diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 653a3e8d010b65e50ee277da604b2fc202cd9fce..a2274b00d145b376cee7323396849040f0118584 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -14,3 +14,4 @@ SCIPOST_JOURNALS
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diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 01c74263c9bc673d4ed41e217723b65e10bf25b1..4622ae3aecb21af5fb32d90aedb91d2961860898 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ higher. Python dependencies are listed in `requirements.txt`.
 ## Getting started
+### Database
+Make sure that Postgres is installed and running, and that a database and user are set up for it. A
+good guide how to do this can be found [here](https://djangogirls.gitbooks.io/django-girls-tutorial-extensions/content/optional_postgresql_installation/) (NOTE: stop before the 'Update settings' part).
 ### Python version
 Make sure you're using Python 3.5. If you need to use multiple versions of Python, use [pyenv](https://github.com/yyuu/pyenv).
@@ -24,10 +28,6 @@ Now install dependencies:
 (scipostenv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
-### Database
-Make sure that Postgres is installed and running, and that a database and user are set up for it. A
-good guide how to do this can be found [here](https://djangogirls.gitbooks.io/django-girls-tutorial-extensions/content/optional_postgresql_installation/) (NOTE: stop before the 'Update settings' part).
 ### Host-specific settings
 In this project, host-specific settings are defined in the `scipost-host-settings.json` file in the directory *above* the project root. The structure is as follows:
@@ -67,6 +67,12 @@ To make sure everything is setup and configured well, run:
 (scipostenv) $ ./manage.py check
+### Create and run migrations
+Now that everything is setup, we can setup the datastructures.
+(scipostenv) $ ./manage.py migrate
 ### Create a superuser
 In order to use the admin site, you'll need a superuser.
@@ -74,16 +80,10 @@ In order to use the admin site, you'll need a superuser.
 ### Create groups and permissions
-Groups and their respective permissions are created using the management command
-(scipostenv) $ ./manage.py add_groups_and_permissions
+Groups and their respective permissions are created using the management command. Since users depend on the *Contributor* object to work properly, setup the first (admin) user using the `-u` and `-a` arguments.
-### Create and run migrations
-Now that everything is setup, we can setup the datastructures.
-(scipostenv) $ ./manage.py migrate
+(scipostenv) $ ./manage.py add_groups_and_permissions -u=<username> -a
 ### Run development server
diff --git a/scipost/management/commands/add_groups_and_permissions.py b/scipost/management/commands/add_groups_and_permissions.py
index 51d2f874401a483a89db1de75e2da83aab9b1d60..44eb26ce7a7d0a0d3ca1fea08d9ef0cc36380077 100644
--- a/scipost/management/commands/add_groups_and_permissions.py
+++ b/scipost/management/commands/add_groups_and_permissions.py
@@ -1,14 +1,22 @@
 from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand, CommandError
-from django.contrib.auth.models import Group, Permission
+from django.contrib.auth.models import Group, Permission, User
 from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
 from scipost.models import Contributor
 class Command(BaseCommand):
     help = 'Defines groups and permissions'
+    def add_arguments(self, parser):
+        """ Append arguments optionally for setup of Contributor roles """
+        parser.add_argument('-u', '--setup-user', metavar='<username>', type=str, required=False, help='Username to make registered contributor')
+        parser.add_argument('-a', '--make-admin', required=False, action='store_true', help='Grant admin permissions to user (superuser only)')
+        parser.add_argument('-t', '--make-tester',  required=False, action='store_true', help='Grant test permissions to user')
     def handle(self, *args, **options):
+        """ Append all user Groups and setup a Contributor roles to user """
         # Create Groups
         SciPostAdmin, created = Group.objects.get_or_create(name='SciPost Administrators')
         AdvisoryBoard, created = Group.objects.get_or_create(name='Advisory Board')
@@ -196,4 +204,27 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
-        self.stdout.write(self.style.SUCCESS('Successfully created groups and permissions'))
+        self.stdout.write(self.style.SUCCESS('Successfully created groups and permissions.'))
+        if options['setup_user']:
+            # Username is given, check options
+            try:
+                user = User.objects.get(username=str(options['setup_user']))
+                user.groups.add(RegisteredContributors)
+                self.stdout.write(self.style.SUCCESS('Successfully setup %s as contributor.' % user))
+            except User.DoesNotExist:
+                self.stdout.write(self.style.WARNING('User <%s> not found.' % options['update_user']))
+                return
+            if user.is_superuser and options['make_admin']:
+                # Setup admin contributor
+                user.groups.add(SciPostAdmin)
+                self.stdout.write(self.style.SUCCESS('Successfully made %s admin.' % user))
+            elif options['make_admin']:
+                # Make admin failed, user not a superuser
+                self.stdout.write(self.style.WARNING('User %s is not a superuser.' % user))
+            if options['make_tester']:
+                # Setup test contributor
+                user.groups.add(Testers)
+                self.stdout.write(self.style.SUCCESS('Successfully made %s tester.' % user))
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