From b64e1f9133cf2757347e3e95b590ac90c7318024 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Boris Ponsioen <>
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2018 14:58:23 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Readds error handling in get_crossref_test temporarily

 metacore/ | 76 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diff --git a/metacore/ b/metacore/
index 941c66a77..ffd719628 100644
--- a/metacore/
+++ b/metacore/
@@ -74,41 +74,41 @@ def parse_crossref_citable(citable_item):
     if not Citable.objects(doi=doi):
-        # try:
-        # Parse certain fields for storage on top level in document
-        # Blame the convoluted joining and looping on CR
-        if 'reference' in citable_item:
-            references_with_doi = [ref for ref in citable_item['reference'] if 'DOI' in ref]
-            references = [ref['DOI'].lower() for ref in references_with_doi]
-        else:
-            references = []
-        authors = []
-        for author_names in citable_item['author']:
-            author = []
-            if 'given' in author_names:
-                author.append(author_names['given'])
-            if 'family' in author_names:
-                author.append(author_names['family'])
-            authors.append(' '.join(author))
-        publisher = citable_item['publisher']
-        title = citable_item['title'][0]
-        publication_date = '-'.join([str(date_part) for date_part in citable_item['issued']['date-parts'][0]])
-        if 'license' in citable_item:
-            license = citable_item['license'][0]['URL']
-        else:
-            license = ''
-        return CitableWithDOI(doi=doi, references=references, authors=authors, publisher=publisher, title=title, 
-                publication_date=publication_date, license=license, metadata=citable_item)
-        # except BaseException as e:
-        #     print("Error!")
-        #     print(e)
-        #     # raise
-        # except e:
-        #     print("Error: ", e)
-        #     print(citable_item)
+        try:
+            # Parse certain fields for storage on top level in document
+            # Blame the convoluted joining and looping on CR
+            if 'reference' in citable_item:
+                references_with_doi = [ref for ref in citable_item['reference'] if 'DOI' in ref]
+                references = [ref['DOI'].lower() for ref in references_with_doi]
+            else:
+                references = []
+            authors = []
+            for author_names in citable_item['author']:
+                author = []
+                if 'given' in author_names:
+                    author.append(author_names['given'])
+                if 'family' in author_names:
+                    author.append(author_names['family'])
+                authors.append(' '.join(author))
+            publisher = citable_item['publisher']
+            title = citable_item['title'][0]
+            publication_date = '-'.join([str(date_part) for date_part in citable_item['issued']['date-parts'][0]])
+            if 'license' in citable_item:
+                license = citable_item['license'][0]['URL']
+            else:
+                license = ''
+            return CitableWithDOI(doi=doi, references=references, authors=authors, publisher=publisher, title=title, 
+                    publication_date=publication_date, license=license, metadata=citable_item)
+            # except BaseException as e:
+            #     print("Error!")
+            #     print(e)
+            #     # raise
+        except e:
+            print("Error: ", e)
+            print(citable_item)