diff --git a/colleges/templates/colleges/college_detail.html b/colleges/templates/colleges/college_detail.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1feebb19c081152159d2dba4808017400d1104f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colleges/templates/colleges/college_detail.html
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+{% extends 'colleges/base.html' %}
+{% load staticfiles %}
+{% load scipost_extras %}
+{% load colleges_extras %}
+{% load add_get_parameters %}
+{% block breadcrumb_items %}
+  {{ block.super }}
+  <a href="{% url 'colleges:colleges' %}" class="breadcrumb-item">Colleges</a>
+  <span class="breadcrumb-item">Editorial College ({{ discipline|get_discipline_display }})</span>
+{% endblock %}
+{% block pagetitle %}: Fellowships{% endblock pagetitle %}
+{% block content %}
+  {% if perms.scipost.can_manage_college_composition %}
+    <div class="adminLinks">
+      <h3>Links for users with permission <em>scipost.can_manage_college_composition</em>:</h3>
+      <ul>
+	<li><a href="{% url 'colleges:potential_fellowships' %}">Potential Fellowships</a></li>
+	<li><a href="{% url 'colleges:fellowships' %}">Fellowships</a></li>
+      </ul>
+    </div>
+  {% endif %}
+  <h2 class="highlight">Editorial College ({{ discipline|get_discipline_display }})</h2>
+  <div class="row">
+    <div class="col-12">
+      <button class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="toggle-show" data-target="#specializations-{{ discipline }}">Select by specialization</button>
+      <button class="btn btn-primary" style="display: none;" data-toggle="toggle-show" data-target="#specializations-{{ discipline }}">Show full list of Fellows in {{ discipline }}</button>
+      <div id="specializations-{{ discipline }}" class="card bg-white border-default all-specializations mt-2" style="display: none">
+	<div class="card-body">
+	  <p><em class="text-muted mt-2">Hover to highlight or click to select</em></p>
+	  <div class="row">
+	    <div class="col-md-6">
+	      {% with total_count=object_list|length %}
+		{% for code in specializations %}
+		  <div class="specialization" data-specialization="{{ code.0|lower }}">{{ code.0 }} - {{ code.1 }}</div>
+		  {% if forloop.counter|is_modulo_one_half:total_count %}
+	    </div>
+	    <div class="col-md-6">
+		  {% endif %}
+		{% endfor %}
+	      {% endwith %}
+	    </div>
+	  </div>
+	</div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="row search-contributors" data-contributors="{{ discipline|lower }}">
+    <div class="col-12">
+      <div class="card-columns">
+	{% for fellowship in object_list %}
+	  <div class="card contributor mb-1">
+	    {% include 'scipost/_contributor_short.html' with fellowship=fellowship %}
+	  </div>
+	{% endfor %}
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+{% endblock content %}
+{% block footer_script %}
+  {{ block.super }}
+  <script src="{% static 'colleges/colleges.js' %}"></script>
+{% endblock %}
diff --git a/colleges/templates/colleges/colleges.html b/colleges/templates/colleges/colleges.html
index 1d50e2d6b14cec773ed76dc0fb7c0f8f65d119be..c47ae1d0ce21bfe1017691b0c4b2e3ba6ef8236b 100644
--- a/colleges/templates/colleges/colleges.html
+++ b/colleges/templates/colleges/colleges.html
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 {% load staticfiles %}
 {% load scipost_extras %}
+{% load colleges_extras %}
 {% load add_get_parameters %}
 {% block breadcrumb_items %}
@@ -42,67 +43,44 @@
-  <div class="accordion" id="accordionEditorialColleges">
-    {% for discipline,fellowships in disciplines.items %}
-      <div class="card">
-	<div class="card-header text-center" id="editorial_college_{{ discipline|lower }}">
-	  <h1>
-	    {{ discipline }}
-	  </h1>
-	  <button class="btn btn-primary" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapse_editorial_college_{{ discipline|lower }}" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse_editorial_college_{{ discipline|lower }}">
-	    <em><small>Click to expand/collapse</small></em>
-	  </button>
-	</div>
+  <div class="row">
+    <div class="col-1"></div>
+    <div class="col-10">
+      <h4>On this page: you will find all Editorial Colleges we have assembled, listed by branch of knowledge/field of study.</h4>
+      <br>
+      {% include 'scipost/_disciplines_table.html' %}
+      <br>
+      <p>
+	Does your field not have a College yet? Help us to form one by
+	<a href="mailto:admin@scipost.org">sending us your suggestions</a> for potential Fellows.
+      </p>
+    </div>
+  </div>
-	<div id="collapse_editorial_college_{{ discipline|lower }}" class="collapse" aria-labelledby="editorial_college_{{ discipline|lower }}" data-parent="#accordionEditorialColleges">
-	  <div class="card-body">
-	    <div class="row">
-	      <div class="col-12">
-		<button class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="toggle-show" data-target="#specializations-{{ discipline|lower }}">Select by specialization</button>
-		<button class="btn btn-primary" style="display: none;" data-toggle="toggle-show" data-target="#specializations-{{ discipline|lower }}">Show full list of Fellows in {{ discipline }}</button>
-		<div id="specializations-{{ discipline|lower }}" class="card bg-white border-default all-specializations mt-2" style="display: none">
-		  <div class="card-body">
-		    <p><em class="text-muted mt-2">Hover to highlight or click to select</em></p>
+  <hr>
-		    <div class="row">
-		      <div class="col-md-6">
-			{% with total_count=fellowships.1|length %}
-			  {% for code in fellowships.1 %}
-			    <div class="specialization" data-specialization="{{ code.0|lower }}">{{ code.0 }} - {{ code.1 }}</div>
-			    {% if forloop.counter|is_modulo_one_half:total_count %}
-		      </div>
-		      <div class="col-md-6">
-			    {% endif %}
-			  {% endfor %}
-			{% endwith %}
-		      </div>
-		    </div>
-		  </div>
-		</div>
-	      </div>
-	    </div>
+  {% for branch in scipost_disciplines %}
+    <h2 class="highlight" id="{{ branch.0|cut:' ' }}">{{ branch.0 }}</h2>
+    {% with object_list|fellowships_in_branch:branch.0 as fellowships_branch %}
+      {% if fellowships_branch|length > 0 %}
+	{% for discipline in branch.1 %}
+	  {% with fellowships_branch|fellowships_in_discipline:discipline.0 as fellowships_disc %}
+	    {% if fellowships_disc|length > 0 %}
+	      <a href={% url 'colleges:college_detail' discipline=discipline.0 %}><button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">{{ discipline.1 }}</button></a>
+	    {% endif %}
+	  {% endwith %}
+	{% endfor %}
+	{% if not forloop.last %}
+	  <hr>
+	{% endif %}
+      {% else %}
+	<p>
+	  There are no Colleges yet in this branch of academia.
+	  <strong>Help us to get started: nominate potential Fellows by <a href="mailto:admin@scipost.org">emailing us</a> with your suggestions!</strong>
+	</p>
+      {% endif %}
+    {% endwith %}
+  {% endfor %}
-	    <div class="row search-contributors" data-contributors="{{ discipline|lower }}">
-	      <div class="col-12">
-		<div class="card-columns">
-		  {% for fellowship in fellowships.0 %}
-		    <div class="card contributor mb-1">
-		      {% include 'scipost/_contributor_short.html' with fellowship=fellowship %}
-		    </div>
-		  {% endfor %}
-		</div>
-	      </div>
-	    </div>
-	  </div>
-	</div>
-      </div>
-    {% endfor %}
-  </div>
 {% endblock content %}
-{% block footer_script %}
-  {{ block.super }}
-  <script src="{% static 'colleges/colleges.js' %}"></script>
-{% endblock %}
diff --git a/colleges/templatetags/colleges_extras.py b/colleges/templatetags/colleges_extras.py
index 3a9b26c02527abc5020090a14ffb1c3fcc5b3935..21f42d8c43cf7c845a8aa39adf3f0258dc682fb9 100644
--- a/colleges/templatetags/colleges_extras.py
+++ b/colleges/templatetags/colleges_extras.py
@@ -18,11 +18,26 @@ from ..constants import (
 from ..models import Fellowship
 from common.utils import hslColorWheel
+from scipost.constants import SCIPOST_DISCIPLINES
 register = template.Library()
+def fellowships_in_branch(fellowships, branch_name):
+    matching_disciplines = ()
+    for branch in SCIPOST_DISCIPLINES:
+        if branch[0] == branch_name:
+            matching_disciplines = [d[0] for d in branch[1]]
+    return fellowships.filter(contributor__profile__discipline__in=matching_disciplines)
+def fellowships_in_discipline(fellowships, discipline):
+    return fellowships.filter(contributor__profile__discipline=discipline)
 def potfelstatuscolor(status):
     color = '#333333'
diff --git a/colleges/urls.py b/colleges/urls.py
index 9c542cbcfa3281ecb6df295d97b042ee9b4cdeb6..83b89bbcc8381935fe0f4f2afe18a72eb68fac5b 100644
--- a/colleges/urls.py
+++ b/colleges/urls.py
@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ urlpatterns = [
+    url(
+        r'^(?P<discipline>[a-zA-Z]+)/$',
+        views.EditorialCollegeDetailView.as_view(),
+        name='college_detail'
+    ),
     # Fellowships
diff --git a/colleges/views.py b/colleges/views.py
index cb438195158b42f7ee3efb3664f89e50f8032fe8..2d3bd8ab282173b84e6482a71ea13dd1e180ff5f 100644
--- a/colleges/views.py
+++ b/colleges/views.py
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ from .forms import FellowshipForm, FellowshipRemoveSubmissionForm,\
     PotentialFellowshipForm, PotentialFellowshipStatusForm, PotentialFellowshipEventForm
 from .models import Fellowship, PotentialFellowship, PotentialFellowshipEvent
-from scipost.constants import SCIPOST_DISCIPLINES, SCIPOST_SUBJECT_AREAS, subject_areas_raw_dict
+from scipost.constants import SCIPOST_DISCIPLINES, SCIPOST_SUBJECT_AREAS,\
+    subject_areas_raw_dict, specializations_dict
 from scipost.mixins import PermissionsMixin, PaginationMixin, RequestViewMixin
 from scipost.models import Contributor
@@ -41,17 +42,29 @@ class EditorialCollegesView(ListView):
     template_name = 'colleges/colleges.html'
     def get_queryset(self):
-        queryset = Fellowship.objects.none()
+        queryset = Fellowship.objects.active().regular()
         return queryset
     def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
         context = super().get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)
-        context['disciplines'] = {}
-        for discipline in SCIPOST_DISCIPLINES:
-            qs = Fellowship.objects.active().regular().filter(
-                contributor__profile__discipline=discipline[0])
-            if qs:
-                context['disciplines'][discipline[1]] = (qs, subject_areas_raw_dict[discipline[1]])
+        context['fellowships'] = Fellowship.objects.active().regular()
+        return context
+class EditorialCollegeDetailView(ListView):
+    model = Fellowship
+    template_name = 'colleges/college_detail.html'
+    def get_queryset(self):
+        queryset = Fellowship.objects.active().regular().filter(
+            contributor__profile__discipline=self.kwargs.get('discipline'))
+        return queryset
+    def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        context = super().get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)
+        discipline = self.kwargs.get('discipline')
+        context['discipline'] = discipline
+        context['specializations'] = specializations_dict[discipline]
         return context
diff --git a/journals/context_processors.py b/journals/context_processors.py
index a1569fba3760ffede697b9849b288ca341cabdc7..813ff71145dd8d2fc2076c285e41d9d6d214bcc9 100644
--- a/journals/context_processors.py
+++ b/journals/context_processors.py
@@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ from .models import Journal
 def journals_processor(request):
     """Append all Journals to the context of all views."""
     return {
-        'disciplines': SCIPOST_DISCIPLINES,
+        'scipost_disciplines': SCIPOST_DISCIPLINES,
         'journals': Journal.objects.order_by('name')
diff --git a/journals/templates/journals/journals.html b/journals/templates/journals/journals.html
index 4525e290e180da0783df7d02c3aab9d6797f1549..ba59086fa40d272184eedd629faf129cf13fb7cc 100644
--- a/journals/templates/journals/journals.html
+++ b/journals/templates/journals/journals.html
@@ -31,28 +31,7 @@
     <div class="col-10">
       <h4>On this page: you will find all Journals we operate, listed by branch of knowledge/field of study.</h4>
-      <table class="table table-bordered">
-	<thead class="thead-dark">
-	  <tr>
-	    <th>Branch</th>
-	    <th>Fields</th>
-	  </tr>
-	</thead>
-	<tbody>
-	{% for discipline in disciplines %}
-	  <tr>
-	    <td>
-	      <a href="#{{ discipline.0|cut:' ' }}">{{ discipline.0 }}</a>
-	    </td>
-	    <td>
-	      {% for subdiscipline in discipline.1 %}
-		{{ subdiscipline.1 }}{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}
-	      {% endfor %}
-	    </td>
-	  </tr>
-	{% endfor %}
-	</tbody>
-      </table>
+      {% include 'scipost/_disciplines_table.html' %}
       <p>Does your field not have a Journal yet? Help us to form an Editorial College by
 	<a href="mailto:admin@scipost.org">sending us your suggestions</a> for potential Fellows
@@ -62,35 +41,44 @@
-  {% for discipline in disciplines %}
-    <h2 class="highlight" id="{{ discipline.0|cut:' ' }}">{{ discipline.0 }}</h2>
-    {% for subdiscipline in discipline.1 %}
-      {% with journals|in_discipline:subdiscipline.0 as journals_subdisc %}
-	{% if journals_subdisc|length > 0 %}
-	  <h3 class="highlight">{{ subdiscipline.1 }}</h3>
-	  <div class="card-columns">
-	    {% for journal in journals_subdisc %}
-	      {% if journal.active or perms.scipost.can_view_pool %}
-		<div class="card">
-		  <div class="card-header {{ journal.doi_label }}">
-		    <a href="{{ journal.get_absolute_url }}">{{ journal.name }}</a>
-		    {% if journal.has_DOAJ_Seal %}
-		      <a href="https://doaj.org" class="float-right"><img src="{% static 'scipost/images/DOAJ_Seal_logo_big.png' %}" alt="DOAJ Seal" width="20em"></a>
-		    {% endif %}
-		  </div>
-		<div class="card-body">
-		  {{ journal.blurb|automarkup }}
-		</div>
+  {% for branch in scipost_disciplines %}
+    <h2 class="highlight" id="{{ branch.0|cut:' ' }}">{{ branch.0 }}</h2>
+    {% with journals|journals_in_branch:branch.0 as journals_branch %}
+      {% if journals_branch|length > 0 %}
+	{% for discipline in branch.1 %}
+	  {% with journals_branch|journals_in_discipline:discipline.0 as journals_disc %}
+	    {% if journals_disc|length > 0 %}
+	      <h3 class="highlight">{{ discipline.1 }}</h3>
+	      <div class="card-columns">
+		{% for journal in journals_disc %}
+		  {% if journal.active or perms.scipost.can_view_pool %}
+		    <div class="card">
+		      <div class="card-header {{ journal.doi_label }}">
+			<a href="{{ journal.get_absolute_url }}">{{ journal.name }}</a>
+			{% if journal.has_DOAJ_Seal %}
+			  <a href="https://doaj.org" class="float-right"><img src="{% static 'scipost/images/DOAJ_Seal_logo_big.png' %}" alt="DOAJ Seal" width="20em"></a>
+			{% endif %}
+		      </div>
+		      <div class="card-body">
+			{{ journal.blurb|automarkup }}
+		      </div>
+		    </div>
+		  {% endif %}
+		{% endfor %}
 	    {% endif %}
-	  {% endfor %}
-	  </div>
+	  {% endwith %}
+	{% endfor %}
+	{% if not forloop.last %}
+	  <hr>
 	{% endif %}
-      {% endwith %}
-    {% endfor %}
-    {% if not forloop.last %}
-      <hr>
-    {% endif %}
+      {% else %}
+	<p>
+	  There are no Journals yet in this branch of academia.
+	  <strong>Help us to get started: nominate potential Fellows by <a href="mailto:admin@scipost.org">emailing us</a> with your suggestions!</strong>
+	</p>
+      {% endif %}
+    {% endwith %}
   {% endfor %}
diff --git a/journals/templatetags/journals_extras.py b/journals/templatetags/journals_extras.py
index d045a8dc0ac0c76a1263d5f59e4b25fd90437b73..cabd7b588ffa895c8dd7148b47e713b6cb474c73 100644
--- a/journals/templatetags/journals_extras.py
+++ b/journals/templatetags/journals_extras.py
@@ -5,12 +5,23 @@ __license__ = "AGPL v3"
 from django import template
 from journals.helpers import paper_nr_string
+from scipost.constants import SCIPOST_DISCIPLINES
 register = template.Library()
-def in_discipline(journals, discipline):
+def journals_in_branch(journals, branch_name):
+    matching_disciplines = ()
+    for branch in SCIPOST_DISCIPLINES:
+        if branch[0] == branch_name:
+            matching_disciplines = [d[0] for d in branch[1]]
+    return journals.filter(discipline__in=matching_disciplines)
+def journals_in_discipline(journals, discipline):
     return journals.filter(discipline=discipline)
diff --git a/scipost/constants.py b/scipost/constants.py
index 0500c71a3f28e0db575076f07e64a48fa2d208fb..2d8cf178d5f634d9f74c6f181cfe75eef2d13506 100644
--- a/scipost/constants.py
+++ b/scipost/constants.py
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ DISCIPLINE_ASTRONOMY = 'astronomy'
-DISCIPLINE_EARTHSCIENCE = 'earthscience' 'Earth and Environmental Sciences'
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ DISCIPLINE_INDUSTRIALENGINEERING = 'industrialeng'
 DISCIPLINE_MEDICAL_MULTI = 'multidiscip-med'
-DISCIPLINE_CLINICAL = 'clinical' 'Clinical Medicine'
-DISCIPLINE_HEALTH = 'health' 'Health Sciences'
-DISCIPLINE_AGRICULTURAL = 'agricultural' 'Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries'
 DISCIPLINE_MULTI_SOCIAL = 'multidiscip-social'
@@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ DISCIPLINE_PSYCHOLOGY = 'psychology'
-DISCIPLINE_ART = 'art' 'Art (arts, history or arts, performing arts, music)'
-DISCIPLINE_HISTORY = 'history' 'History and Archeology'
-DISCIPLINE_LITERATURE = 'literature' 'Language and Literature'
-DISCIPLINE_PHILOSOPHY = 'philosophy' 'Philosophy, Ethics and Religion'
 # This classification more or less follows the document
@@ -132,6 +132,13 @@ SCIPOST_DISCIPLINES = (
+# Utility dict to translate the discipline db names to human-readable ones
+# (this is needed because [Choice]ArrayField does not have get_FOO_display.
+disciplines_dict = {}
+    for disc in branch[1]:
+        disciplines_dict[disc[0]] = disc[1]
 # The subject areas should use the long version of the discipline as first tuple item
 # for each element in the list (so 'Physics' and not 'physics', etc).
@@ -259,6 +266,16 @@ subject_areas_dict = {}
 for k in subject_areas_raw_dict.keys():
+# Other dictionary of dictionaries with discipline as key
+# { 'physics': { 'Phys:AE': 'Atomic ...' } }
+specializations_dict = {}
+    # Match the specifier with the discipline db code
+    for branch in SCIPOST_DISCIPLINES:
+        for disc in branch[1]:
+            if disc[1] == a[0]:
+                specializations_dict[disc[0]] = a[1]
diff --git a/scipost/templates/scipost/_disciplines_table.html b/scipost/templates/scipost/_disciplines_table.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..21377f7f2ee4b7ec26e55dc7d21fe1a53338231e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scipost/templates/scipost/_disciplines_table.html
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<table class="table table-bordered">
+  <thead class="thead-dark">
+    <tr>
+      <th>Branch</th>
+      <th>Fields</th>
+    </tr>
+  </thead>
+  <tbody>
+    {% for branch in scipost_disciplines %}
+      <tr>
+	<td>
+	  <a href="#{{ branch.0|cut:' ' }}">{{ branch.0 }}</a>
+	</td>
+	<td>
+	  {% for discipline in branch.1 %}
+	    {{ discipline.1 }}{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %}
+	  {% endfor %}
+	</td>
+      </tr>
+    {% endfor %}
+  </tbody>
diff --git a/scipost/templates/scipost/navbar.html b/scipost/templates/scipost/navbar.html
index e9b6e4e6b39ea00b0a74e3b0cbe04a2bb8e04445..f552812013a4f14f3d136a053f93e985e6a73ebd 100644
--- a/scipost/templates/scipost/navbar.html
+++ b/scipost/templates/scipost/navbar.html
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 		<div class="col-md-8">
 		  {% for subdiscipline in discipline.1 %}
-		    {% with journals|in_discipline:subdiscipline.0 as journals_subdisc %}
+		    {% with journals|journals_in_discipline:subdiscipline.0 as journals_subdisc %}
 		      {% if journals_subdisc|length > 0 %}
 			<div class="row">
 			  <div class="col-md-4">
diff --git a/scipost/templatetags/scipost_extras.py b/scipost/templatetags/scipost_extras.py
index 498d239ba484ee4dcc15bad51d5c256d7e2c9e19..f83023d22e030b8b527ba6e674e3797cd28ff84a 100644
--- a/scipost/templatetags/scipost_extras.py
+++ b/scipost/templatetags/scipost_extras.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ __license__ = "AGPL v3"
 from django import template
 from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
-from ..constants import subject_areas_dict
+from ..constants import disciplines_dict, subject_areas_dict
 from ..models import Contributor
 register = template.Library()
@@ -70,6 +70,12 @@ def is_modulo_one_third(counter, total):
     return is_modulo(counter, total, 3)
+def get_discipline_display(discipline):
+    # Translate the discipline db codename to human-readable name
+    return disciplines_dict[discipline]
 def get_specialization_code(code):
     # Get the specialization code without the main subject identifier