From f51d47541c133f01fd0f58380a77de06f0290fc7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jorran de Wit <>
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2019 16:46:00 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Fix syntax error

 submissions/ | 141 ++++------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 130 deletions(-)

diff --git a/submissions/ b/submissions/
index 5fe3f68c0..d8df46655 100644
--- a/submissions/
+++ b/submissions/
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 __copyright__ = "Copyright 2016-2018, Stichting SciPost (SciPost Foundation)"
 __license__ = "AGPL v3"
+from django import forms
 from django.conf import settings
 from .helpers import retrieve_pdf_from_arxiv
-from .models import iThenticateReport
 from .plagiarism import iThenticate
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ class iThenticateCaller:
     def update_status(self):
         if not self.document_id:
             return False
         # ...
     def upload_document(self, document=None):
@@ -40,7 +39,7 @@ class iThenticateCaller:
         if not client:
             return None
-         try:
+        try:
             plagiarism = iThenticate()
             data = plagiarism.upload_submission(document, self.submission)
@@ -50,133 +49,15 @@ class iThenticateCaller:
                 for msg in plagiarism.get_messages():
                     self.add_error(None, msg)  # To do: wrong.
                 return None
-            except AttributeError:
-                # To do: all wrong...
-                if not self.fields.get('file'):
-                    # The document is invalid.
-                    self.add_error(None, ('A valid pdf could not be found at arXiv.'
-                                          ' Please upload the pdf manually.'))
-                else:
-                    self.add_error(None, ('The uploaded file is not valid.'
-                                          ' Please upload a valid pdf.'))
+        except AttributeError:
+            # To do: all wrong...
+            if not self.fields.get('file'):
+                # The document is invalid.
+                self.add_error(None, ('A valid pdf could not be found at arXiv.'
+                                  ' Please upload the pdf manually.'))
+            else:
+                self.add_error(None, ('The uploaded file is not valid.'
+                                  ' Please upload a valid pdf.'))
                 self.fields['file'] = forms.FileField()
         return data
-# class iThenticateReportForm(forms.ModelForm):
-#     class Meta:
-#         model = iThenticateReport
-#         fields = []
-#     def __init__(self, submission, *args, **kwargs):
-#         self.submission = submission
-#         super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-#         if kwargs.get('files', {}).get('file'):
-#             # Add file field if file data is coming in!
-#             self.fields['file'] = forms.FileField()
-#     def clean(self):
-#         cleaned_data = super().clean()
-#         doc_id = self.instance.doc_id
-#         if not doc_id and not self.fields.get('file'):
-#             try:
-#                 cleaned_data['document'] = helpers.retrieve_pdf_from_arxiv(
-#                     self.submission.preprint.identifier_w_vn_nr)
-#             except exceptions.ArxivPDFNotFound:
-#                 self.add_error(
-#                     None, 'The pdf could not be found at arXiv. Please upload the pdf manually.')
-#                 self.fields['file'] = forms.FileField()
-#         elif not doc_id and cleaned_data.get('file'):
-#             cleaned_data['document'] = cleaned_data['file'].read()
-#         elif doc_id:
-#             self.document_id = doc_id
-#         # Login client to append login-check to form
-#         self.client = self.get_client()
-#         if not self.client:
-#             return None
-#         # Document (id) is found
-#         if cleaned_data.get('document'):
-#             self.document = cleaned_data['document']
-#             try:
-#                 self.response = self.call_ithenticate()
-#             except AttributeError:
-#                 if not self.fields.get('file'):
-#                     # The document is invalid.
-#                     self.add_error(None, ('A valid pdf could not be found at arXiv.'
-#                                           ' Please upload the pdf manually.'))
-#                 else:
-#                     self.add_error(None, ('The uploaded file is not valid.'
-#                                           ' Please upload a valid pdf.'))
-#                 self.fields['file'] = forms.FileField()
-#         elif hasattr(self, 'document_id'):
-#             self.response = self.call_ithenticate()
-#         if hasattr(self, 'response') and self.response:
-#             return cleaned_data
-#         # Don't return anything as someone submitted invalid data for the form at this point!
-#         return None
-#     def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
-#         data = self.response
-#         report, created = iThenticateReport.objects.get_or_create(doc_id=data['id'])
-#         if not created:
-#             try:
-#                 iThenticateReport.objects.filter(doc_id=data['id']).update(
-#                     uploaded_time=data['uploaded_time'],
-#                     processed_time=data['processed_time'],
-#                     percent_match=data['percent_match'],
-#                     part_id=data.get('parts', [{}])[0].get('id')
-#                 )
-#             except KeyError:
-#                 pass
-#         else:
-#             Submission.objects.filter(
-#         return report
-#     def call_ithenticate(self):
-#         if hasattr(self, 'document_id'):
-#             # Update iThenticate status
-#             return self.update_status()
-#         elif hasattr(self, 'document'):
-#             # Upload iThenticate document first time
-#             return self.upload_document()
-#     def get_client(self):
-#         client = iThenticate.API.Client(settings.ITHENTICATE_USERNAME,
-#                                         settings.ITHENTICATE_PASSWORD)
-#         if client.login():
-#             return client
-#         self.add_error(None, "Failed to login to iThenticate.")
-#         return None
-#     def update_status(self):
-#         client = self.client
-#         response = client.documents.get(self.document_id)
-#         if response['status'] == 200:
-#             return response.get('data')[0].get('documents')[0]
-#         self.add_error(None, "Updating failed. iThenticate didn't return valid data [1]")
-#         for msg in client.messages:
-#             self.add_error(None, msg)
-#         return None
-#     def upload_document(self):
-#         from .plagiarism import iThenticate
-#         plagiarism = iThenticate()
-#         data = plagiarism.upload_submission(self.document, self.submission)
-#         # Give feedback to the user
-#         if not data:
-#             self.add_error(None, "Updating failed. iThenticate didn't return valid data [3]")
-#             for msg in plagiarism.get_messages():
-#                 self.add_error(None, msg)
-#             return None
-#         return data