diff --git a/templates/email/authors/request_pubfrac_check.html b/templates/email/authors/request_pubfrac_check.html
index a22118581a19a6441846757e3ff8e10abeb3b791..51f9c9e2d7621a93ec54980ff795f03f35db6747 100644
--- a/templates/email/authors/request_pubfrac_check.html
+++ b/templates/email/authors/request_pubfrac_check.html
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
   we would like you to help us determine who supported the research contained in this publication. This info is of great use for our sustainability efforts. One or two minutes of your attention are all that is required.
-  Could you beg you to navigate (login required) to <a href="{% url 'journals:allocate_orgpubfractions' doi_label=publication.doi_label %}">this page</a> and check/correct the data we have prepared?
+  Could you beg you to navigate (login required) to <a href="https://scipost.org{% url 'journals:allocate_orgpubfractions' doi_label=publication.doi_label %}">this page</a> and check/correct the data we have prepared?
   Many thanks in advance,