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+[{"model": "journals.journal", "pk": 1, "fields": {"discipline": "physics", "name": "SciPost Physics", "name_abbrev": "SciPost Phys.", "doi_label": "SciPostPhys", "issn": "2542-4653", "active": true, "structure": "IV", "refereeing_period": "28 00:00:00", "style": "h2.banner.SciPostPhys {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nh2.banner.SciPostPhys a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\ndiv.card-header.SciPostPhys {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\ndiv.card-header.SciPostPhys a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nli.SciPostPhys {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nli.SciPostPhys a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}", "blurb": "SciPost Physics is our flagship title in Physics.\r\n\r\nDo you have a groundbreaking result? Are you willing to polish up your manuscript to the very highest achievable standards? Then this is the venue you should consider.\r\n\r\nSciPost Physics imposes the tightest demands on submission content and quality, and implements our most stringent form of peer-witnessed refereeing.\r\n\r\nAn Editorially-selected minority of submissions demonstrating top-level scholarship have their extended abstracts published separately in SciPost Selections.\r\n\r\nSciPost Physics has been awarded the DOAJ Seal from the `Directory of Open Access Journals <https://doaj.org>`_.", "list_order": 1, "description": "SciPost Physics is our flagship title in the field of Physics.\r\n\r\nPublications in SciPost Physics provide details on groundbreaking results  obtained in any (sub)specialization of the field.\r\n\r\nSubmissions to SciPost Physics have to meet our highest editorial standards, and are subjected to our most stringent form of open peer-witnessed refereeing.\r\n\r\nImplementing `Genuine Open Access <https://scipost.org/about#GOA>`_, SciPost Physics is a publishing venue in which uncompromising scientific quality meets the highest achievable standards of open accessibility.", "scope": "SciPost Physics publishes breakthrough research articles in the whole field of Physics, covering Experimental, Theoretical and Computational approaches.", "content": "SciPost Physics is home to exemplary and visionary scholarship; as far as content is concerned, scientific quality is what matters.\r\n\r\nThe format is flexible and should reflect the nature of the content. Articles can be short letter-style communications of breakthroughs or in-depth reports of groundbreaking research. There is no minimum or maximum length: the article should however constitute a complete, self-contained unit. \r\n\r\nThe target audience is similarly flexible: it can be researchers in many different subject areas, or specialists in one. Broad interest is appreciated but not required.", "acceptance_criteria": "To be considered for publication in SciPost Physics, a submission has to meet at *least one* of the expectations and *all* of the general acceptance criteria listed below (in addition to our standard `author obligations <https://scipost.org/journals/journals_terms_and_conditions#author_obligations>`_).\r\n\r\n**Expectations (at least one required) - the paper must:**\r\n\r\n#. Detail a groundbreaking theoretical/experimental/computational discovery;\r\n#. Present a breakthrough on a previously-identified and long-standing research stumbling block;\r\n#. Open a new pathway in an existing or a new research direction, with clear potential for multipronged follow-up work;\r\n#. Provide a novel and synergetic link between different research areas.\r\n\r\n\r\n**General acceptance criteria (all required) - the paper must:**\r\n\r\n#. Be written in a clear and intelligible way, free of unnecessary jargon, ambiguities and misrepresentations;\r\n#. Contain a detailed abstract and introduction explaining the context of the problem and objectively summarizing the achievements;\r\n#. Provide sufficient details (inside the bulk sections or in appendices) so that arguments and derivations can be reproduced by qualified experts;\r\n#. Provide citations to relevant literature in a way that is as representative and complete as possible;\r\n#. Provide (directly in appendices, or via links to external repositories) all reproducibility-enabling resources: explicit details of experimental protocols, datasets and processing methods, processed data and code snippets used to produce figures, etc.;\r\n#. Contain a clear conclusion summarizing the results (with objective statements on their reach and limitations) and offering perspectives for future work.", "minimal_nr_of_reports": 2, "has_DOAJ_Seal": true, "template_latex_tgz": ""}}, {"model": "journals.journal", "pk": 2, "fields": {"discipline": "physics", "name": "SciPost Physics Proceedings", "name_abbrev": "SciPost Phys. Proc.", "doi_label": "SciPostPhysProc", "issn": "2666-4003", "active": true, "structure": "IO", "refereeing_period": "28 00:00:00", "style": "h2.banner.SciPostPhysProc {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nh2.banner.SciPostPhysProc a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\ndiv.card-header.SciPostPhysProc {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\ndiv.card-header.SciPostPhysProc a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nli.SciPostPhysProc {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nli.SciPostPhysProc a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}", "blurb": "SciPost Physics Proceedings is a premium-quality, two-way open access, community-run peer-witnessed refereed publishing venue for conference/workshop/school proceedings in Experimental, Theoretical and Computational physics, in all specializations.\r\n\r\nInterested in setting up a Proceedings Issue? Contact our `proceedings administrators <mailto:proceedings@scipost.org>`_.", "list_order": 4, "description": "SciPost Physics Proceedings is a premium-quality, two-way open access, peer-witnessed refereed Journal for the general field of Physics.\r\n\r\nIt aims at providing a high-quality, openly accessible publishing venue for conference, workshop or school proceedings.\r\n\r\nSciPost Physics Proceedings publishes articles in the whole field of Physics, covering Experimental, Theoretical and Computational approaches.", "scope": "SciPost Physics Proceedings publishes articles in the whole field of Physics, covering Experimental, Theoretical and Computational approaches.", "content": "Each Issue of SciPost Physics Proceedings corresponds to a distinct event (conference, workshop, school).\r\n\r\nA set of guest Editors is appointed by the event's organizing committee. These guest Editors participate in the refereeing process of all submissions considered for publication in the Issue. Publication decisions are taken jointly by the set of guest Editors and the Editorial College (Physics).\r\n\r\nOpening of a Proceedings Issue can be requested by contacting our `Editorial Administration <mailto:admin@scipost.org>`_.", "acceptance_criteria": "To be accepted for publication in SciPost Physics Proceedings, a submission must:\r\n\r\n* Detail work presented at the event covered by the Proceedings Issue\r\n* Meet the specific criteria fixed by the guest Editors", "minimal_nr_of_reports": 0, "has_DOAJ_Seal": false, "template_latex_tgz": ""}}, {"model": "journals.journal", "pk": 4, "fields": {"discipline": "physics", "name": "SciPost Physics Lecture Notes", "name_abbrev": "SciPost Phys. Lect. Notes", "doi_label": "SciPostPhysLectNotes", "issn": "2590-1990", "active": true, "structure": "IP", "refereeing_period": "28 00:00:00", "style": "h2.banner.SciPostPhysLectNotes {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nh2.banner.SciPostPhysLectNotes a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\ndiv.card-header.SciPostPhysLectNotes {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\ndiv.card-header.SciPostPhysLectNotes a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nli.SciPostPhysLectNotes {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nli.SciPostPhysLectNotes a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}", "blurb": "SciPost Physics Lecture Notes publishes didactic material in all domains and subject areas of Physics.\r\n\r\nSciPost Physics Lecture Notes is the ideal venue for research-level didactic material, (post-)graduate course notes, or for lecture notes from international-level schools.\r\n\r\nAll submissions undergo an extended peer-witnessed refereeing process, and publications benefit from all the advantages of our Genuine Open Access standards.", "list_order": 3, "description": "SciPost Physics Lecture Notes is a premium-quality, two-way open access, peer-witnessed refereed Journal for didactic material in the general field of Physics.", "scope": "SciPost Physics Lecture Notes publishes outstanding-quality didactic material in the whole field of Physics, covering Experimental, Theoretical and Computational approaches.", "content": "The journal accepts Lecture Notes of different levels:\r\n\r\n* **Research**-level content is meant for advanced material of interest and importance to current research\r\n* **Graduate**-level content is targeted at MSc and PhD caliber readers.\r\n* **Undergraduate**-level content is meant for more introductory material", "acceptance_criteria": "To be accepted for publication in SciPost Physics Lecture Notes, a submission should:\r\n\r\n* Cover a subject of ongoing interest to the research community\r\n* Provide a correct, systematic and intelligible presentation of the material.", "minimal_nr_of_reports": 1, "has_DOAJ_Seal": false, "template_latex_tgz": ""}}, {"model": "journals.journal", "pk": 5, "fields": {"discipline": "physics", "name": "SciPost Physics Core", "name_abbrev": "SciPost Phys. Core", "doi_label": "SciPostPhysCore", "issn": "", "active": true, "structure": "IV", "refereeing_period": "28 00:00:00", "style": "h2.banner.SciPostPhysCore {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nh2.banner.SciPostPhysCore a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\ndiv.card-header.SciPostPhysCore {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\ndiv.card-header.SciPostPhysCore a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nli.SciPostPhysCore {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nli.SciPostPhysCore a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}", "blurb": "SciPost Physics Core is a premium-quality refereed Journal for the general field of Physics.\r\n\r\nAll submissions undergo our peer-witnessed refereeing protocol, led by community professionals under the guidance of our Editorial College (Physics).\r\n\r\nPublications in SciPost Physics Core meet all Open Access requirements set by your institution and funding agency (even the most exacting), while remaining entirely free of author-facing charges.\r\n\r\nSciPost Physics Core is the Genuine Open Access, by-and-for professional scientists publishing venue for all your significant research advances.", "list_order": 2, "description": "SciPost Physics Core is a premium-quality, two-way open access, peer-witnessed refereed Journal for the general field of Physics.\r\n\r\nImplementing `Genuine Open Access <https://scipost.org/about#GOA>`_, SciPost Physics Core is a publishing venue in which recognized scientific quality meets the highest achievable standards of open accessibility.", "scope": "SciPost Physics Core publishes research articles in the whole field of Physics, covering Experimental, Theoretical and Computational approaches.", "content": "The content format for SciPost Physics Core is flexible: articles can be short letter-style communications or in-depth reports of recent research. There is no minimum or maximum length: the article should however constitute a complete, self-contained unit. The target audience can be researchers in many different subject areas, or specialists in one.", "acceptance_criteria": "To be accepted for publication in SciPost Physics Core, a submission must meet *all* of the following expectations and general acceptance criteria:\r\n\r\n**Expectations (all required) - the paper must:**\r\n\r\n#. Address an important (set of) problem(s) in the field using state-of-the-art methods with an above-the-norm degree of originality;\r\n#. Detail one or more new research results significantly advancing current knowledge and understanding of the field.\r\n\r\n**General acceptance criteria (all required) - the paper must:**\r\n\r\n#. Be written in a clear and intelligible way, free of unnecessary jargon, ambiguities and misrepresentations;\r\n#. Contain a detailed abstract and introduction explaining the context of the problem and objectively summarizing the achievements;\r\n#. Provide sufficient details (inside the bulk sections or in appendices) so that arguments and derivations can be reproduced by qualified experts;\r\n#. Provide citations to relevant literature in a way that is as representative and complete as possible;\r\n#. Provide (directly in appendices, or via links to external repositories) all reproducibility-enabling resources: explicit details of experimental protocols, datasets and processing methods, processed data and code snippets used to produce figures, etc.;\r\n#. Contain a clear conclusion summarizing the results (with objective statements on their reach and limitations) and offering perspectives for future work.", "minimal_nr_of_reports": 1, "has_DOAJ_Seal": false, "template_latex_tgz": ""}}, {"model": "journals.journal", "pk": 6, "fields": {"discipline": "physics", "name": "SciPost Physics Codebases", "name_abbrev": "SciPost Phys. Codeb.", "doi_label": "SciPostPhysCodeb", "issn": "", "active": false, "structure": "IV", "refereeing_period": "28 00:00:00", "style": "h2.banner.SciPostPhysCodeb {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nh2.banner.SciPostPhysCodeb a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\ndiv.card-header.SciPostPhysCodeb {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\ndiv.card-header.SciPostPhysCodeb a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nli.SciPostPhysCodeb {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nli.SciPostPhysCodeb a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}", "blurb": "SciPost Physics Codebases is an innovative peer-reviewed publication venue for modern forms of scientific contributions which too often remain unrecognized: codes and algorithms at the heart of contemporary research.\r\n\r\nThis Journal offers proper recognition for code authors, in the form of fully-fledged citable publications.\r\n\r\nSubmissions undergo stringent peer-witnessed refereeing, with criteria tailored for this type of content.", "list_order": 5, "description": "SciPost Physics Codebases is a new-generation publication venue for computer codes and algorithms of relevance to research in Physics.\r\n\r\nIt aims to offer a high-profile venue in which top-level numerical algorithms, protocols and software packages can be disseminated as fully-featured publication objects, with all the benefits associated to top-quality papers.\r\n\r\nContributors to research-level software development can thus obtain proper recognition and find their rightful place within the modern scientific literature.\r\n\r\nAs per other SciPost Journals, SciPost Physics Codebases is two-way open access, peer-witnessed refereed. Publications in SciPost Physics Codebases benefit from the same professional treatment given to our other Journals, including metadata handling, citable DOI, citations listing, funding information handling, permanent archiving and many others.", "scope": "SciPost Physics Codebases publishes outstanding-quality Codebases relevant to all specializations in Computational, Experimental and Theoretical Physics.\r\n\r\nExamples of publishable Codebases include:\r\n\r\n* Novel algorithms\r\n* Significant and original reimplementations of well-known algorithms\r\n* Ports of existing codebases to new languages and platforms.", "content": "A Codebase by definition consists of the following elements:\r\n\r\n* A detailed userguide consisting of:\r\n\r\n  * An introduction with background information on the field of applicability of the software\r\n  * A description of the generic workings of the algorithm, its novelty and added value\r\n  * Installation instructions including listing of dependencies and requirements\r\n  * A guide to using the software\r\n  * Worked-out examples and tests for benchmarking\r\n\r\n* The source code\r\n\r\nThe source code itself is expected to be self-contained and to include installation instructions and benchmarking tests.\r\n\r\nLicensing\r\n================\r\nThe submitted software must be released under a license which is compliant with the `Open Source Definition <https://opensource.org/osd>`_ of the `Open Source Initiative <https://opensource.org>`_. There are many `acceptable licenses <https://opensource.org/licenses>`_, among which:\r\n\r\n* Apache License 2.0 (Apache-2.0)\r\n* BSD 3-Clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" license (BSD-3-Clause)\r\n* BSD 2-Clause \"Simplified\" or \"FreeBSD\" license (BSD-2-Clause)\r\n* GNU General Public License (GPL)\r\n* GNU Library or \"Lesser\" General Public License (LGPL)\r\n* MIT license (MIT)\r\n* Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL-2.0)\r\n* Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL-1.0)\r\n* Eclipse Public License (EPL-1.0)\r\n\r\nWe also accept\r\n\r\n* `Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/>`_ \r\n* `Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/>`_\r\n* `Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/>`_\r\n* `Creative Commons CC0 Public Domain Dedication \"No Rights Reserved\" <https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/>`_\r\n\r\nOther licenses can be considered upon request (please contact our `Editorial Administration <mailto:edadmin@scipost.org>`_).\r\n\r\nUpon acceptance of the codebase for publication, the detailed userguide will be published in SciPost Physics Codebases with a CC BY 4.0 license, allowing freedom to use, reproduce and distribute the articles and related content (unless otherwise noted), for commercial and noncommercial purposes, subject to the citation of the original source.\r\n\r\nThe publication will be citable (DOI registration via Crossref), and will benefit from full handling as per all other SciPost Journals. The source code will be hosted by SciPost and directly linked from the publication's page.", "acceptance_criteria": "To be accepted for publication in SciPost Physics Codebases, a submission must fulfil all the following criteria:\r\n\r\n* The software must address a demonstrable need for the scientific community\r\n* Programming standards must be followed\r\n* The documentation must be complete, including downloading, installing and running the software\r\n* An example application must be provided.\r\n* Benchmarking tests must be provided.", "minimal_nr_of_reports": 1, "has_DOAJ_Seal": false, "template_latex_tgz": ""}}, {"model": "journals.journal", "pk": 7, "fields": {"discipline": "mathematics", "name": "SciPost Mathematics", "name_abbrev": "SciPost Math.", "doi_label": "SciPostMath", "issn": "", "active": false, "structure": "IV", "refereeing_period": "28 00:00:00", "style": "h2.banner.SciPostMath {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nh2.banner.SciPostMath a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\ndiv.card-header.SciPostMath {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\ndiv.card-header.SciPostMath a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nli.SciPostMath {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nli.SciPostMath a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}", "blurb": "*Coming soon!*", "list_order": 1, "description": "*Coming soon!*", "scope": "*Coming soon!*", "content": "*Coming soon!*", "acceptance_criteria": "*Coming soon!*", "minimal_nr_of_reports": 1, "has_DOAJ_Seal": false, "template_latex_tgz": ""}}, {"model": "journals.journal", "pk": 8, "fields": {"discipline": "multidisciplinary", "name": "SciPost Selections", "name_abbrev": "SciPost Select.", "doi_label": "SciPostSelect", "issn": "", "active": true, "structure": "IV", "refereeing_period": "28 00:00:00", "style": "h2.banner.SciPostSelect {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nh2.banner.SciPostSelect a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\ndiv.card-header.SciPostSelect {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\ndiv.card-header.SciPostSelect a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nli.SciPostSelect {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nli.SciPostSelect a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}", "blurb": "SciPost Selections publishes extended abstracts of selected publications appearing in one of our field-specific flagship Journals, which have been identified by our Editorial Colleges as deserving special distinction.\r\n\r\nSciPost Selections is thus the venue to follow in order to stay up-to-date with frontline research in all fields of science.\r\n\r\nAuthors cannot submit directly to this Journal: publication of an extended abstract in SciPost Selections accompanies publication of the main paper in the field-specific flagship Journal. Both published objects carry their own DOI and are always to be cited in tandem.\r\n\r\nInclusion in SciPost Selections represents the highest mark of scholarship recognition attainable at SciPost, and is accompanied by special attention in our distribution and media channels.", "list_order": 1, "description": "SciPost Selections publishes extended abstracts of selected publications appearing in one of our field-specific flagship Journals, which have been identified by our Editorial Colleges as deserving special distinction.\r\n\r\nSciPost Selections is thus the venue to follow in order to stay up-to-date with frontline research in all fields of science.\r\n\r\nAuthors cannot submit directly to this Journal: publication of an extended abstract in SciPost Selections accompanies publication of the main paper in the field-specific flagship Journal. Both published objects carry their own DOI and are always to be cited in tandem.\r\n\r\nInclusion in SciPost Selections represents the highest mark of scholarship recognition attainable at SciPost, and is accompanied by special attention in our distribution and media channels.", "scope": "All fields of academia in which SciPost has active publishing activities.", "content": "Extended abstracts.", "acceptance_criteria": "To be published in SciPost Selections, authors must first have their submission accepted for publication in one of our field-specific flagship Journals. If the relevant Editorial College deems the work to be exceptional in nature, authors will be invited to submit an extended abstract for potential publication in SciPost Selections (simultaneously with the main paper).", "minimal_nr_of_reports": 0, "has_DOAJ_Seal": false, "template_latex_tgz": ""}}, {"model": "journals.journal", "pk": 9, "fields": {"discipline": "astronomy", "name": "SciPost Astronomy", "name_abbrev": "SciPost Astro.", "doi_label": "SciPostAstro", "issn": "0000-0000", "active": false, "structure": "IV", "refereeing_period": "28 00:00:00", "style": "h2.banner.SciPostAstro {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nh2.banner.SciPostAstro a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\ndiv.card-header.SciPostAstro {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\ndiv.card-header.SciPostAstro a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nli.SciPostAstro {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nli.SciPostAstro a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}", "blurb": "*Coming soon!*", "list_order": 1, "description": "*Coming soon!*", "scope": "*Coming soon!*", "content": "*Coming soon!*", "acceptance_criteria": "*Coming soon!*", "minimal_nr_of_reports": 1, "has_DOAJ_Seal": false, "template_latex_tgz": ""}}, {"model": "journals.journal", "pk": 10, "fields": {"discipline": "biology", "name": "SciPost Biology", "name_abbrev": "SciPost Bio.", "doi_label": "SciPostBio", "issn": "0000-0000", "active": false, "structure": "IV", "refereeing_period": "28 00:00:00", "style": "h2.banner.SciPostBio {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nh2.banner.SciPostBio a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\ndiv.card-header.SciPostBio {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\ndiv.card-header.SciPostBio a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nli.SciPostBio {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nli.SciPostBio a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}", "blurb": "*Coming soon!*", "list_order": 1, "description": "*Coming soon!*", "scope": "*Coming soon!*", "content": "*Coming soon!*", "acceptance_criteria": "*Coming soon!*", "minimal_nr_of_reports": 1, "has_DOAJ_Seal": false, "template_latex_tgz": ""}}, {"model": "journals.journal", "pk": 11, "fields": {"discipline": "chemistry", "name": "SciPost Chemistry", "name_abbrev": "SciPost Chem.", "doi_label": "SciPostChem", "issn": "0000-0000", "active": false, "structure": "IV", "refereeing_period": "28 00:00:00", "style": "h2.banner.SciPostChem {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nh2.banner.SciPostChem a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\ndiv.card-header.SciPostChem {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\ndiv.card-header.SciPostChem a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nli.SciPostChem {\r\nbackground-color: #002b49;\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}\r\nli.SciPostChem a {\r\ncolor: #f6a11a;\r\n}", "blurb": "*Coming soon!*", "list_order": 100, "description": "*Coming soon!*", "scope": "*Coming soon!*", "content": "*Coming soon!*", "acceptance_criteria": "*Coming soon!*", "minimal_nr_of_reports": 1, "has_DOAJ_Seal": false, "template_latex_tgz": ""}}]
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