diff --git a/commentaries/templates/commentaries/commentaries.html b/commentaries/templates/commentaries/commentaries.html
index ad9e2c34c890dfaa3f8484e9be4e419568febdac..1606f2b51cecbb7ed2ae85b72678d237b29db34a 100644
--- a/commentaries/templates/commentaries/commentaries.html
+++ b/commentaries/templates/commentaries/commentaries.html
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@
     <div class="col-md-4">
     	<div class="panel">
             <h2>Search SciPost Commentaries:</h2>
-            <form action="{% url 'commentaries:commentaries' %}" class="tinyform" method="post">
+            <form action="{% url 'commentaries:commentaries' %}" class="small" method="post">
           	{% csrf_token %}
-    	  {{ form|bootstrap:'4-8' }}
-          	<input class="btn btn-secondary" type="submit" name="Submit" />
+    	  {{ form|bootstrap:'4,8,sm' }}
+          	<input class="btn btn-sm btn-secondary" type="submit" name="Submit" />
diff --git a/commentaries/templates/commentaries/commentary_detail.html b/commentaries/templates/commentaries/commentary_detail.html
index 13ff0adbe56a4142434b223f99389104c10f00d9..4ffa19acd9d9c07f8c04cc5538de074d3f7c9d06 100644
--- a/commentaries/templates/commentaries/commentary_detail.html
+++ b/commentaries/templates/commentaries/commentary_detail.html
@@ -30,53 +30,59 @@
 {% endblock headsup %}
-{% block bodysup %}
+{% block content %}
-  <div class="flex-greybox">
-    <h1>SciPost Commentary Page &nbsp; (non-SciPost publications)</h1>
-  </div>
-  <hr class="hr12">
-  <div class="row">
-    <div class="col-4">
-      <h2>Original publication: </h2>
+<div class="row">
+    <div class="col-12">
+        <div class="panel">
+            <h1>SciPost Commentary Page (non-SciPost publications)</h1>
+        </div>
-  </div>
-  {{ commentary.header_as_table }}
-  <h3>Abstract:</h3>
-  <p>{{ commentary.pub_abstract }}</p>
+<div class="row">
+    <div class="col-12">
+        <h2>Original publication: </h2>
+        {{ commentary.header_as_table }}
+    </div>
+<div class="row">
+    <div class="col-12">
+        <h3>Abstract:</h3>
+        <p>{{ commentary.pub_abstract }}</p>
+    </div>
 {% include 'scipost/comments_block.html' %}
 {% if user.is_authenticated and commentary.open_for_commenting and perms.scipost.can_submit_comments %}
-  <section>
-    <hr class="hr12">
-    <div class="flex-greybox">
-      <h1>Contribute a Comment:</h1>
+<div class="row">
+    <div class="col-12">
+        <div class="panel">
+            <h2>Contribute a Comment:</h2>
+        </div>
+    </div>
+<div class="row">
+    <div class="col-12">
+        <form action="{% url 'commentaries:commentary' arxiv_or_DOI_string=commentary.arxiv_or_DOI_string %}" method="post">
+          {% csrf_token %}
+          {% load crispy_forms_tags %}
+          {% crispy form %}
+        </form>
-    <form action="{% url 'commentaries:commentary' arxiv_or_DOI_string=commentary.arxiv_or_DOI_string %}" method="post">
-      {% csrf_token %}
-      {% load crispy_forms_tags %}
-      {% crispy form %}
-    </form>
-    <div class="row">
-      <div class="col-10">
+    <div class="col-12">
         <h3>Preview of your comment:</h3>
         <p id="preview-comment_text"></p>
-      </div>
-  </section>
 {% endif %}
-{% endblock bodysup %}
+{% endblock content %}
diff --git a/scipost/static/scipost/assets/css/_comments.scss b/scipost/static/scipost/assets/css/_comments.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..63f16e15404cabe15c3883647deff7f480f294ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scipost/static/scipost/assets/css/_comments.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+/* Temporarily due to crispy form */
+legend {
+    font-size: inherit !important;