diff --git a/templates/email/submission_eic_reappointment.html b/templates/email/submission_eic_reappointment.html
index a4b8eba72d81a8b39c1a0e0a21958651d760dc7e..01c9463755a1254e5397d6a529f5904212a4c13b 100644
--- a/templates/email/submission_eic_reappointment.html
+++ b/templates/email/submission_eic_reappointment.html
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-Dear {{submission.editor_in_charge.get_title_display}} {{submission.editor_in_charge.user.last_name}},\n\n
+Dear {{ submission.editor_in_charge.get_title_display }} {{ submission.editor_in_charge.user.last_name }},\n\n
 The authors of the SciPost Submission\n\n
+{{ submission.title }}
-by {{submission.author_list}}
+by {{ submission.author_list }}
 have resubmitted their manuscript.\n\n
-As Editor-in-charge, you can take your editorial actions from the submission\'s editorial page: https://scipost.org{% url 'submissions:editorial_page' submission.arxiv_identifier_w_vn_nr %}.\n
-(also accessible from your personal page under the Editorial Actions tab), see https://scipost.org{% url 'scipost:personal_page' %}. \n\n
+As Editor-in-charge, you can take your editorial actions from the submission\'s editorial page https://scipost.org{% url 'submissions:editorial_page' submission.arxiv_identifier_w_vn_nr %},
+which is also accessible from your personal page at https://scipost.org{% url 'scipost:personal_page' %} under the Editorial Actions tab.\n\n
 You can either take an immediate acceptance/rejection decision, quickly consult previous referees or run a new refereeing round, in which case you should now invite at least 3 referees; you might want to make sure you are aware of the detailed procedure described in the Editorial College by-laws. See https://scipost.org{% url 'scipost:EdCol_by-laws' %}.
diff --git a/templates/email/submission_eic_reappointment_html.html b/templates/email/submission_eic_reappointment_html.html
index 9603dd70a5cf2d9f2698bea43584834b15acd6a2..6d2d4ee38dd3dae48e4f74641cd00b1bdef37b80 100644
--- a/templates/email/submission_eic_reappointment_html.html
+++ b/templates/email/submission_eic_reappointment_html.html
@@ -1,11 +1,18 @@
-<p>Dear {{submission.editor_in_charge.get_title_display}} {{submission.editor_in_charge.user.last_name}},</p>
+<p>Dear {{ submission.editor_in_charge.get_title_display }} {{ submission.editor_in_charge.user.last_name }},</p>
-    The authors of the SciPost Submission "{{submission.title}} by {{submission.author_list}}" have resubmitted their manuscript.
+  The authors of the SciPost Submission
-    As Editor-in-charge, you can take your editorial actions from the submission\'s <a href="https://scipost.org{% url 'submissions:editorial_page' submission.arxiv_identifier_w_vn_nr %}">editorial page</a>.
-    (also accessible from your <a href="https://scipost.org{% url 'scipost:personal_page' %}">personal page</a> under the Editorial Actions tab).
+  {{submission.title}}
+  <br/>
+  by {{submission.author_list}}
+  have resubmitted their manuscript.
+    As Editor-in-charge, you can take your editorial actions from the submission's <a href="https://scipost.org{% url 'submissions:editorial_page' submission.arxiv_identifier_w_vn_nr %}">editorial page</a>, which is also accessible from your <a href="https://scipost.org{% url 'scipost:personal_page' %}">personal page</a> under the Editorial Actions tab.
     You can either take an immediate acceptance/rejection decision, quickly consult previous referees or run a new refereeing round, in which case you should now invite at least 3 referees; you might want to make sure you are aware of the detailed procedure described in the <a href="https://scipost.org{% url 'scipost:EdCol_by-laws' %}">Editorial College by-laws</a>.