diff --git a/petitions/templates/petitions/petition.html b/petitions/templates/petitions/petition.html
index f04d85ff3325a5f130fc0a374740ddf32f424e41..09dd1ad232eae9649c4230947289d2bf703c5f57 100644
--- a/petitions/templates/petitions/petition.html
+++ b/petitions/templates/petitions/petition.html
@@ -6,48 +6,48 @@
 {% block content %}
-<div class="row">
-  <div class="col-12">
-    <h1 class="highlight">{{ petition.headline }}</h1>
-    {% if petition.preamble %}
-    <h3>Preamble:</h3>
-    <p>{{ petition.preamble|safe|escape|linebreaksbr }}</p>
-    {% endif %}
-    <h3>Petition statement:</h3>
-    <p>{{ petition.statement|safe|escape|linebreaksbr }}</p>
+  <div class="row">
+    <div class="col-12">
+      <h1 class="highlight">{{ petition.headline }}</h1>
+      {% if petition.preamble %}
+	<h3>Preamble:</h3>
+	<p>{{ petition.preamble|safe|escape|linebreaksbr }}</p>
+      {% endif %}
+      <h3>Petition statement:</h3>
+      <p>{{ petition.statement|safe|escape|linebreaksbr }}</p>
       {% if not is_signed %}
-      <h3>Please consider signing this petition</h3>
-      <form action="{{ petition.get_absolute_url }}" method="post">
-        {% csrf_token %}
-        {{ form|bootstrap:'3,9' }}
-        <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="Sign this petition" />
-      </form>
+	<h3>Please consider signing this petition</h3>
+	<form action="{{ petition.get_absolute_url }}" method="post">
+          {% csrf_token %}
+          {{ form|bootstrap:'3,9' }}
+          <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="Sign this petition" />
+	</form>
       {% else %}
-      <h3>Thank you for signing this petition!</h3>
-      <p>Please invite your colleagues to also sign.</p>
+	<h3>Thank you for signing this petition!</h3>
+	<p>Please invite your colleagues to also sign.</p>
       {% endif %}
+  </div>
-<div class="row">
-  <div class="col-12">
+  <div class="row">
+    <div class="col-12">
       <table class="table">
     	{% for signatory in petition.petition_signatories.verified %}
-        	<tr>
-        	  <td>{{ signatory.last_name }}</td>
-        	  <td>{{ signatory.get_title_display }}</td>
-		  <td>{{ signatory.first_name }}</td>
-        	  <td>{{ signatory.affiliation }}</td>
-        	  <td>{{ signatory.get_country_of_employment_display }}</td>
-        	</tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td>{{ signatory.last_name }}</td>
+            <td>{{ signatory.get_title_display }}</td>
+	    <td>{{ signatory.first_name }}</td>
+            <td>{{ signatory.affiliation }}</td>
+            <td>{{ signatory.get_country_of_employment_display }}</td>
+          </tr>
     	{% empty %}
-        	<tr><td>No signatories found</td></tr>
+          <tr><td>No signatories found</td></tr>
     	{% endfor %}
+    </div>
 {% endblock content %}
diff --git a/proceedings/templates/partials/proceedings/description.html b/proceedings/templates/partials/proceedings/description.html
index a28c66442a8810b3d8123707b9754709246434db..a247d754073892d72a82981353ea460b34cecf1f 100644
--- a/proceedings/templates/partials/proceedings/description.html
+++ b/proceedings/templates/partials/proceedings/description.html
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
 <h3>{{ proceedings.event_name }} {% if proceedings.event_suffix %}({{ proceedings.event_suffix }}){% endif %}</h3>
 <div class="mb-4">
-    This event was held from {{ proceedings.event_start_date }} to {{ proceedings.event_end_date }}.
-    <div class="my-1">
-        <strong>Submission deadline: {{ proceedings.submissions_deadline }}</strong>.
-    </div>
-    {% if proceedings.open_for_submission %}
-        <a href="{% url 'submissions:submit_manuscript' %}">Submit your manuscript here</a>.
-        Prepare your manuscript according to <a href="{% url 'submissions:author_guidelines' %}">our guidelines</a>, using <a href>our LaTeX template</a>.
-    {% endif %}
+  This event was held from {{ proceedings.event_start_date }} to {{ proceedings.event_end_date }}.
+  <div class="my-1">
+    <strong>Submission deadline: {{ proceedings.submissions_deadline }}</strong>.
+  </div>
+  {% if proceedings.open_for_submission %}
+    <a href="{% url 'submissions:submit_manuscript' %}">Submit your manuscript here</a>.
+    Prepare your manuscript according to <a href="{% url 'submissions:author_guidelines' %}">our guidelines</a>, using <a href>our LaTeX template</a>.
+  {% endif %}
 <p>{{ proceedings.event_description|safe|linebreaksbr }}</p>
 {% if proceedings.fellowships.guests.exists %}
-    <h3>Guest Fellows responsible for this Issue</h3>
-    <ul>
-        {% for fellow in proceedings.fellowships.guests %}
-            <li>{{ fellow.contributor.get_title_display }} {{ fellow.contributor.user.first_name }} {{ fellow.contributor.user.last_name }}{% if fellow.contributor.affiliation.name %}, {{ fellow.contributor.affiliation.name }}{% endif %}</li>
-        {% endfor %}
-    </ul>
+  <h3>Guest Fellows responsible for this Issue</h3>
+  <ul>
+    {% for fellow in proceedings.fellowships.guests %}
+      <li>{{ fellow.contributor.get_title_display }} {{ fellow.contributor.user.first_name }} {{ fellow.contributor.user.last_name }}{% if fellow.contributor.affiliation.name %}, {{ fellow.contributor.affiliation.name }}{% endif %}</li>
+    {% endfor %}
+  </ul>
 {% endif %}
diff --git a/proceedings/templates/partials/proceedings/proceedings_li.html b/proceedings/templates/partials/proceedings/proceedings_li.html
index 7782f745ccfb3bd5d972c7e399f60d1d63b6d028..29248fd4649534c2fbb0e513b743107ecc31820d 100644
--- a/proceedings/templates/partials/proceedings/proceedings_li.html
+++ b/proceedings/templates/partials/proceedings/proceedings_li.html
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 <div class="pl-4 mb-1">
-    {{ proceedings.event_name }} {% if proceedings.event_suffix %}({{ proceedings.event_suffix }}){% endif %}<br>
-    Submission deadline: {{ proceedings.submissions_deadline }}
+  {{ proceedings.event_name }} {% if proceedings.event_suffix %}({{ proceedings.event_suffix }}){% endif %}<br>
+  Submission deadline: {{ proceedings.submissions_deadline }}
diff --git a/proceedings/templates/partials/proceedings/summary.html b/proceedings/templates/partials/proceedings/summary.html
index 56a2c6ea954c6b279b7958f330c9e4b421af08c6..fff1104f3e8a6cac206a19d41d9d0e6ec043e4a6 100644
--- a/proceedings/templates/partials/proceedings/summary.html
+++ b/proceedings/templates/partials/proceedings/summary.html
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
 <table class="proceedings summary table table-borderless">
+  <tr>
+    <th style="min-width: 200px;">Event name</th>
+    <td>{{ proceedings.event_name }}</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <th>Description</th>
+    <td>{{ proceedings.event_description|safe|default:'-'|linebreaksbr }}</td>
+  </tr>
+  {% if proceedings.event_start_date %}
-        <th style="min-width: 200px;">Event name</th>
-        <td>{{ proceedings.event_name }}</td>
+      <th>Event start date</th>
+      <td>{{ proceedings.event_start_date }}</td>
+  {% endif %}
+  {% if proceedings.event_end_date %}
-        <th>Description</th>
-        <td>{{ proceedings.event_description|safe|default:'-'|linebreaksbr }}</td>
-    </tr>
-    {% if proceedings.event_start_date %}
-        <tr>
-            <th>Event start date</th>
-            <td>{{ proceedings.event_start_date }}</td>
-        </tr>
-    {% endif %}
-    {% if proceedings.event_end_date %}
-        <tr>
-            <th>Event end date</th>
-            <td>{{ proceedings.event_end_date }}</td>
-        </tr>
-    {% endif %}
-    <tr>
-        <th>Guest Fellowships</th>
-        <td>{{ proceedings.fellowships.count }}</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <th>Lead Fellowship</th>
-        <td>{{ proceedings.lead_fellow }}</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <th>Submission Open</th>
-        <td>{{ proceedings.submissions_open }}</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <th>Submission Deadline</th>
-        <td>{{ proceedings.submissions_deadline }}</td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-        <th>Submission Close</th>
-        <td>{{ proceedings.submissions_close }}</td>
+      <th>Event end date</th>
+      <td>{{ proceedings.event_end_date }}</td>
+  {% endif %}
+  <tr>
+    <th>Guest Fellowships</th>
+    <td>{{ proceedings.fellowships.count }}</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <th>Lead Fellowship</th>
+    <td>{{ proceedings.lead_fellow }}</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <th>Submission Open</th>
+    <td>{{ proceedings.submissions_open }}</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <th>Submission Deadline</th>
+    <td>{{ proceedings.submissions_deadline }}</td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <th>Submission Close</th>
+    <td>{{ proceedings.submissions_close }}</td>
+  </tr>
diff --git a/proceedings/templates/proceedings/proceedings.html b/proceedings/templates/proceedings/proceedings.html
index 2cd2bb44ead42fba956725c2405c11fe3f9316b8..29f010b57990a7ca84d47ac995ea83bd4c849605 100644
--- a/proceedings/templates/proceedings/proceedings.html
+++ b/proceedings/templates/proceedings/proceedings.html
@@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
 {% extends 'submissions/admin/base.html' %}
 {% block breadcrumb_items %}
-    {{ block.super }}
-    <span class="breadcrumb-item">Proceedings</span>
+  {{ block.super }}
+  <span class="breadcrumb-item">Proceedings</span>
 {% endblock %}
 {% block pagetitle %}: Manage Proceedings{% endblock pagetitle %}
 {% block content %}
-    <h1>Manage Proceedings</h1>
-    <ul>
-      <li><a href="{% url 'journals:admin_volumes_list' %}">Manage Volumes</a></li>
-      <li><a href="{% url 'journals:admin_issue_list' %}">Manage Issues</a></li>
-      <li><a href="{% url 'proceedings:proceedings' %}" class="active">Manage Proceedings Issues</a></li>
-      <li><a href="{% url 'journals:manage_metadata' %}">Manage Publications metadata</a></li>
-      <li><a href="{% url 'journals:manage_report_metadata' %}">Manage Report metadata</a></li>
-    </ul>
-    <a href="{% url 'proceedings:proceedings_add' %}">Add new Proceedings</a>
+  <h1>Manage Proceedings</h1>
+  <ul>
+    <li><a href="{% url 'journals:admin_volumes_list' %}">Manage Volumes</a></li>
+    <li><a href="{% url 'journals:admin_issue_list' %}">Manage Issues</a></li>
+    <li><a href="{% url 'proceedings:proceedings' %}" class="active">Manage Proceedings Issues</a></li>
+    <li><a href="{% url 'journals:manage_metadata' %}">Manage Publications metadata</a></li>
+    <li><a href="{% url 'journals:manage_report_metadata' %}">Manage Report metadata</a></li>
+  </ul>
+  <a href="{% url 'proceedings:proceedings_add' %}">Add new Proceedings</a>
-    <table class="table mt-3">
-        <thead>
-            <tr>
-                <th>Event name</th>
-                <th>Submission Deadline</th>
-                <th>Guest Fellowships</th>
-                <th>Submissions</th>
-                <th></th>
-            </tr>
-        </thead>
-        <tbody>
-            {% for proc in proceedings %}
-                <tr>
-                    <td>{{ proc.event_name }}</td>
-                    <td>{{ proc.submissions_deadline }}</td>
-                    <td>{{ proc.fellowships.count }}</td>
-                    <td>{{ proc.submissions.count }}</td>
-                    <td>
-                        <a href="{% url 'proceedings:proceedings_details' proc.id %}">View Proceedings details</a>
-                    </td>
-                </tr>
-            {% empty %}
-                <tr>
-                    <td class="text-danger py-2" colspan="5">There are no Proceedings!</td>
-                </tr>
-            {% endfor %}
-        </tbody>
-    </table>
+  <table class="table mt-3">
+    <thead>
+      <tr>
+        <th>Event name</th>
+        <th>Submission Deadline</th>
+        <th>Guest Fellowships</th>
+        <th>Submissions</th>
+        <th></th>
+      </tr>
+    </thead>
+    <tbody>
+      {% for proc in proceedings %}
+        <tr>
+          <td>{{ proc.event_name }}</td>
+          <td>{{ proc.submissions_deadline }}</td>
+          <td>{{ proc.fellowships.count }}</td>
+          <td>{{ proc.submissions.count }}</td>
+          <td>
+            <a href="{% url 'proceedings:proceedings_details' proc.id %}">View Proceedings details</a>
+          </td>
+        </tr>
+      {% empty %}
+        <tr>
+          <td class="text-danger py-2" colspan="5">There are no Proceedings!</td>
+        </tr>
+      {% endfor %}
+    </tbody>
+  </table>
 {% endblock %}
diff --git a/proceedings/templates/proceedings/proceedings_add.html b/proceedings/templates/proceedings/proceedings_add.html
index 5a5d195de8a740040ff343b7b39961408ed8cc52..24cf2e6c3f5293720320b1ed602c13881341c72b 100644
--- a/proceedings/templates/proceedings/proceedings_add.html
+++ b/proceedings/templates/proceedings/proceedings_add.html
@@ -3,20 +3,20 @@
 {% load bootstrap %}
 {% block breadcrumb_items %}
-    {{ block.super }}
-    <a href="{% url 'proceedings:proceedings' %}" class="breadcrumb-item">Proceedings</a>
-    <span class="breadcrumb-item">Add new</span>
+  {{ block.super }}
+  <a href="{% url 'proceedings:proceedings' %}" class="breadcrumb-item">Proceedings</a>
+  <span class="breadcrumb-item">Add new</span>
 {% endblock %}
 {% block pagetitle %}: Add new Proceedings{% endblock pagetitle %}
 {% block content %}
-    <h1>Add new Proceedings</h1>
+  <h1>Add new Proceedings</h1>
-    <form method="post">
-        {% csrf_token %}
-        {{ form|bootstrap }}
-        <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Add Proceedings</button>
-    </form>
+  <form method="post">
+    {% csrf_token %}
+    {{ form|bootstrap }}
+    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Add Proceedings</button>
+  </form>
 {% endblock %}
diff --git a/proceedings/templates/proceedings/proceedings_details.html b/proceedings/templates/proceedings/proceedings_details.html
index 323999529b57adfbb3f56ae54577557e26372450..06487e1b2f9b3af7d3b33e06417c82be3cddec33 100644
--- a/proceedings/templates/proceedings/proceedings_details.html
+++ b/proceedings/templates/proceedings/proceedings_details.html
@@ -1,109 +1,109 @@
 {% extends 'submissions/admin/base.html' %}
 {% block breadcrumb_items %}
-    {{ block.super }}
-    <a href="{% url 'proceedings:proceedings' %}" class="breadcrumb-item">Proceedings</a>
-    <span class="breadcrumb-item">Proceedings details</span>
+  {{ block.super }}
+  <a href="{% url 'proceedings:proceedings' %}" class="breadcrumb-item">Proceedings</a>
+  <span class="breadcrumb-item">Proceedings details</span>
 {% endblock %}
 {% block pagetitle %}: Proceedings details{% endblock pagetitle %}
 {% block content %}
-    <h1>Proceedings details</h1>
-    <h2 class="text-primary">{{ proceedings }}</h2>
-    <a href="{% url 'proceedings:proceedings_edit' proceedings.id %}" class="breadcrumb-item">Edit Proceedings</a>
-    <br>
-    {% include 'partials/proceedings/summary.html' with proceedings=proceedings %}
-    {% comment %}
-    <form method="post" action="{% url 'colleges:fellowship_terminate' fellowship.id %}" class="d-inline">
-      {% csrf_token %}
-      <button type="submit" class="btn btn-danger">Terminate Fellowship</button>
-    </form>
-    <a href="{% url 'colleges:fellowship_edit' fellowship.id %}" class="btn btn-info ml-2">Edit Fellowship</a>
-    {% endcomment %}
-    <h3>Table of contents</h3>
-    <p>
-      View the table of contents in <a href="javascript:;" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#textocmodal">TeX format</a>
-    </p>
-    <h3 class="mt-3">All Guest Fellowships of this Proceedings</h3>
-    <table class="table">
-        <thead>
-            <tr>
-                <th>Fellowship ID</th>
-                <th>Fellow</th>
-                <th>Type</th>
-                <th colspan="2">Date range</th>
-            </tr>
-        </thead>
-        <tbody>
-            {% for fellowship in proceedings.fellowships.all %}
-                <tr>
-                    <td>{{ fellowship.id }}</td>
-                    <td>{{ fellowship.contributor }}</td>
-                    <td>{{ fellowship.guest|yesno:"Guest fellowship,Regular fellowship"|safe }}</td>
-                    <td>
-                        {% if fellowship.start_date %}
-                            from {{ fellowship.start_date }}
-                        {% endif %}
-                        {% if fellowship.until_date %}
-                            until {{ fellowship.until_date }}
-                        {% endif %}
-                        {% if not fellowship.start_date and not fellowship.until_date %}
-                            <i>Unlimited</i>
-                        {% endif %}
-                    </td>
-                    <td><a href="{{ fellowship.get_absolute_url }}">See details</a></td>
-                </tr>
-            {% endfor %}
-        </tbody>
-    </table>
-    <h3>All Submissions for this Proceedings Issue</h3>
-    <table class="table table-hover">
-        <thead>
-            <tr>
-                <th>Submission</th>
-                <th>Author List</th>
-                <th colspan="2">Status</th>
-            </tr>
-        </thead>
-        <tbody>
-            {% for submission in proceedings.submissions.all %}
-                <tr>
-                    <td>
-                        <a href="{{ submission.get_absolute_url }}">{{ submission.preprint.identifier_w_vn_nr }}, {{ submission.title|truncatechars:50 }}</a>
-                    </td>
-                    <td>{{ submission.author_list }}</td>
-                    <td>{{ submission.get_status_display }}</td>
-                    <td><a href="{% url 'submissions:editorial_page' submission.preprint.identifier_w_vn_nr %}">Editorial Page</a></td>
-                </tr>
-            {% endfor %}
-        </tbody>
-    </table>
-<div class="modal" id="textocmodal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true" aria-labelledby="textocmodal">
+  <h1>Proceedings details</h1>
+  <h2 class="text-primary">{{ proceedings }}</h2>
+  <a href="{% url 'proceedings:proceedings_edit' proceedings.id %}" class="breadcrumb-item">Edit Proceedings</a>
+  <br>
+  {% include 'partials/proceedings/summary.html' with proceedings=proceedings %}
+  {% comment %}
+  <form method="post" action="{% url 'colleges:fellowship_terminate' fellowship.id %}" class="d-inline">
+  {% csrf_token %}
+  <button type="submit" class="btn btn-danger">Terminate Fellowship</button>
+  </form>
+  <a href="{% url 'colleges:fellowship_edit' fellowship.id %}" class="btn btn-info ml-2">Edit Fellowship</a>
+  {% endcomment %}
+  <h3>Table of contents</h3>
+  <p>
+    View the table of contents in <a href="javascript:;" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#textocmodal">TeX format</a>
+  </p>
+  <h3 class="mt-3">All Guest Fellowships of this Proceedings</h3>
+  <table class="table">
+    <thead>
+      <tr>
+        <th>Fellowship ID</th>
+        <th>Fellow</th>
+        <th>Type</th>
+        <th colspan="2">Date range</th>
+      </tr>
+    </thead>
+    <tbody>
+      {% for fellowship in proceedings.fellowships.all %}
+        <tr>
+          <td>{{ fellowship.id }}</td>
+          <td>{{ fellowship.contributor }}</td>
+          <td>{{ fellowship.guest|yesno:"Guest fellowship,Regular fellowship"|safe }}</td>
+          <td>
+            {% if fellowship.start_date %}
+              from {{ fellowship.start_date }}
+            {% endif %}
+            {% if fellowship.until_date %}
+              until {{ fellowship.until_date }}
+            {% endif %}
+            {% if not fellowship.start_date and not fellowship.until_date %}
+              <i>Unlimited</i>
+            {% endif %}
+          </td>
+          <td><a href="{{ fellowship.get_absolute_url }}">See details</a></td>
+        </tr>
+      {% endfor %}
+    </tbody>
+  </table>
+  <h3>All Submissions for this Proceedings Issue</h3>
+  <table class="table table-hover">
+    <thead>
+      <tr>
+        <th>Submission</th>
+        <th>Author List</th>
+        <th colspan="2">Status</th>
+      </tr>
+    </thead>
+    <tbody>
+      {% for submission in proceedings.submissions.all %}
+        <tr>
+          <td>
+            <a href="{{ submission.get_absolute_url }}">{{ submission.preprint.identifier_w_vn_nr }}, {{ submission.title|truncatechars:50 }}</a>
+          </td>
+          <td>{{ submission.author_list }}</td>
+          <td>{{ submission.get_status_display }}</td>
+          <td><a href="{% url 'submissions:editorial_page' submission.preprint.identifier_w_vn_nr %}">Editorial Page</a></td>
+        </tr>
+      {% endfor %}
+    </tbody>
+  </table>
+  <div class="modal" id="textocmodal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true" aria-labelledby="textocmodal">
     <div class="modal-dialog modal-lg" role="document">
-        <div class="modal-content">
-            <div class="modal-body">
-                <div class="pb-4">
-                    <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
-                        <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
-                    </button>
-                </div>
-                <div>{% include 'proceedings/proceedings_toc.html' with proceedings=proceedings %}</div>
-            </div>
+      <div class="modal-content">
+        <div class="modal-body">
+          <div class="pb-4">
+            <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
+              <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
+            </button>
+          </div>
+          <div>{% include 'proceedings/proceedings_toc.html' with proceedings=proceedings %}</div>
+      </div>
+  </div>
diff --git a/proceedings/templates/proceedings/proceedings_edit.html b/proceedings/templates/proceedings/proceedings_edit.html
index c4245ec1d20e2f4f834a222162f95d0283c73b36..4076685963148e5e1f90ab7a2c69dde456a909cd 100644
--- a/proceedings/templates/proceedings/proceedings_edit.html
+++ b/proceedings/templates/proceedings/proceedings_edit.html
@@ -3,20 +3,20 @@
 {% load bootstrap %}
 {% block breadcrumb_items %}
-    {{ block.super }}
-    <a href="{% url 'proceedings:proceedings' %}" class="breadcrumb-item">Proceedings</a>
-    <span class="breadcrumb-item">Edit {{ proceedings.event_name }}</span>
+  {{ block.super }}
+  <a href="{% url 'proceedings:proceedings' %}" class="breadcrumb-item">Proceedings</a>
+  <span class="breadcrumb-item">Edit {{ proceedings.event_name }}</span>
 {% endblock %}
 {% block pagetitle %}: Edit Proceedings{% endblock pagetitle %}
 {% block content %}
-    <h1>Edit Proceedings</h1>
+  <h1>Edit Proceedings</h1>
-    <form method="post">
-        {% csrf_token %}
-        {{ form|bootstrap }}
-        <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Save Proceedings</button>
-    </form>
+  <form method="post">
+    {% csrf_token %}
+    {{ form|bootstrap }}
+    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Save Proceedings</button>
+  </form>
 {% endblock %}
diff --git a/proceedings/templates/proceedings/proceedings_toc.html b/proceedings/templates/proceedings/proceedings_toc.html
index 549ac55859bfe7176e4804ea6d9affdf4c8f2355..9cb8ee4776c0445fc1feb45767c89dab388923a7 100644
--- a/proceedings/templates/proceedings/proceedings_toc.html
+++ b/proceedings/templates/proceedings/proceedings_toc.html
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 \begin{tabular}{l r}
-{% for pub in proceedings.issue.publications.all|dictsort:"paper_nr" %}
-{{ pub.title }} & {{ pub.paper_nr }} \\
+  {% for pub in proceedings.issue.publications.all|dictsort:"paper_nr" %}
+    {{ pub.title }} & {{ pub.paper_nr }} \\
 \textit{by {{ pub.author_list }} } \\ \\
-{% endfor %}
+  {% endfor %}