emailmessage = EmailMessage('SciPost registration: unsuccessful', email_text, 'registration@scipost.org', [contributor.user.email, 'registration@scipost.org'], reply_to=['registration@scipost.org'])
+                emailmessage = EmailMessage('SciPost registration: unsuccessful', email_text, 'registration@scipost.org', 
+                                            [contributor.user.email, 'registration@scipost.org'], reply_to=['registration@scipost.org'])
                 contributor.rank = form.cleaned_data['refusal_reason']
@@ -198,7 +216,9 @@ def personal_page(request):
             intwodays = now + timezone.timedelta(days=2)
             # count the number of pending registration request
             nr_reg_to_vet = Contributor.objects.filter(user__is_active=True, rank=0).count()
-            nr_reg_awaiting_validation = Contributor.objects.filter(user__is_active=False, key_expires__gte=now, key_expires__lte=intwodays, rank=0).count()
+            nr_reg_awaiting_validation = Contributor.objects.filter(
+                user__is_active=False, key_expires__gte=now, key_expires__lte=intwodays, rank=0
+                ).count()
             nr_submissions_to_process = Submission.objects.filter(vetted=False).count()
         nr_commentary_page_requests_to_vet = 0
         nr_comments_to_vet = 0
@@ -213,7 +233,15 @@ def personal_page(request):
             nr_thesislink_requests_to_vet = ThesisLink.objects.filter(vetted=False).count()
         own_comments = Comment.objects.filter(author=contributor).order_by('-date_submitted')
         own_authorreplies = AuthorReply.objects.filter(author=contributor).order_by('-date_submitted')
-        context = {'contributor': contributor, 'nr_reg_to_vet': nr_reg_to_vet, 'nr_reg_awaiting_validation': nr_reg_awaiting_validation, 'nr_commentary_page_requests_to_vet': nr_commentary_page_requests_to_vet, 'nr_comments_to_vet': nr_comments_to_vet, 'nr_author_replies_to_vet': nr_author_replies_to_vet, 'nr_reports_to_vet': nr_reports_to_vet, 'nr_submissions_to_process': nr_submissions_to_process, 'nr_thesislink_requests_to_vet': nr_thesislink_requests_to_vet, 'own_comments': own_comments, 'own_authorreplies': own_authorreplies}
+        context = {'contributor': contributor, 'nr_reg_to_vet': nr_reg_to_vet, 
+                   'nr_reg_awaiting_validation': nr_reg_awaiting_validation, 
+                   'nr_commentary_page_requests_to_vet': nr_commentary_page_requests_to_vet, 
+                   'nr_comments_to_vet': nr_comments_to_vet, 
+                   'nr_author_replies_to_vet': nr_author_replies_to_vet, 
+                   'nr_reports_to_vet': nr_reports_to_vet, 
+                   'nr_submissions_to_process': nr_submissions_to_process, 
+                   'nr_thesislink_requests_to_vet': nr_thesislink_requests_to_vet, 
+                   'own_comments': own_comments, 'own_authorreplies': own_authorreplies}
         return render(request, 'scipost/personal_page.html', context)
         form = AuthenticationForm()
@@ -226,9 +254,11 @@ def change_password(request):
         form = PasswordChangeForm(request.POST)
         if form.is_valid():
             if not request.user.check_password(form.cleaned_data['password_prev']):
-                return render(request, 'scipost/change_password.html', {'form': form, 'errormessage': 'The currently existing password you entered is incorrect'})
+                return render(request, 'scipost/change_password.html', 
+                              {'form': form, 'errormessage': 'The currently existing password you entered is incorrect'})
             if form.cleaned_data['password_new'] != form.cleaned_data['password_verif']:
-                return render(request, 'scipost/change_password.html', {'form': form, 'errormessage': 'Your new password entries must match'})
+                return render(request, 'scipost/change_password.html', 
+                              {'form': form, 'errormessage': 'Your new password entries must match'})
             ack = True