diff --git a/scipost_django/journals/models/publication.py b/scipost_django/journals/models/publication.py
index 478577f960887da700d9919a7bd31bd2ba1f37de..64adb5bad1933de7c49f8baf83bc08d6b7e4c095 100644
--- a/scipost_django/journals/models/publication.py
+++ b/scipost_django/journals/models/publication.py
@@ -63,20 +63,24 @@ class PublicationAuthorsTable(models.Model):
             self.order = self.publication.authors.count() + 1
         return super().save(*args, **kwargs)
+    def is_empty(self) -> bool:
+        """Check if object is a temporary placeholder."""
+        return self.profile is None
-    def is_registered(self):
+    def is_registered(self) -> bool:
         """Check if author is registered at SciPost."""
-        return self.profile.contributor is not None
+        return not self.is_empty() and self.profile.contributor is not None
-    def first_name(self):
-        """Return first name of author."""
-        return self.profile.first_name
+    def first_name(self) -> str:
+        """Return first name of author. If not available, return None."""
+        return self.profile.first_name if self.profile else None
-    def last_name(self):
-        """Return last name of author."""
-        return self.profile.last_name
+    def last_name(self) -> str:
+        """Return last name of author. If not available, return None."""
+        return self.profile.last_name if self.profile else None
 class Publication(models.Model):
diff --git a/scipost_django/journals/templates/journals/add_author.html b/scipost_django/journals/templates/journals/add_author.html
index e6154e98fb9b298b2e459701634e0cb269def7d7..67c30c3644d2795a96c21f13320240b090de1d40 100644
--- a/scipost_django/journals/templates/journals/add_author.html
+++ b/scipost_django/journals/templates/journals/add_author.html
@@ -20,48 +20,36 @@
 {% block content %}
-  <h1 class="highlight">Add author to publication</h1>
+  <h1 class="highlight">Associate author profiles to the publication</h1>
   {% include 'journals/_publication_li_content.html' with publication=publication %}
+  <div class="row position-relative">    
+    <div class="col-md-12 col-lg-6">
+      <h3>List of authors </h3>
+      {% include "journals/add_author_list.html" %}
+    </div>
-  <div class="row">
-    <div class="col-12">
-      <h3>Current list of authors</h3>
-      <ul>
-        {% for author in publication.authors.all %}
-          <li>
-            {% if author.is_registered %}
-              <a href="{{ author.profile.contributor.get_absolute_url }}">{{ author.profile.contributor }}</a>
-            {% else %}
-              <a href="{{ author.profile }}">{{ author.profile }}</a>
-            {% endif %}
-          </li>
-        {% empty %}
-          <li>No authors known.</li>
-        {% endfor %}
-      </ul>
-      <br>
-      <h2 class="highlight">Add another author</h2>
-      <div class="row">
-	<div class="col-md-6 col-lg-6">
-	  <form action="{% url 'journals:add_author' doi_label=publication.doi_label %}" method="post">
-	    {% csrf_token %}
-            {{ form|bootstrap }}
-            <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="Add this author">
-	  </form>
-	</div>
-	<div class="col-md-6 col-lg-6">
-	  <h3>Not found?</h3>
-	  <p>Then you can <a href="{% url 'profiles:profile_create' %}" target="_blank">add the required Profile</a> and come back to this page.</p>
-	</div>
+    <div class="col-md-12 col-lg-6">
+      <div class="position-sticky top-0 pt-5">
+        <h3>Author actions:</h3>
+        <form hx-post="{% url 'journals:add_author' doi_label=publication.doi_label%}"
+              hx-target="#add_author_list" id = "add_author_form" hx-swap="outerHTML">
+          {% csrf_token %}
+                {{ form|bootstrap }}
+        </form>
+        <div class="d-flex flex-row gap-2">
+          <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="Add Author" form="add_author_form"/>
+          <a class="btn btn-secondary"
+            title="Fetch author list data from the git."
+            href="{% url 'journals:reset_authors' doi_label=publication.doi_label %}"> Reset
+          </a>
+        </div>
-  <p>Return to the <a href="{{publication.get_absolute_url}}">publication's page</a> or to the <a href="{% url 'journals:manage_metadata' %}">general metadata management page</a>.</p>
 {% endblock content %}
diff --git a/scipost_django/journals/templates/journals/add_author_list.html b/scipost_django/journals/templates/journals/add_author_list.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..075284380e764e60acea380b03d7b9844626a363
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scipost_django/journals/templates/journals/add_author_list.html
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+<table class = "ms-4" id="add_author_list">
+  <tr>
+    <th> </th>
+    <th class="ps-3"> # </th>
+    <th class="ps-2"> Author </th>
+    <th class="ps-4"> Profile </th>
+  </tr>
+  {% for author in author_list %}
+  <tr>
+    <td> <input type="radio" name="selected_author_id" value="{{ forloop.counter }}" form = "add_author_form" id="{{ forloop.counter }}" {% if forloop.counter == selected_author_id %}checked{% endif %}> </td>
+    <td class="ps-3"><label for="{{ forloop.counter }}">{{ forloop.counter }}.</label></td>
+    <td class="ps-2"> <label for="{{ forloop.counter }}">
+      {{ author.tex_name }}
+      <sup> {{author.affiliations|join:", "}} </sup> </label>
+    </td>
+    <td class="ps-4">
+      {% if not author.profile %}
+        {% if author.other_with_same_name > 1 %}
+          <span class="badge bg-danger text-white"
+                title="There are potentially {{author.other_with_same_name}} profiles matching this author."
+                data-bs-html="true"
+                data-bs-toggle="tooltip"
+          >{% include "bi/people-fill.html" %}</span>
+        {% else %}
+          <a class="badge bg-danger text-white"
+            href="{% url 'profiles:profile_create' %}?first_name={{author.first_name_guess}}&last_name={{author.last_name_guess}}"
+            target="_blank"
+            hx-prompt="Enter a string"
+            hx-confirm="Are you sure?"
+            > Create a profile </a>
+        {% endif %}
+      {% else %}
+        {% if author.profile.contributor %}
+          <a href="{{ author.profile.contributor.get_absolute_url }}">{{ author.profile.full_name }}</a>
+        {% else %}
+          <a href="{{ author.profile.get_absolute_url }}">{{ author.profile.full_name }}</a>
+        {% endif %}
+        {% if author.has_name_warning %}
+          <span class="badge bg-warning text-dark"
+                title="The name in the tex file is different from the name in the profile."
+                data-bs-html="true"
+                data-bs-toggle="tooltip"
+          >!</span>
+        {% endif %}
+      {% endif %}
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+  {% endfor %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scipost_django/journals/templatetags/publication_administration.py b/scipost_django/journals/templatetags/publication_administration.py
index 140a9f1443934175bb7822b3036d38050f9d2f97..366678d0ccff3c238e20696fad6c014f86f7ab5f 100644
--- a/scipost_django/journals/templatetags/publication_administration.py
+++ b/scipost_django/journals/templatetags/publication_administration.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ def authors_in_right_order(publication):
         return False
     list_of_authors = publication.author_list.split(",")
     for author in publication.authors.all():
-        if author.last_name not in list_of_authors[author.order - 1]:
+        if author.last_name and author.last_name not in list_of_authors[author.order - 1]:
             return False
     return True
diff --git a/scipost_django/journals/urls/general.py b/scipost_django/journals/urls/general.py
index 603659cf16f01104c026f357d8a0a0a727e1a665..d77134e943d6ab94d8e5805ee1de5b8af556a97e 100644
--- a/scipost_django/journals/urls/general.py
+++ b/scipost_django/journals/urls/general.py
@@ -100,6 +100,11 @@ urlpatterns = [
+    path(
+        "admin/<publication_doi_label:doi_label>/authors/reset_authors",
+        journals_views.reset_authors,
+        name="reset_authors",
+    ),
diff --git a/scipost_django/journals/views.py b/scipost_django/journals/views.py
index ac7501113f7a9b2db3759654d288790219602080..a8132282bb21b29a18f97574e5fb2d71670fe9df 100644
--- a/scipost_django/journals/views.py
+++ b/scipost_django/journals/views.py
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ from decimal import Decimal, getcontext
 import hashlib
 import json
 import os
+from profiles.models import Profile
 import random
 import string
 import shutil
@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ from django.db.models import (
-from django.http import Http404, HttpResponse
+from django.http import Http404, HttpRequest, HttpResponse
 from django.template.response import TemplateResponse
 from django.utils import timezone
 from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
@@ -926,7 +927,35 @@ def manage_metadata(request, doi_label=None):
 @permission_required("scipost.can_draft_publication", return_403=True)
-def add_author(request, doi_label):
+def reset_authors(request, doi_label):
+    publication = get_object_or_404(Publication, doi_label=doi_label)
+    if not publication.is_draft and not request.user.has_perm(
+        "can_publish_accepted_submission"
+    ):
+        raise Http404("You do not have permission to edit this non-draft Publication")
+    reset_author_associations(publication)
+    return redirect(reverse("journals:add_author", kwargs={"doi_label": doi_label}))
+def reset_author_associations(publication_object: Publication) -> None:
+    """Deletes all PublicationAuthorsTable entries for the given publication_object and repopulates it based on the author_list."""
+    PublicationAuthorsTable.objects.filter(publication=publication_object).delete()
+    author_query_list = search_for_authors(publication_object)
+    author_dict_list = build_author_dict_list(publication_object, author_query_list)
+    # We add the succesful authors from the author_dict_list to the PublicationAuthorsTable.
+    for author_dict in author_dict_list:
+        PublicationAuthorsTable.objects.create(
+            publication=publication_object, profile=author_dict["profile"]
+        )
+@permission_required("scipost.can_draft_publication", return_403=True)
+def add_author(request, doi_label: str) -> HttpResponse:
     Link authors (via their Profile) to a Publication.
@@ -941,10 +970,21 @@ def add_author(request, doi_label):
         raise Http404("You do not have permission to edit this non-draft Publication")
+    authors_metadata_table = PublicationAuthorsTable.objects.filter(
+        publication=publication
+    )
+    if request.method == "GET" and not authors_metadata_table.exists():
+        reset_author_associations(publication)
     form = ProfileSelectForm(request.POST or None)
     if request.POST and form.is_valid():
+        author_order = request.POST["selected_author_id"]
+        # We remove previous request.POST["selected_author_id"] and add a new one there.
+        authors_metadata_table.filter(order=author_order).delete()
         table, created = PublicationAuthorsTable.objects.get_or_create(
-            publication=publication, profile=form.cleaned_data["profile"]
+            publication=publication,
+            profile=form.cleaned_data["profile"],
+            order=author_order,
         if created:
             messages.success(request, "Added {} as an author.".format(table.profile))
@@ -956,14 +996,97 @@ def add_author(request, doi_label):
-        return redirect(publication.get_absolute_url())
+        author_query_list = search_for_authors(publication)
+        author_dict_list = build_author_dict_list(publication, author_query_list)
+        return render(
+            request,
+            "journals/add_author_list.html",
+            {
+                "author_list": author_dict_list,
+                "selected_author_id": int(request.POST["selected_author_id"]),
+            },
+        )
+    author_query_list = search_for_authors(publication)
+    author_dict_list = build_author_dict_list(publication, author_query_list)
     context = {
         "publication": publication,
         "form": form,
+        "author_list": author_dict_list,
     return render(request, "journals/add_author.html", context)
+def search_for_authors(publication_object: Publication) -> list:
+    """Creates a list of (Profile) queryset objects based on the publication_object's.author_list [string]."""
+    author_profile_query_list = []
+    authors_metadata_table = PublicationAuthorsTable.objects.filter(
+        publication=publication_object
+    )
+    for i, tex_author in enumerate(
+        publication_object.author_list.split(", ")
+    ):  # Author1, Author2, ...
+        # If an author is already on the index of authors_metadata_table, do not search.
+        if (
+            not authors_metadata_table.exists()
+            or i + 1 > len(authors_metadata_table)
+            or authors_metadata_table[i].is_empty()
+        ):
+            query_results = Profile.objects.search(tex_author)
+        else:
+            print("Skipping search for author: ", tex_author)
+            query_results = Profile.objects.filter(
+                id=authors_metadata_table[i].profile.id
+            )
+        author_profile_query_list.append(query_results)
+    return author_profile_query_list
+def build_author_dict_list(
+    publication_object: Publication, author_profile_query_list: list
+) -> list:
+    """Creates a list of dictionaries for each author in the publication_object's.author_list [string]. This list is used to render the author list in the add_author view."""
+    author_dict_lsit = []
+    for author_profile_query, tex_author in zip(
+        author_profile_query_list, publication_object.author_list.split(", ")
+    ):  # Author1, Author2, ...
+        author_profile = (
+            author_profile_query.first() if len(author_profile_query) < 2 else None
+        )
+        has_name_warning = (
+            author_profile.full_name != tex_author if author_profile else False
+        )
+        other_with_same_name = len(
+            author_profile_query
+        )  # To handle duplicate warnings.
+        # We assume the first and last names in order to automate 2-word profile creation.
+        first_name_guess = tex_author.split(" ")[0]
+        last_name_guess = " ".join(tex_author.split(" ")[1:])
+        author_dict_lsit.append(
+            {
+                "tex_name": tex_author,
+                "profile": author_profile,
+                "affiliations": [1, 2],
+                "first_name_guess": first_name_guess,
+                "last_name_guess": last_name_guess,
+                "has_name_warning": has_name_warning,
+                "other_with_same_name": other_with_same_name,
+            }
+        )
+    return author_dict_lsit
 class AuthorAffiliationView(PublicationMixin, PermissionsMixin, DetailView):
     Handle the author affiliations for a Publication.
@@ -1207,13 +1330,21 @@ class AbstractJATSUpdateView(
     form_class = AbstractJATSForm
     template_name = "journals/create_abstract_jats.html"
     def get_success_url(self):
         return reverse(
             kwargs={"doi_label": self.object.doi_label},
+    def post(self, request: HttpRequest, *args: str, **kwargs: Any) -> HttpResponse:
+        if request.POST.get("convert_button"):
+            # Change the abstract_jats field value to "LMAO"
+            self.get_form().data["abstract_jats"] = "LMAO"
+        return super().post(request, *args, **kwargs)
 class FundingInfoView(
     PublicationMixin, ProdSupervisorPublicationPermissionMixin, UpdateView
diff --git a/scipost_django/templates/bi/people-fill.html b/scipost_django/templates/bi/people-fill.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6361ec1e49ebf6823008f3a2fec3547ce423435a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scipost_django/templates/bi/people-fill.html
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor" class="bi bi-people-fill" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
+    <path d="M7 14s-1 0-1-1 1-4 5-4 5 3 5 4-1 1-1 1zm4-6a3 3 0 1 0 0-6 3 3 0 0 0 0 6m-5.784 6A2.24 2.24 0 0 1 5 13c0-1.355.68-2.75 1.936-3.72A6.3 6.3 0 0 0 5 9c-4 0-5 3-5 4s1 1 1 1zM4.5 8a2.5 2.5 0 1 0 0-5 2.5 2.5 0 0 0 0 5"/>
+  </svg>
\ No newline at end of file