diff --git a/comments/templates/comments/reply_to_report.html b/comments/templates/comments/reply_to_report.html
index 3eeeb5696f388ceefa0a7623358f7e33d3a75c34..14a0f5726317bdadf757bc70770159c476053fc1 100644
--- a/comments/templates/comments/reply_to_report.html
+++ b/comments/templates/comments/reply_to_report.html
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
       <div class="col-12">
         <h2 class="highlight">Your Reply to this Report:</h2>
         {% if is_author %}
-          <p><em>Please focus on responding to the Report. Although you are welcome to mention what you intend to change in your manuscript as a result of this Report, a formal list of changes is best kept as accompaniment to your eventual resubmission.</em></p>
+          <p><em>Please focus on responding to the Report. Although you are welcome to mention what you intend to change in your manuscript as a result of this Report, a formal list of changes is best kept as accompaniment to a future resubmission.</em></p>
           <p><em>Attachments are here meant for e.g. informative graphs; please do not attach a new version of your manuscript to this Reply.</em></p>
         {% endif %}
         {% url 'comments:reply_to_report' report_id=report.id as add_comment_url %}
diff --git a/guides/templates/guides/editorial/production/initial_production.html b/guides/templates/guides/editorial/production/initial_production.html
index ee0db2a0da44ce6e91158815ebe9b620118435fe..d99102d0b54d1b348533f0ad996f7be166d47d88 100644
--- a/guides/templates/guides/editorial/production/initial_production.html
+++ b/guides/templates/guides/editorial/production/initial_production.html
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@
        Paste the entire bulk of the paper in this block,
-       including all sections and eventual appendices.
+       including all sections and any appendices.
        Check that there are no appendices after the references in the
        original tex file.
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@
       The users have used ReVTeX; simply change the <code>\begin{acknowledgements}</code>
       or <code>\acknowledgements</code>
-      to <code>\section*{Acknowledgements}</code> (of course also removing any eventual
+      to <code>\section*{Acknowledgements}</code> (of course also removing any
diff --git a/guides/templates/guides/editorial/submissions/submission_prescreening.html b/guides/templates/guides/editorial/submissions/submission_prescreening.html
index 9c610c08eb62d35ee01197cb0620db7b73f7045f..7b65315d6a83d43b6a5faab16cf9c51b51a867d9 100644
--- a/guides/templates/guides/editorial/submissions/submission_prescreening.html
+++ b/guides/templates/guides/editorial/submissions/submission_prescreening.html
@@ -35,8 +35,7 @@
   If the Submission's references are not properly formatted,
   and/or if these do not include the required DOIs,
-  the authors should be asked to do so in their eventual
-  resubmission.
+  the authors should be asked to do so in their resubmission.
 {% endblock content %}
diff --git a/scipost/templates/scipost/EdCol_by-laws.html b/scipost/templates/scipost/EdCol_by-laws.html
index e629cc9057b4235ab9304761e69e85aad4a826ad..32dd0f2298f907d1f62f51a912f84d45b769ab76 100644
--- a/scipost/templates/scipost/EdCol_by-laws.html
+++ b/scipost/templates/scipost/EdCol_by-laws.html
@@ -379,8 +379,8 @@
                   <li><strong>Editorial Recommendation</strong>
 		    <p>An Editorial Recommendation is formulated by the Editor-in-charge at the end of a
-		      refereeing round. The recommendation is based on the invited Reports, eventual contributed
-		      Reports, eventual Comments together with the Editor-in-charge's own assessment of the Submission.
+		      refereeing round. The recommendation is based on the invited Reports, any contributed
+		      Reports and/or Comments received, together with the Editor-in-charge's own assessment of the Submission.
 		      Such a recommendation is not made publicly visible.
 		      The recommendation targets a specific journal, and can be for:
diff --git a/submissions/templates/submissions/sub_and_ref_procedure.html b/submissions/templates/submissions/sub_and_ref_procedure.html
index 7ae876c64b76b25f50f7de8b03ebbcee2b0b50e3..780d7b4458604caaaf4154c8c0d05dec67cc605b 100644
--- a/submissions/templates/submissions/sub_and_ref_procedure.html
+++ b/submissions/templates/submissions/sub_and_ref_procedure.html
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
 	  If a (guest) Fellow expresses interest in the submission, they become Editor-in-charge. This screening process should occur on a timescale of 5 working days. Authors are contacted by our editorial administration in case of problems, in particular if extensions to the screening period prove necessary.</li>
 	    <strong>Activation of the Submission page</strong>
-	    <br/>Following successful screening, a Submission Page is activated. The Submission is immediately opened to Contributor Reports, Comments and Author Replies, all of which are vetted by an Editorial Fellow before eventually appearing online.</li>
+	    <br/>Following successful screening, a Submission Page is activated. The Submission is immediately opened to Contributor Reports, Comments and Author Replies, all of which are vetted by an Editorial Fellow before appearing online.</li>
 	      <strong>Refereeing round</strong>
 	      <br/>The Editor-in-charge starts a refereeing round (whose duration depends on the Journal, see below), inviting specific Contributors to provide an Invited Report.
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
 		  <br/>After being taken by the Editorial College, the editorial decision (consisting in either a publication offer, or rejection) is communicated to the Authors.</li>
-		    <li>If the authors accept an eventual publication offer, the manuscript is sent to the production team. The final version is published online in the relevant SciPost Journal. The publication page links back to the original Submission Page and its contents.</li>
+		    <li>If the authors accept a publication offer, the manuscript is sent to the production team. The final version is published online in the relevant SciPost Journal. The publication page links back to the original Submission Page and its contents.</li>
 		    <li>If the manuscript is rejected or authors withdraw their Submission, the Submission Page is deactivated and removed from public view, unless the authors request it to remain available.</li>
diff --git a/submissions/utils.py b/submissions/utils.py
index 3c055ef1b2142bd226b6e185265d7f83b44515ed..ff7cd50541b310735972c3e4878ec3aa167b2702 100644
--- a/submissions/utils.py
+++ b/submissions/utils.py
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ class SubmissionUtils(BaseMailUtil):
                       '\n\nTo facilitate metadata handling, we recommend that all authors '
                       'have an ORCID id (easily obtained from https://orcid.org), '
                       'and be registered as SciPost Contributors. Could we please ask you '
-                      '(and your eventual coathors) to ensure that this is the case?'
+                      '(and your coathors, if any) to ensure that this is the case?'
                       '\n\nWe thank you very much for your contribution.'
                       '\n\nSincerely,' +
                       '\n\nThe SciPost Team.')
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ class SubmissionUtils(BaseMailUtil):
             '<p>To facilitate metadata handling, we recommend that all authors '
             'have an ORCID id (easily obtained from <a href="https://orcid.org">orcid.org</a>), '
             'and be registered as SciPost Contributors. Could we please ask you '
-            '(and your eventual coathors) to ensure that this is the case?</p>'
+            '(and your coathors, if any) to ensure that this is the case?</p>'
             '<p>We thank you very much for your contribution.</p>'
             '<p>The SciPost Team.</p>')
@@ -565,9 +565,9 @@ class SubmissionUtils(BaseMailUtil):
                       + cls.report.submission.preprint.identifier_w_vn_nr + '.'
                       '\n\nWe remind you that you can provide an author reply '
-                      '(only if you wish, to clarify points eventually raised '
+                      '(only if you wish, to clarify points raised '
                       'by the report) directly from this Submission Page. '
-                      'Any eventual modification to your manuscript '
+                      'Any modification to your manuscript '
                       'should await the Recommendation from the Editor-in-charge.'
                       '\n\nWe thank you very much for your contribution.'
                       '\n\nSincerely,' +
@@ -580,9 +580,9 @@ class SubmissionUtils(BaseMailUtil):
             '<a href="https://scipost.org/submission/{{ identifier_w_vn_nr }}">'
             'Submission\'s page</a>.</p>'
             '<p>We remind you that you can provide an author reply '
-            '(only if you wish, to clarify points eventually raised '
+            '(only if you wish, to clarify points raised '
             'by the report) directly from this Submission Page. '
-            'Any eventual modification to your manuscript '
+            'Any modification to your manuscript '
             'should await the Recommendation from the Editor-in-charge.</p>'
             '\n<p>We thank you very much for your contribution.</p>'
diff --git a/templates/email/fellows/email_fellow_fellowship_start.html b/templates/email/fellows/email_fellow_fellowship_start.html
index 47a715b76090f0675f2065fdd636bd8b30a6b10f..b708cdf11d9b4ffc01d592b69c333123c2b12d7d 100644
--- a/templates/email/fellows/email_fellow_fellowship_start.html
+++ b/templates/email/fellows/email_fellow_fellowship_start.html
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 <p>Again on your personal page, you should now see an "Editorial Actions" tab. This contains a number of links relevant to our editorial processes, most importantly to the <a href="https://scipost.org{% url 'submissions:pool' %}">submissions pool</a>, which is the place where all submissions currently under consideration are listed. As a newcomer, this will be more or less empty for you, but will fill as new submissions come in.</p>
 <p>To get an idea of the editorial workflow, the best is to look at the <a href="https://scipost.org{% url 'submissions:editorial_workflow' %}">editorial workflow summary</a>.</p>
 <h3>What happens now?</h3>
-<p>As new submissions come in for which your expertises match, you will eventually start receiving assignment request emails inviting you to take charge of a particular Submission. You are never obliged to do so. Once you do take charge of one, you will be given access to that Submission's Editorial Page from which you will be able to run the refereeing process.</p>
+<p>As new submissions come in for which your expertises match, you will start receiving assignment request emails inviting you to take charge of a particular Submission. You are never obliged to do so. Once you do take charge of one, you will be given access to that Submission's Editorial Page from which you will be able to run the refereeing process.</p>
 <p>You will also regularly be invited to vote on Editorial Recommendations on Submissions which have undergone our refereeing process (we remind you that publication decisions are taken by the College, as a collective).</p>
 <p>Everything is more or less self-explanatory, but you are most welcome to email our Editorial Administration at edadmin@scipost.org if you have any questions.</p>
 <p>Once per week, you will also receive an email containing a weekly summary of tasks or activities relevant to your activities as Fellow. This email contains handy direct links to the instances concerned.</p>
diff --git a/templates/email/helpdesk/followup_on_ticket.html b/templates/email/helpdesk/followup_on_ticket.html
index 67baf4f617b37404fb331521960836ff72bc08ad..e39d6640b6951bce0952430a49b731d643871b10 100644
--- a/templates/email/helpdesk/followup_on_ticket.html
+++ b/templates/email/helpdesk/followup_on_ticket.html
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 {{ followup.text|automarkup }}
-<p>You can view details (and eventually take further steps) by navigating to the <a href="https://scipost.org{{ followup.ticket.get_absolute_url }}">ticket's page</a> (login required). You can also see this ticket on your personal list at our online <a href="https://scipost.org/helpdesk/">helpdesk</a>.</p>
+<p>You can view details (and optionally take further steps) by navigating to the <a href="https://scipost.org{{ followup.ticket.get_absolute_url }}">ticket's page</a> (login required). You can also see this ticket on your personal list at our online <a href="https://scipost.org/helpdesk/">helpdesk</a>.</p>
     Many thanks,<br>
     The SciPost Team.