diff --git a/commentaries/views.py b/commentaries/views.py
index 99e4e6f46dc56d2bb30fbaf5d734e5eb802de28b..aa653f178663c94fbdecb8bca2d708691b73bfe3 100644
--- a/commentaries/views.py
+++ b/commentaries/views.py
@@ -280,28 +280,6 @@ def vet_commentary_request_ack(request, commentary_id):
             if form.commentary_is_modified():
                 context = {'form': request_commentary_form}
                 return render(request, 'commentaries/request_commentary.html', context)
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-            elif form.cleaned_data['action_option'] == '2':
-                # the commentary request is simply rejected
-                email_text = ('Dear ' + title_dict[commentary.requested_by.title] + ' '
-                              + commentary.requested_by.user.last_name
-                              + ', \n\nThe Commentary Page you have requested, '
-                              'concerning publication with title '
-                              + commentary.pub_title + ' by ' + commentary.author_list
-                              + ', has not been activated for the following reason: '
-                              + commentary_refusal_dict[int(form.cleaned_data['refusal_reason'])]
-                              + '.\n\nThank you for your interest, \nThe SciPost Team.')
-                if form.cleaned_data['email_response_field']:
-                    email_text += '\n\nFurther explanations: ' + form.cleaned_data['email_response_field']
-                emailmessage = EmailMessage('SciPost Commentary Page not activated', email_text,
-                                            'SciPost commentaries <commentaries@scipost.org>',
-                                            [commentary.requested_by.user.email],
-                                            ['commentaries@scipost.org'],
-                                            reply_to=['comentaries@scipost.org'])
-                emailmessage.send(fail_silently=False)
-                commentary.delete()
->>>>>>> 0b5602bec2ad39e6b1b8577f2ae661aa0ae75769
     context = {'ack_header': 'SciPost Commentary request vetted.',
                'followup_message': 'Return to the ',
diff --git a/submissions/models.py b/submissions/models.py
index 965a5dbfc99027baec7d54c24aa8384b61ca7781..fcb9237ac75aaa5288a37e888f93a2d3267af517 100644
--- a/submissions/models.py
+++ b/submissions/models.py
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ from journals.models import Publication
 # Submissions:
     ('unassigned', 'Unassigned, undergoing pre-screening'),
     ('assignment_failed', 'Failed to assign Editor-in-charge; manuscript rejected'),
+# Submissions which should not be viewable (except by admins, Fellows and authors)
+    'unassigned',
+    'assignment_failed',
+    'resubmitted_rejected',
+    'rejected',
+    #'published',
+    'withdrawn',
+# Submissions for which voting on a related recommendation is deprecated:
+    'rejected',
+    'published',
+    'withdrawn',
+#     ('assign_EIC', 'Editor-in-charge to be assigned'),
+# #    ('Fellow_accepts_or_refuse_assignment', 'Fellow must accept or refuse assignment'),
+#     ('EIC_runs_refereeing_round', 'Editor-in-charge to run refereeing round (inviting referees)'),
+#     ('EIC_closes_refereeing_round', 'Editor-in-charge to close refereeing round'),
+#     ('EIC_invites_author_response', 'Editor-in-charge invites authors to complete their replies'),
+#     ('EIC_formulates_editorial_recommendation',
+#      'Editor-in-charge to formulate editorial recommendation'),
+#     ('EC_ratification', 'Editorial College ratifies editorial recommendation'),
+#     ('Decision_to_authors', 'Editor-in-charge forwards decision to authors'),
+#     )
     ('Letter', 'Letter (broad-interest breakthrough results)'),
     ('Article', 'Article (in-depth reports on specialized research)'),