From b4a586b07a741c70cb928344476823395d7565b9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jorran de Wit <>
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2018 10:20:29 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Code improvement

 scipost/                         |  13 +-
 scipost/                              |  29 ++-
 scipost/                             |  30 ++-
 .../templates/scipost/contributor_info.html   |   2 +-
 scipost/                              | 182 +++++++-----------
 submissions/                          |   2 -
 6 files changed, 112 insertions(+), 146 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scipost/ b/scipost/
index cebaccc02..fea4dc361 100644
--- a/scipost/
+++ b/scipost/
@@ -2,13 +2,24 @@ __copyright__ = "Copyright 2016-2018, Stichting SciPost (SciPost Foundation)"
 __license__ = "AGPL v3"
+from django.contrib.auth.decorators import user_passes_test
 from .models import Contributor
 def has_contributor(user):
-    """Requires user to be related to any Contributor."""
+    """Require user to be related to any Contributor."""
         return True
     except Contributor.DoesNotExist:
         return False
+def is_contributor_user():
+    """Dceorator checking if user is related to any Contributor."""
+    def test(u):
+        if u.is_authenticated():
+            return has_contributor(u)
+        return False
+    return user_passes_test(test)
diff --git a/scipost/ b/scipost/
index 3dcaaea21..7beb0185e 100644
--- a/scipost/
+++ b/scipost/
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ from ajax_select.fields import AutoCompleteSelectField
 from haystack.forms import ModelSearchForm as HayStackSearchForm
 from .behaviors import orcid_validator
+from .constants import (
+    BARRED)
 from .decorators import has_contributor
-from .models import Contributor, DraftInvitation,\
-                    UnavailabilityPeriod, PrecookedEmail
+from .models import Contributor, DraftInvitation, UnavailabilityPeriod, PrecookedEmail
 from affiliations.models import Affiliation, Institution
 from common.forms import MonthYearWidget
@@ -81,10 +81,10 @@ class RegistrationForm(forms.Form):
     last_name = forms.CharField(label='* Last name', max_length=100)
     email = forms.EmailField(label='* Email address')
     invitation_key = forms.CharField(max_length=40, widget=forms.HiddenInput(), required=False)
-    orcid_id = forms.CharField(label="ORCID id", max_length=20, required=False,
-                               validators=[orcid_validator],
-                               widget=forms.TextInput(
-                                    {'placeholder': 'Recommended. Get one at'}))
+    orcid_id = forms.CharField(
+        label="ORCID id", max_length=20, required=False, validators=[orcid_validator],
+        widget=forms.TextInput({
+            'placeholder': 'Recommended. Get one at'}))
     discipline = forms.ChoiceField(choices=SCIPOST_DISCIPLINES, label='* Main discipline')
     country_of_employment = LazyTypedChoiceField(
         choices=countries, label='* Country of employment', initial='NL',
@@ -94,12 +94,10 @@ class RegistrationForm(forms.Form):
     affiliation = forms.CharField(label='* Affiliation', max_length=300)
     address = forms.CharField(
         label='Address', max_length=1000,
-        widget=forms.TextInput({'placeholder': 'For postal correspondence'}),
-        required=False)
+        widget=forms.TextInput({'placeholder': 'For postal correspondence'}), required=False)
     personalwebpage = forms.URLField(
-        label='Personal web page',
-        widget=forms.TextInput({'placeholder': 'full URL, e.g. http://www.[yourpage].com'}),
-        required=False)
+        label='Personal web page', required=False,
+        widget=forms.TextInput({'placeholder': 'full URL, e.g. http://www.[yourpage].com'}))
     username = forms.CharField(label='* Username', max_length=100)
     password = forms.CharField(label='* Password', widget=forms.PasswordInput())
     password_verif = forms.CharField(label='* Verify password', widget=forms.PasswordInput(),
@@ -284,8 +282,9 @@ class AuthenticationForm(forms.Form):
     next = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput(), required=False)
     def user_is_inactive(self):
-        """
-        Check if the User is active but only if the password is valid, to prevent any
+        """Check if the User is active only if the password is valid.
+        Only check  to prevent any
         possible clue (?) of the password.
         username = self.cleaned_data['username']
diff --git a/scipost/ b/scipost/
index 83e5c3cb7..d5bc608c4 100644
--- a/scipost/
+++ b/scipost/
@@ -56,16 +56,12 @@ class Contributor(models.Model):
         blank=True, null=True)
     orcid_id = models.CharField(max_length=20, verbose_name="ORCID id",
                                 blank=True, validators=[orcid_validator])
-    address = models.CharField(max_length=1000, verbose_name="address",
-                               blank=True)
-    personalwebpage = models.URLField(verbose_name='personal web page',
-                                      blank=True)
+    address = models.CharField(max_length=1000, verbose_name="address", blank=True)
+    personalwebpage = models.URLField(verbose_name='personal web page', blank=True)
     vetted_by = models.ForeignKey('self', on_delete=models.SET(get_sentinel_user),
-                                  related_name="contrib_vetted_by",
-                                  blank=True, null=True)
+                                  related_name="contrib_vetted_by", blank=True, null=True)
     accepts_SciPost_emails = models.BooleanField(
-        default=True,
-        verbose_name="I accept to receive SciPost emails")
+        default=True, verbose_name="I accept to receive SciPost emails")
     objects = ContributorQuerySet.as_manager()
@@ -73,48 +69,50 @@ class Contributor(models.Model):
         return '%s, %s' % (self.user.last_name, self.user.first_name)
     def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Generate new activitation key if not set."""
         if not self.activation_key:
         return super().save(*args, **kwargs)
     def get_absolute_url(self):
+        """Return public information page url."""
         return reverse('scipost:contributor_info', args=(,))
-    @property
-    def get_formal_display(self):
-        return '%s %s %s' % (self.get_title_display(), self.user.first_name, self.user.last_name)
     def is_currently_available(self):
+        """Check if Contributor is currently not marked as unavailable."""
         return not
     def is_EdCol_Admin(self):
+        """Check if Contributor is an Editorial Administrator."""
         return (self.user.groups.filter(name='Editorial Administrators').exists()
                 or self.user.is_superuser)
     def is_SP_Admin(self):
+        """Check if Contributor is a SciPost Administrator."""
         return (self.user.groups.filter(name='SciPost Administrators').exists()
                 or self.user.is_superuser)
     def is_MEC(self):
+        """Check if Contributor is a member of the Editorial College."""
         return or self.user.is_superuser
     def is_VE(self):
+        """Check if Contributor is a Vetting Editor."""
         return (self.user.groups.filter(name='Vetting Editors').exists()
                 or self.user.is_superuser)
     def generate_key(self, feed=''):
-        """
-        Generate and save a new activation_key for the contributor, given a certain feed.
-        """
+        """Generate a new activation_key for the contributor, given a certain feed."""
         for i in range(5):
             feed += random.choice(string.ascii_letters)
         feed = feed.encode('utf8')
         salt = self.user.username.encode('utf8')
-        self.activation_key = hashlib.sha1(salt+salt).hexdigest()
+        self.activation_key = hashlib.sha1(salt + salt).hexdigest()
         self.key_expires = + datetime.timedelta(days=2)
     def expertises_as_string(self):
+        """Return joined expertises."""
         if self.expertises:
             return ', '.join([subject_areas_dict[exp].lower() for exp in self.expertises])
         return ''
diff --git a/scipost/templates/scipost/contributor_info.html b/scipost/templates/scipost/contributor_info.html
index 26423a950..d65751ed7 100644
--- a/scipost/templates/scipost/contributor_info.html
+++ b/scipost/templates/scipost/contributor_info.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 {% block content %}
-<h1 class="highlight mb-4">Contributor info: {{ contributor.get_formal_display }}</h1>
+<h1 class="highlight mb-4">Contributor info: {{ contributor.get_title_display }} {{ contributor.user.first_name }} {{ contributor.user.last_name }}</h1>
 {% include "scipost/_public_info_as_table.html" with contributor=contributor %}
diff --git a/scipost/ b/scipost/
index 2565a46f8..ae5c1d9e2 100644
--- a/scipost/
+++ b/scipost/
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render
 from django.conf import settings
 from django.contrib import messages
 from django.contrib.auth import login, logout, update_session_auth_hash
-from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required, user_passes_test
+from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
 from django.contrib.auth.models import Group
 from django.contrib.auth.views import password_reset, password_reset_confirm
 from django.core import mail
@@ -29,16 +29,16 @@ from django.views.static import serve
 from guardian.decorators import permission_required
 from haystack.generic_views import SearchView
-from .constants import SCIPOST_SUBJECT_AREAS, subject_areas_raw_dict, SciPost_from_addresses_dict,\
-                       NORMAL_CONTRIBUTOR
-from .decorators import has_contributor
-from .models import Contributor, UnavailabilityPeriod,\
-                    AuthorshipClaim, EditorialCollege, EditorialCollegeFellowship
-from .forms import AuthenticationForm, UnavailabilityPeriodForm,\
-                   RegistrationForm, AuthorshipClaimForm,\
-                   SearchForm, VetRegistrationForm, reg_ref_dict,\
-                   UpdatePersonalDataForm, UpdateUserDataForm, PasswordChangeForm,\
-                   EmailGroupMembersForm, EmailParticularForm, SendPrecookedEmailForm
+from .constants import (
+    SCIPOST_SUBJECT_AREAS, subject_areas_raw_dict, SciPost_from_addresses_dict, NORMAL_CONTRIBUTOR)
+from .decorators import has_contributor, is_contributor_user
+from .models import (
+    Contributor, UnavailabilityPeriod, AuthorshipClaim, EditorialCollege,
+    EditorialCollegeFellowship)
+from .forms import (
+    AuthenticationForm, UnavailabilityPeriodForm, RegistrationForm, AuthorshipClaimForm,
+    SearchForm, VetRegistrationForm, reg_ref_dict, UpdatePersonalDataForm, UpdateUserDataForm,
+    PasswordChangeForm, EmailGroupMembersForm, EmailParticularForm, SendPrecookedEmailForm)
 from affiliations.forms import AffiliationsFormset
@@ -49,8 +49,7 @@ from invitations.constants import STATUS_REGISTERED
 from invitations.models import RegistrationInvitation
 from journals.models import Publication, Journal, PublicationAuthorsTable
 from news.models import NewsItem
-from submissions.models import Submission, RefereeInvitation,\
-                               Report, EICRecommendation
+from submissions.models import Submission, RefereeInvitation, Report, EICRecommendation
 from partners.models import MembershipAgreement
 from theses.models import ThesisLink
@@ -60,18 +59,18 @@ from theses.models import ThesisLink
 def is_registered(user):
-    """
-    This method checks if user is activated assuming an validated user
-    has at least one permission group (`Registered Contributor` or `Partner Accounts`).
-    """
+    """Check if user is a validated user; has at least one permission group."""
     return user.groups.exists()
 class SearchView(SearchView):
+    """Search CBV inherited from Haystack."""
     template_name = 'search/search.html'
     form_class = SearchForm
     def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Update context with some additional information."""
         ctx = super().get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)
         ctx['search_query'] = self.request.GET.get('q')
         ctx['results_count'] = kwargs['object_list'].count()
@@ -83,7 +82,7 @@ class SearchView(SearchView):
 def index(request):
-    '''Main page.'''
+    """Homepage view of SciPost."""
     context = {
         'latest_newsitem': NewsItem.objects.filter(on_homepage=True).order_by('-date').first(),
         'submissions': Submission.objects.public().order_by('-submission_date')[:3],
@@ -96,7 +95,8 @@ def index(request):
 def protected_serve(request, path, show_indexes=False):
-    """
+    """Serve media files from outside the public MEDIA_ROOT folder.
     Serve files that are saved outside the default MEDIA_ROOT folder for superusers only!
     This will be usefull eg. in the admin pages.
@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ def protected_serve(request, path, show_indexes=False):
 def feeds(request):
+    """Information page for RSS and Atom feeds."""
     context = {'subject_areas_physics': SCIPOST_SUBJECT_AREAS[0][1]}
     return render(request, 'scipost/feeds.html', context)
@@ -121,7 +122,8 @@ def feeds(request):
 def register(request):
-    """
+    """Contributor registration form page.
     This public registration view shows and processes the form
     that will create new user account requests. After registration
     the Contributor will need to activate its account via the mail
@@ -155,7 +157,8 @@ def register(request):
 def invitation(request, key):
-    """
+    """Registration Invitation reception page.
     If a scientist has recieved an invitation (RegistrationInvitation)
     he/she will finish it's invitation via still view which will prefill
     the default registration form.
@@ -244,9 +247,8 @@ def unsubscribe(request, contributor_id, key):
 @permission_required('scipost.can_vet_registration_requests', return_403=True)
 def vet_registration_requests(request):
-    contributors_to_vet = (Contributor.objects
-                           .awaiting_vetting()
-                           .order_by('key_expires'))
+    """List of new Registration requests to vet."""
+    contributors_to_vet = Contributor.objects.awaiting_vetting().order_by('key_expires')
     form = VetRegistrationForm()
     context = {'contributors_to_vet': contributors_to_vet, 'form': form}
     return render(request, 'scipost/vet_registration_requests.html', context)
@@ -254,7 +256,7 @@ def vet_registration_requests(request):
 @permission_required('scipost.can_vet_registration_requests', return_403=True)
 def vet_registration_request_ack(request, contributor_id):
-    # process the form
+    """Form view to vet new Registration requests."""
     form = VetRegistrationForm(request.POST or None)
     contributor = Contributor.objects.get(pk=contributor_id)
     if form.is_valid():
@@ -274,11 +276,10 @@ def vet_registration_request_ack(request, contributor_id):
             except RefereeInvitation.DoesNotExist:
                 pending_ref_inv_exists = False
-            email_text = ('Dear ' + contributor.get_title_display() + ' '
-                          + contributor.user.last_name +
-                          ', \n\nYour registration to the SciPost publication portal '
-                          'has been accepted. '
-                          'You can now login at and contribute. \n\n')
+            email_text = (
+                'Dear ' + contributor.get_title_display() + ' ' + contributor.user.last_name +
+                ', \n\nYour registration to the SciPost publication portal has been accepted. '
+                'You can now login at and contribute. \n\n')
             if pending_ref_inv_exists:
                 email_text += (
                     'Note that you have pending refereeing invitations; please navigate to '
@@ -293,17 +294,15 @@ def vet_registration_request_ack(request, contributor_id):
             ref_reason = form.cleaned_data['refusal_reason']
-            email_text = ('Dear ' + contributor.get_title_display() + ' '
-                          + contributor.user.last_name +
-                          ', \n\nYour registration to the SciPost publication portal '
-                          'has been turned down, the reason being: '
-                          + reg_ref_dict[ref_reason] + '. You can however still view '
-                          'all SciPost contents, just not submit papers, '
-                          'comments or votes. We nonetheless thank you for your interest.'
-                          '\n\nThe SciPost Team.')
+            email_text = (
+                'Dear ' + contributor.get_title_display() + ' ' + contributor.user.last_name +
+                ', \n\nYour registration to the SciPost publication portal has been turned down,'
+                ' the reason being: ' + reg_ref_dict[ref_reason] + '. You can however still view '
+                'all SciPost contents, just not submit papers, comments or votes. We nonetheless '
+                'thank you for your interest.\n\nThe SciPost Team.')
             if form.cleaned_data['email_response_field']:
-                email_text += ('\n\nFurther explanations: '
-                               + form.cleaned_data['email_response_field'])
+                email_text += (
+                    '\n\nFurther explanations: ' + form.cleaned_data['email_response_field'])
             emailmessage = EmailMessage('SciPost registration: unsuccessful',
                                         'SciPost registration <>',
@@ -337,9 +336,7 @@ def registration_requests(request):
 @permission_required('scipost.can_resend_registration_requests', return_403=True)
 def registration_requests_reset(request, contributor_id):
-    '''
-    Reset specific activation_key for Contributor and resend activation mail.
-    '''
+    """Reset specific activation_key for Contributor and resend activation mail."""
     contributor = get_object_or_404(Contributor.objects.awaiting_validation(), id=contributor_id)
@@ -351,15 +348,7 @@ def registration_requests_reset(request, contributor_id):
 def login_view(request):
-    """
-    This view shows and processes a user's login session.
-    The function based method login() is deprecated from
-    Django 1.11 and replaced by Class Based Views.
-    See:
-    """
+    """Login form page."""
     form = AuthenticationForm(request.POST or None, initial=request.GET)
     if form.is_valid():
         user = form.authenticate()
@@ -381,13 +370,7 @@ def login_view(request):
 def logout_view(request):
-    """
-    The function based method logout() is deprecated from
-    Django 1.11 and replaced by Class Based Views.
-    See:
-    """
+    """Logout form page."""
     messages.success(request, ('<h3>Keep contributing!</h3>'
                                'You are now logged out of SciPost.'))
@@ -395,11 +378,9 @@ def logout_view(request):
 def mark_unavailable_period(request):
-    '''
-    Mark period unavailable for Contributor using this view.
-    '''
+    """Form view to mark period unavailable for Contributor."""
     unav_form = UnavailabilityPeriodForm(request.POST or None)
     if unav_form.is_valid():
         unav =
@@ -415,11 +396,9 @@ def mark_unavailable_period(request):
 def delete_unavailable_period(request, period_id):
-    '''
-    Delete period unavailable registered.
-    '''
+    """Delete period unavailable registered."""
     unav = get_object_or_404(UnavailabilityPeriod,
                              contributor=request.user.contributor, id=int(period_id))
@@ -428,11 +407,9 @@ def delete_unavailable_period(request, period_id):
 def _personal_page_editorial_account(request):
-    """
-    The Personal Page tab: Account
-    """
+    """Personal Page tab: Account."""
     contributor = request.user.contributor
     context = {
         'contributor': contributor,
@@ -442,11 +419,9 @@ def _personal_page_editorial_account(request):
     return render(request, 'partials/scipost/personal_page/account.html', context)
 def _personal_page_editorial_actions(request):
-    """
-    The Personal Page tab: Editorial Actions
-    """
+    """Personal Page tab: Editorial Actions."""
     permission = request.user.groups.filter(name__in=[
         'Advisory Board',
@@ -491,11 +466,9 @@ def _personal_page_editorial_actions(request):
 @permission_required('scipost.can_referee', return_403=True)
 def _personal_page_refereeing(request):
-    """
-    The Personal Page tab: Refereeing
-    """
+    """Personal Page tab: Refereeing."""
     context = {
         'contributor': request.user.contributor
@@ -503,11 +476,9 @@ def _personal_page_refereeing(request):
 def _personal_page_publications(request):
-    """
-    The Personal Page tab: Publications
-    """
+    """Personal Page tab: Publications."""
     contributor = request.user.contributor
     context = {
         'contributor': contributor,
@@ -522,11 +493,9 @@ def _personal_page_publications(request):
 def _personal_page_submissions(request):
-    """
-    The Personal Page tab: Submissions
-    """
+    """Personal Page tab: Submissions."""
     contributor = request.user.contributor
     context = {'contributor': contributor}
@@ -541,11 +510,9 @@ def _personal_page_submissions(request):
 def _personal_page_commentaries(request):
-    """
-    The Personal Page tab: Commentaries
-    """
+    """Personal Page tab: Commentaries."""
     contributor = request.user.contributor
     context = {'contributor': contributor}
@@ -559,11 +526,9 @@ def _personal_page_commentaries(request):
 def _personal_page_theses(request):
-    """
-    The Personal Page tab: Theses
-    """
+    """Personal Page tab: Theses."""
     contributor = request.user.contributor
     context = {'contributor': contributor}
@@ -577,11 +542,9 @@ def _personal_page_theses(request):
 def _personal_page_comments(request):
-    """
-    The Personal Page tab: Comments
-    """
+    """Personal Page tab: Comments."""
     contributor = request.user.contributor
     context = {
         'contributor': contributor,
@@ -592,11 +555,9 @@ def _personal_page_comments(request):
 def _personal_page_author_replies(request):
-    """
-    The Personal Page tab: Author Replies
-    """
+    """Personal Page tab: Author Replies."""
     contributor = request.user.contributor
     context = {
         'contributor': contributor,
@@ -608,9 +569,7 @@ def _personal_page_author_replies(request):
 def personal_page(request, tab='account'):
-    """
-    The Personal Page is the main view for accessing user functions.
-    """
+    """Personal Page is the main view for accessing user functions."""
     if request.is_ajax():
         if tab == 'account':
             return _personal_page_editorial_account(request)
@@ -659,6 +618,7 @@ def personal_page(request, tab='account'):
 def change_password(request):
+    """Change password form view."""
     form = PasswordChangeForm(request.POST or None, current_user=request.user)
     if form.is_valid():
@@ -729,7 +689,7 @@ def update_personal_data(request):
 def claim_authorships(request):
     The system auto-detects potential authorships (of submissions,
@@ -778,7 +738,7 @@ def claim_authorships(request):
 def claim_pub_authorship(request, publication_id, claim):
     if request.method == 'POST':
         contributor = Contributor.objects.get(user=request.user)
@@ -794,7 +754,7 @@ def claim_pub_authorship(request, publication_id, claim):
 def claim_sub_authorship(request, submission_id, claim):
     if request.method == 'POST':
         contributor = Contributor.objects.get(user=request.user)
@@ -810,7 +770,7 @@ def claim_sub_authorship(request, submission_id, claim):
 def claim_com_authorship(request, commentary_id, claim):
     if request.method == 'POST':
         contributor = Contributor.objects.get(user=request.user)
@@ -826,7 +786,7 @@ def claim_com_authorship(request, commentary_id, claim):
 def claim_thesis_authorship(request, thesis_id, claim):
     if request.method == 'POST':
         contributor = Contributor.objects.get(user=request.user)
diff --git a/submissions/ b/submissions/
index 124890e11..bac948e24 100644
--- a/submissions/
+++ b/submissions/
@@ -43,8 +43,6 @@ from .utils import SubmissionUtils
 from colleges.permissions import fellowship_required, fellowship_or_admin_required
 from comments.forms import CommentForm
-from invitations.constants import INVITATION_REFEREEING
-from invitations.models import RegistrationInvitation
 from journals.models import Journal
 from mails.views import MailEditingSubView
 from production.forms import ProofsDecisionForm