diff --git a/colleges/forms.py b/colleges/forms.py
index a09f430abfba5c76604b2a8fbff4d81b5614fe81..e2f3a922a73fd040ee021300d273e20ccd1ecc20 100644
--- a/colleges/forms.py
+++ b/colleges/forms.py
-class AddFellowshipForm(forms.ModelForm):
+# class AddFellowshipForm(forms.ModelForm):
+#     class Meta:
+#         model = Fellowship
+#         fields = (
+#             'guest',
+#             'contributor',
+#             'start_date',
+#             'until_date',
+#         )
+#     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+#         super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+#         self.fields['contributor'].queryset = Contributor.objects.active()
+#         self.fields['contributor'].label = "Fellow"
+#     def clean(self):
+#         start = self.cleaned_data.get('start_date')
+#         until = self.cleaned_data.get('until_date')
+#         if start and until:
+#             if until <= start:
+#                 self.add_error('until_date', 'The given dates are not in chronological order.')
+class FellowshipForm(forms.ModelForm):
     class Meta:
         model = Fellowship
         fields = (
-            'guest',
+            'guest',
+        help_texts = {
+            'guest': '[select if this is a guest Fellowship]'
+        }
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        self.fields['contributor'].queryset = Contributor.objects.active()
-        self.fields['contributor'].label = "Fellow"
-    def clean(self):
-        start = self.cleaned_data.get('start_date')
-        until = self.cleaned_data.get('until_date')
-        if start and until:
-            if until <= start:
-                self.add_error('until_date', 'The given dates are not in chronological order.')
-class FellowshipForm(forms.ModelForm):
-    class Meta:
-        model = Fellowship
-        fields = (
-            'guest',
-            'start_date',
-            'until_date',
-        )
+        self.fields['contributor'].disabled = True
     def clean(self):
         start = self.cleaned_data.get('start_date')
diff --git a/colleges/templates/colleges/_potentialfellowship_card.html b/colleges/templates/colleges/_potentialfellowship_card.html
index b6369bfcab1a3d53ef389af3b9bd98205d75f9a1..cdb3b4882a130574bda90eeed105fbd487b3d7d1 100644
--- a/colleges/templates/colleges/_potentialfellowship_card.html
+++ b/colleges/templates/colleges/_potentialfellowship_card.html
@@ -33,7 +33,12 @@
 	  <li><a href="{% url 'colleges:potential_fellowship_update' pk=potfel.id %}">Update</a> the data</li>
 	  <li><a href="{% url 'colleges:potential_fellowship_delete' pk=potfel.id %}">Delete</a> this Potential Fellowship</li>
-	  <li><a href="{% url 'colleges:potential_fellowship_email_initial' pk=potfel.id %}">Prepare and send initial email</a></li>
+	  <li>For named or elected: <a href="{% url 'colleges:potential_fellowship_email_initial' pk=potfel.id %}">prepare and send initial email</a></li>
+	  {% if not potfel.profile.contributor %}
+	    <li class="text-danger">N.B.: this potential Fellow is not yet registered as a Contributor</li>
+	  {% else %}
+	    <li>Accepted to serve as Fellow but not currently active in a College? <a href="{% url 'colleges:fellowship_create' contributor_id=potfel.profile.contributor.id %}">Set up a Fellowship</a></li>
+	  {% endif %}
diff --git a/colleges/templates/colleges/fellowship_detail.html b/colleges/templates/colleges/fellowship_detail.html
index 7687c878641571152ddabf0d5a41d82e3a5f20e5..c5c83a2f43971f7bffc8c533ec71c97ce3f804f7 100644
--- a/colleges/templates/colleges/fellowship_detail.html
+++ b/colleges/templates/colleges/fellowship_detail.html
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
         {% csrf_token %}
         <button type="submit" class="btn btn-danger">Terminate Fellowship</button>
-      <a href="{% url 'colleges:fellowship_edit' fellowship.id %}" class="btn btn-info ml-2">Edit Fellowship</a>
+      <a href="{% url 'colleges:fellowship_update' fellowship.id %}" class="btn btn-info ml-2">Update this Fellowship</a>
     <div class="col-md-6">
       <h3>All fellowships of this fellow</h3>
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
           {% endfor %}
-      <a href="{% url 'colleges:fellowship_add' %}?contributor={{ fellowship.contributor.id }}">Add new Fellowship for {{ fellowship.contributor }}</a>
+      <a href="{% url 'colleges:fellowship_create' contributor_id=fellowship.contributor.id %}">Add new Fellowship for {{ fellowship.contributor }}</a>
diff --git a/colleges/templates/colleges/fellowship_edit.html b/colleges/templates/colleges/fellowship_edit.html
deleted file mode 100644
index ed3070fb375aeba0a3fb114a3e74d9142e636637..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/colleges/templates/colleges/fellowship_edit.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-{% extends 'colleges/base.html' %}
-{% load bootstrap %}
-{% block breadcrumb_items %}
-  {{ block.super }}
-  <a href="{% url 'colleges:colleges' %}" class="breadcrumb-item">Colleges</a>
-  <a href="{% url 'colleges:fellowships' %}" class="breadcrumb-item">Fellowships</a>
-  <a href="{{ fellowship.get_absolute_url }}" class="breadcrumb-item">Fellowship details</a>
-  <span class="breadcrumb-item">Edit Fellowship</span>
-{% endblock %}
-{% block pagetitle %}: Edit Fellowship{% endblock pagetitle %}
-{% block content %}
-  <h1>Edit Fellowship</h1>
-  <h2 class="text-primary">{{ fellowship }}</h2>
-  <br>
-  <form method="post">
-    {% csrf_token %}
-    {{ form|bootstrap }}
-    <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="Save">
-  </form>
-{% endblock %}
diff --git a/colleges/templates/colleges/fellowship_add.html b/colleges/templates/colleges/fellowship_form.html
similarity index 61%
rename from colleges/templates/colleges/fellowship_add.html
rename to colleges/templates/colleges/fellowship_form.html
index 7748e83b15514aba87238da76936fdb6fbc0da84..2a6e898f02fca9c4c02e22c8efb12fd3f0e393d4 100644
--- a/colleges/templates/colleges/fellowship_add.html
+++ b/colleges/templates/colleges/fellowship_form.html
@@ -6,19 +6,17 @@
   {{ block.super }}
   <a href="{% url 'colleges:colleges' %}" class="breadcrumb-item">Colleges</a>
   <a href="{% url 'colleges:fellowships' %}" class="breadcrumb-item">Fellowships</a>
-  <span class="breadcrumb-item">Add Fellowship</span>
+  <span class="breadcrumb-item">{% if form.instance.id %}Update {{ form.instance }}{% else %}Add new Fellowship{% endif %}</span>
 {% endblock %}
-{% block pagetitle %}: Add Fellowship{% endblock pagetitle %}
+{% block pagetitle %}: Fellowship{% endblock pagetitle %}
 {% block content %}
-  <h1>Add Fellowship</h1>
-  <br>
   <form method="post">
     {% csrf_token %}
     {{ form|bootstrap }}
-    <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="Add Fellowship">
+    <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="Submit">
diff --git a/colleges/templates/colleges/fellowship_list.html b/colleges/templates/colleges/fellowship_list.html
index 993ac50e69525e46cb6ce9c86316d0ab4dac7f8b..71d77d104d6a87539e7113015ca268c0fe89e2f0 100644
--- a/colleges/templates/colleges/fellowship_list.html
+++ b/colleges/templates/colleges/fellowship_list.html
@@ -16,9 +16,6 @@
   <h1 class="highlight">Fellowships</h1>
-    <li>
-      <a href="{% url 'colleges:fellowship_add' %}">Add new Fellowship</a>
-    </li>
       View <a href="{% add_get_parameters type='all' %}">all</a>,
       <a href="{% add_get_parameters type='regular' %}">only regular</a> or
diff --git a/colleges/urls.py b/colleges/urls.py
index 26cb7f0361d8b75966f96198fa03939cd7dc9496..8755d2e3b1e691ff508bbcc003f8febd73ec1261 100644
--- a/colleges/urls.py
+++ b/colleges/urls.py
@@ -16,6 +16,19 @@ urlpatterns = [
     # Fellowships
+    url(
+        r'^fellowships/(?P<contributor_id>[0-9]+)/add/$',
+        views.FellowshipCreateView.as_view(),
+        name='fellowship_create'),
+    url(
+        r'^fellowships/(?P<pk>[0-9]+)/update/$',
+        views.FellowshipUpdateView.as_view(),
+        name='fellowship_update'),
+    url(
+        r'^fellowships/(?P<pk>[0-9]+)/$',
+        views.FellowshipDetailView.as_view(),
+        name='fellowship_detail'
+    ),
@@ -31,13 +44,6 @@ urlpatterns = [
-    url(r'^fellowships/add$', views.fellowship_add, name='fellowship_add'),
-    url(
-        r'^fellowships/(?P<pk>[0-9]+)/$',
-        views.FellowshipDetailView.as_view(),
-        name='fellowship_detail'
-    ),
-    url(r'^fellowships/(?P<id>[0-9]+)/edit$', views.fellowship_edit, name='fellowship_edit'),
     url(r'^fellowships/(?P<id>[0-9]+)/terminate$', views.fellowship_terminate,
diff --git a/colleges/views.py b/colleges/views.py
index 8b62906b9da2aad5e012832aac753040ef7cd4b3..f13fa5afa8ed282e0ac62b10d4e84a6c9dea7acb 100644
--- a/colleges/views.py
+++ b/colleges/views.py
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ __copyright__ = "Copyright © Stichting SciPost (SciPost Foundation)"
 __license__ = "AGPL v3"
+import datetime
 from django.contrib import messages
 from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required, permission_required
 from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse, reverse_lazy
@@ -17,10 +19,11 @@ from submissions.models import Submission
 from .constants import (
-    POTENTIAL_FELLOWSHIP_INVITED, potential_fellowship_statuses_dict,
+    potential_fellowship_statuses_dict,
 from .forms import FellowshipForm, FellowshipTerminateForm, FellowshipRemoveSubmissionForm,\
-    FellowshipAddSubmissionForm, AddFellowshipForm, SubmissionAddFellowshipForm,\
+    FellowshipAddSubmissionForm, SubmissionAddFellowshipForm,\
     FellowshipRemoveProceedingsForm, FellowshipAddProceedingsForm, SubmissionAddVotingFellowForm,\
     PotentialFellowshipForm, PotentialFellowshipStatusForm, PotentialFellowshipEventForm
@@ -28,6 +31,7 @@ from .models import Fellowship, PotentialFellowship, PotentialFellowshipEvent
 from scipost.constants import SCIPOST_DISCIPLINES, SCIPOST_SUBJECT_AREAS, subject_areas_raw_dict
 from scipost.mixins import PermissionsMixin, PaginationMixin, RequestViewMixin
+from scipost.models import Contributor
 from mails.views import MailView
@@ -51,6 +55,65 @@ class EditorialCollegesView(ListView):
         return context
+class FellowshipCreateView(PermissionsMixin, CreateView):
+    """
+    Create a new Fellowship instance for an existing Contributor.
+    A new Fellowship can be created only for:
+    * an existing Fellow who is renewed
+    * out of an existing PotentialFellowship (elected, or named by Admin)
+    If the elected/named Fellow does not yet have a Contributor object,
+    this must be set up first.
+    """
+    permission_required = 'scipost.can_manage_college_composition'
+    form_class = FellowshipForm
+    template_name = 'colleges/fellowship_form.html'
+    def get_initial(self):
+        initial = super().get_initial()
+        contributor = get_object_or_404(Contributor, pk=self.kwargs.get('contributor_id'))
+        initial.update({
+            'contributor': contributor.id,
+            'start_date': datetime.date.today(),
+            'until_date': datetime.date.today() + datetime.timedelta(days=int(5*365.25))
+        })
+        return initial
+    def form_valid(self, form):
+        """
+        Save the new Fellowship, and update the status of any existing PotentialFellowship.
+        """
+        self.object = form.save()
+        potfels = PotentialFellowship.objects.filter(profile=self.object.contributor.profile)
+        for potfel in potfels:
+            potfelevent = PotentialFellowshipEvent(
+                potfel=potfel,
+                comments='Fellowship created for this Potential Fellow',
+                noted_on=timezone.now(),
+                noted_by=self.request.user.contributor)
+            potfelevent.save()
+            potfel.save()
+        return redirect(self.get_success_url())
+class FellowshipUpdateView(PermissionsMixin, UpdateView):
+    """
+    Update an existing Fellowship.
+    """
+    permission_required = 'scipost.can_manage_college_composition'
+    model = Fellowship
+    form_class = FellowshipForm
+    template_name = 'colleges/fellowship_form.html'
+class FellowshipDetailView(PermissionsMixin, DetailView):
+    permission_required = 'scipost.can_manage_college_composition'
+    model = Fellowship
 class FellowshipListView(PermissionsMixin, PaginationMixin, ListView):
     List Fellowship instances (accessible to College managers).
@@ -83,51 +146,6 @@ class FellowshipListView(PermissionsMixin, PaginationMixin, ListView):
         return context
-class FellowshipDetailView(PermissionsMixin, DetailView):
-    permission_required = 'scipost.can_manage_college_composition'
-    model = Fellowship
-@permission_required('scipost.can_manage_college_composition', raise_exception=True)
-def fellowship_add(request):
-    """
-    Create a new Fellowship.
-    """
-    form = AddFellowshipForm(request.POST or None, initial=request.GET or None)
-    if form.is_valid():
-        fellowship = form.save()
-        messages.success(request, 'Fellowship added.')
-        return redirect(fellowship.get_absolute_url())
-    context = {
-        'form': form
-    }
-    return render(request, 'colleges/fellowship_add.html', context)
-@permission_required('scipost.can_manage_college_composition', raise_exception=True)
-def fellowship_edit(request, id):
-    """
-    Edit basic information about fellowship.
-    """
-    fellowship = get_object_or_404(Fellowship, id=id)
-    form = FellowshipForm(request.POST or None, instance=fellowship)
-    if form.is_valid():
-        form.save()
-        messages.success(request, 'Fellowship updated.')
-        return redirect(fellowship.get_absolute_url())
-    context = {
-        'fellowship': fellowship,
-        'form': form
-    }
-    return render(request, 'colleges/fellowship_edit.html', context)
 @permission_required('scipost.can_manage_college_composition', raise_exception=True)
 def fellowship_terminate(request, id):