From 8add0b941b017d68d85395455093e19d516591fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Boris Ponsioen <>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2018 09:27:09 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Removes mongoengine rest framework, implements incremental
 updates on Citables per journal

 SciPost_v1/settings/ |   1 -
 metacore/           |  17 +++-
 metacore/        | 181 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 requirements.txt            |   1 -
 4 files changed, 125 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)

diff --git a/SciPost_v1/settings/ b/SciPost_v1/settings/
index dfbbc6f38..db35cf629 100644
--- a/SciPost_v1/settings/
+++ b/SciPost_v1/settings/
@@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ INSTALLED_APPS = (
-    'rest_framework_mongoengine',
diff --git a/metacore/ b/metacore/
index 2cefe7421..a35b5a53d 100644
--- a/metacore/
+++ b/metacore/
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 from django.contrib import admin
 from django.contrib import messages
 from .models import Citable, CitableWithDOI, Journal
-from .services import get_crossref_test, import_journal_full, get_crossref_work_count, add_journal_to_existing
+from .services import import_journal_full, import_journal_incremental, get_crossref_work_count, add_journal_to_existing
 # Register your models here.
 class JournalAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
     fields = ('name', 'ISSN_digital', 'last_full_sync')
     list_display = ('name', 'ISSN_digital', 'last_full_sync', 'count_metacore', 'count_crossref', 'last_update')
-    actions = ['import_full', 'update_counts', 'add_journal_to_items', 'delete_all_citables']
+    actions = ['import_full', 'import_incremental', 'update_counts', 'add_journal_to_items', 'delete_all_citables']
     def import_full(self, request, queryset):
         """ Starts background task to import all works by this journal """
@@ -17,6 +17,19 @@ class JournalAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
             messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, 'Import task for journal {} added. Go to Background Tasks -> Tasks in admin to view'.format(
         messages.add_message(request, messages.WARNING, 'Make sure that "./ process_tasks" is running (otherwise start it).')
+    def import_incremental(self, request, queryset):
+        """ Starts background task to import all works by this journal """
+        for journal in queryset:
+            if journal.last_update:
+                t = import_journal_incremental(journal.ISSN_digital, journal.last_update.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
+                messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, 'Import task for journal {} added. Go to Background Tasks -> Tasks in admin to view'.format(
+            else:
+                messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, 'Incremental import task for journal {} could not be started, since date of last full sync is not set.'.format(
+        messages.add_message(request, messages.WARNING, 'Make sure that "./ process_tasks" is running (otherwise start it).')
     def update_counts(self, request, queryset):
         for journal in queryset:
             journal.count_metacore = Citable.objects(metadata__ISSN=journal.ISSN_digital).count()
diff --git a/metacore/ b/metacore/
index 2e02932c6..701d9ffe7 100644
--- a/metacore/
+++ b/metacore/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import requests
 from .models import Citable, CitableWithDOI, Journal
 from background_task import background
 from rest_framework import serializers
-from rest_framework_mongoengine.serializers import DocumentSerializer
+from mongoengine.python_support import pymongo
 from django.utils import timezone
 import logging
@@ -14,7 +14,17 @@ def import_journal_full(issn, cursor='*'):
     Task to query CrossRef for all works of a journal with given ISSN
     and store them in the Metacore mongo database
+    import_journal(issn=issn, cursor=cursor, from_index_date=None)
+def import_journal_incremental(issn, from_index_date, cursor='*'):
+    """
+    Task to query CrossRef for all works of a journal with given ISSN
+    from a given date onward and store them in the Metacore mongo database
+    """
+    import_journal(issn=issn, cursor=cursor, from_index_date=from_index_date)
+def import_journal(issn, cursor='*', from_index_date=None):
     # Get journal to track progress
     # Formulate the CR query
@@ -36,7 +46,11 @@ def import_journal_full(issn, cursor='*'):"Last cursor: ", last_cursor)"Current cursor: ", cursor)
-        params = {'cursor': cursor, 'rows': rows, 'mailto': ''}
+        if from_index_date:
+            params = {'cursor': cursor, 'rows': rows, 'mailto': '', 'filter': 'from-index-date:{}'.format(from_index_date)}
+        else:
+            params = {'cursor': cursor, 'rows': rows, 'mailto': ''}
         last_cursor = cursor
         r = requests.get(url, params=params)
         r_json = r.json()
@@ -45,7 +59,20 @@ def import_journal_full(issn, cursor='*'):
         cursor = r_json['message']['next-cursor']
         number_of_results = len(r_json['message']['items'])
-        citables = [parse_crossref_citable(it) for it in citables_json]
+        # citables = [parse_crossref_citable(it) for it in citables_json]
+        citables = []
+        serialized_objects = []
+        validation_errors = []
+        for cit in citables_json:
+            serialized_object = CitableCrossrefSerializer(data=cit)
+            if serialized_object.is_valid():
+                citables.append(CitableWithDOI(**serialized_object.validated_data))
+                serialized_objects.append(serialized_object)
+            else:
+                # TODO: insert the actual validation errors instead
+                citables.append(False)
+                validation_errors.append(serialized_object.errors)
         # Parser returns False if there's an error
         errors = any([not i for i in citables if i == False])
         orig_citables = citables
@@ -54,9 +81,12 @@ def import_journal_full(issn, cursor='*'):
         # Mass insert in database (will fail on encountering existing documents
         # with same DOI
         if citables:
-            Citable.objects.insert(citables)
-        citable = []
+            if from_index_date:
+                operations = [obj.to_UpdateOne() for obj in serialized_objects]
+                col = Citable._get_collection()
+                col.bulk_write(operations, ordered=False)
+            else:
+                Citable.objects.insert(citables, {'ordered': False})
         # Save current count so progress can be tracked in the admin page
         # TODO: make this work (currently only executed after whole import
@@ -105,65 +135,6 @@ def get_crossref_work_count(issn):
     if 'total-results' in result:
         return result['total-results']
-def get_crossref_test(cursor='*'):
-    """
-    For testing purposes - retrieves a "small" dataset from CrossRef and saves it
-    in de database, after parsing
-    """
-    # Member 16 is APS
-    # url = ''
-    # Last cursor I used (after 100.000 records from APS) for this
-    # cursor = 'AoJ79tDrpd8CPwtodHRwOi8vZHguZG9pLm9yZy8xMC4xMTAzL3BoeXNyZXZiLjQyLjgxMjU='
-    # This is PRL
-    url = ''
-    # cursor = 'AoJ2/dSFrt8CPxFodHRwOi8vZHguZG9pLm9yZy8xMC4xMTAzL3BoeXNyZXZsZXR0LjExMy4yMzY2MDM='
-    # If the loop is allowed to complete, it fetches (rows * batches) records
-    rows = 500
-    batches = 2000
-    last_cursor = cursor
-    for i in range(0,batches):
-        # print("-------------------------------")
-        # print("Batch %s" % (i, ))
-        # print("Last cursor: ", last_cursor)
-        # print("Current cursor: ", cursor)
-"Batch %s" % (i, ))
-"Last cursor: ", last_cursor)
-"Current cursor: ", cursor)
-        params = {'cursor': cursor, 'rows': rows, 'mailto': ''}
-        last_cursor = cursor
-        r = requests.get(url, params=params)
-        r_json = r.json()
-        citables_json = r_json['message']['items']
-        cursor = r_json['message']['next-cursor']
-        number_of_results = len(r_json['message']['items'])
-        citables = [parse_crossref_citable(it) for it in citables_json]
-        # Parser returns None if there's an error
-        errors = any([not i for i in citables if i == False])
-        orig_citables = citables
-        citables = [citable for citable in citables if citable]
-        # Mass insert in database (will fail on encountering existing documents
-        # with same DOI
-        if citables:
-            Citable.objects.insert(citables)
-        citable = []
-        if number_of_results < rows:
-            # print(number_of_results)
-            # print('End reached.')
-  'End reached.')
-            break
 def convert_doi_to_lower_case():
     # If you accidentally import 100.000+ records that have random uppercase characters
     # in their reference DOI list
@@ -259,11 +230,79 @@ def parse_crossref_citable(citable_item):
             return False
-class CitableCrossrefSerializer(DocumentSerializer):
-    # metadata = serializers.JSONField(source='te')
-    test = serializers.CharField(source='te')
-    class Meta:
-        model = CitableWithDOI
-        fields = '__all__'
+class CitableCrossrefSerializer(serializers.BaseSerializer):
+    """
+    Class for deserializing a JSON object into the correct form to create a CitableWithDOI out of.
+    Specifically for Crossref REST API format
+    Usage:
+        json_data = { ... } 
+        serialized_object = CitableCrossrefSerializer(data=json_data)
+        serialized_object.is_valid()
+        # Validated/parsed data: serialized_object.validated_data
+        CitableWithDOI.create(**serialized_object.validated_data)
+    """
+    def to_internal_value(self, data):
+        authors_raw = data.get('author')
+        references_raw = data.get('reference')
+        doi = data.get('DOI')
+        publisher = data.get('publisher')
+        # {'issued': {'date-parts': ['...']}}
+        publication_date_raw = data.get('issued', {}).get('date-parts', [''])[0]
+        # {'title': ['...']}
+        title = data.get('title', [''])[0]
+        # {'container-title': ['...']}
+        journal = data.get('container-title', [''])[0]
+        # {'license': [{'url': '...'}]}
+        license = data.get('license', [{}])[0].get('URL')
+        metadata = data
+        # Validation errors
+        if not doi:
+            raise serializers.ValidationError({'DOI': 'DOI not given.'})
+        if not authors_raw:
+            raise serializers.ValidationError({'authors': 'Author list is empty.'})
+        if not title:
+            raise serializers.ValidationError({'title': 'Title is not present.'})
+        if not publication_date_raw:
+            raise serializers.ValidationError({'publication_date': 'Publication date is missing.'})
+        # More complex parsing logic
+        publication_date = '-'.join([str(date_part) for date_part in publication_date_raw])
+        authors = []
+        for author_names in authors_raw:
+            author = []
+            if 'given' in author_names:
+                author.append(author_names['given'])
+            if 'family' in author_names:
+                author.append(author_names['family'])
+            authors.append(' '.join(author))
+        if references_raw:
+            references_with_doi = [ref for ref in references_raw if 'DOI' in ref]
+            references = [ref['DOI'].lower() for ref in references_with_doi]
+        else:
+            references = []
+        return {
+            'authors': authors,
+            'doi': doi.lower(),
+            'references': references,
+            'publisher': publisher,
+            'publication-date': publication_date,
+            'title': title,
+            'journal': journal,
+            'license': license,
+            'metadata': metadata
+        }
+    def to_UpdateOne(self):
+        filters = {'doi': self.validated_data.pop('doi')}
+        mods = {'$set': self.validated_data}
+        return pymongo.UpdateOne(filters, mods, upsert=True)
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 822386963..d60aa612c 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ html2text
 # Mongo (Metacore)
 # Possibly dead (most probably not used anymore and possibly not up-to-date packages)  -- JdW (August 15th, 2017)