diff --git a/metacore/admin.py b/metacore/admin.py
index f92ab10262e9e6bc42cecf2f24cec54eacab1214..2cefe742154728c4c727d612844235e7fd1d9dfe 100644
--- a/metacore/admin.py
+++ b/metacore/admin.py
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ from .services import get_crossref_test, import_journal_full, get_crossref_work_
 # Register your models here.
 class JournalAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
     fields = ('name', 'ISSN_digital', 'last_full_sync')
-    list_display = ('name', 'ISSN_digital', 'last_full_sync', 'count_metacore', 'count_crossref')
-    actions = ['import_full', 'update_counts', 'add_journal_to_items']
+    list_display = ('name', 'ISSN_digital', 'last_full_sync', 'count_metacore', 'count_crossref', 'last_update')
+    actions = ['import_full', 'update_counts', 'add_journal_to_items', 'delete_all_citables']
     def import_full(self, request, queryset):
         """ Starts background task to import all works by this journal """
@@ -32,6 +32,11 @@ class JournalAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
         messages.add_message(request, messages.WARNING, 'Make sure that "./manage.py process_tasks" is running (otherwise start it).')
+    def delete_all_citables(self, request, queryset):
+        for journal in queryset:
+            journal.purge_citables()
+            messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, 'All citables from journal "{}" deleted.'.format(journal.name))
     def get_actions(self, request):
         actions = super().get_actions(request)
         if 'delete_selected' in actions:
diff --git a/metacore/migrations/0003_auto_20180508_0911.py b/metacore/migrations/0003_auto_20180508_0911.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..530a9a2ec6de7be8b7444b7a4a80ae049a3dd534
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metacore/migrations/0003_auto_20180508_0911.py
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.11.4 on 2018-05-08 07:11
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import django.core.validators
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+    dependencies = [
+        ('metacore', '0002_auto_20180417_1036'),
+    ]
+    operations = [
+        migrations.AddField(
+            model_name='journal',
+            name='count_running',
+            field=models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True),
+        ),
+        migrations.AddField(
+            model_name='journal',
+            name='last_update',
+            field=models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='journal',
+            name='ISSN_digital',
+            field=models.CharField(max_length=9, unique=True, validators=[django.core.validators.RegexValidator('^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{3}[0-9X]$')]),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='journal',
+            name='ISSN_print',
+            field=models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=9, null=True, unique=True, validators=[django.core.validators.RegexValidator('^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{3}[0-9X]$')]),
+        ),
+    ]
diff --git a/metacore/migrations/0004_auto_20180508_0916.py b/metacore/migrations/0004_auto_20180508_0916.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4261c3727d56e70c227ce1f81e8c1ec13569e574
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metacore/migrations/0004_auto_20180508_0916.py
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Generated by Django 1.11.4 on 2018-05-08 07:16
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+    dependencies = [
+        ('metacore', '0003_auto_20180508_0911'),
+    ]
+    operations = [
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='journal',
+            name='last_update',
+            field=models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True, null=True),
+        ),
+    ]
diff --git a/metacore/models.py b/metacore/models.py
index f251ce049a10313740383280f368aded42b231c9..fd8962ba432efab07d5acca289c96dd751f29ad8 100644
--- a/metacore/models.py
+++ b/metacore/models.py
@@ -80,11 +80,12 @@ class Journal(models.Model):
     ISSN_digital = models.CharField(
-        blank=False)
+        blank=False, unique=True)
+    # Print ISSN not used right now, but there for future use
     ISSN_print = models.CharField(
-        blank=True, null=True)
+        blank=True, null=True, unique=True)
     last_full_sync = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True)
     last_cursor = models.CharField(
@@ -93,6 +94,9 @@ class Journal(models.Model):
         blank=True, null=True)
     count_metacore = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
     count_crossref = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
+    count_running = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True) # Tracks progress during import tasks
+    last_update = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, auto_now=True) # Set during import tasks
     def update_count_metacore(self):
@@ -121,3 +125,11 @@ class Journal(models.Model):
         if 'total-results' in result:
             self.count_metacore = result['total-results']
+    def purge_citables(self):
+        """
+        This will delete all citables with their issn set to this journal's issn!
+        """
+        Citable.objects(metadata__ISSN=self.ISSN_digital).delete()
diff --git a/metacore/services.py b/metacore/services.py
index 0d0462df0a86a615723f7776127b294abb53dc47..df5006f88dbced1baed8223d648ac16b5bfa199f 100644
--- a/metacore/services.py
+++ b/metacore/services.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import requests
-from .models import Citable, CitableWithDOI
+from .models import Citable, CitableWithDOI, Journal
 from background_task import background
+from django.utils import timezone
 import logging
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -12,6 +13,8 @@ def import_journal_full(issn, cursor='*'):
     and store them in the Metacore mongo database
+    # Get journal to track progress
     # Formulate the CR query
     url = 'https://api.crossref.org/journals/{}/works'.format(issn)
@@ -19,6 +22,7 @@ def import_journal_full(issn, cursor='*'):
     rows = 500
     batches = 2000
     last_cursor = cursor
+    total_processed = 0
     for i in range(0,batches):
         # print("-------------------------------")
@@ -52,6 +56,14 @@ def import_journal_full(issn, cursor='*'):
         citable = []
+        # Save current count so progress can be tracked in the admin page
+        # TODO: make this work (currently only executed after whole import
+        # task is completed!
+        # total_processed += number_of_results
+        # Journal.objects.filter(ISSN_digital=issn).update(count_running = total_processed)
+        # logger.info('Journal count updated')
+        # print('Journal count updated to {}.'.format(Journal.objects.get(ISSN_digital=issn).count_running))
         if number_of_results < rows:
             # print(number_of_results)
             # print('End reached.')
@@ -59,6 +71,18 @@ def import_journal_full(issn, cursor='*'):
             logger.info('End reached.')
+    # Get a full count when done
+    current_count = get_crossref_work_count(issn)
+    journal = Journal.objects.get(ISSN_digital=issn)
+    journal.count_metacore = Citable.objects(metadata__ISSN=issn).count()
+    journal.count_crossref = get_crossref_work_count(issn)
+    if journal.count_metacore == journal.count_crossref:
+        journal.last_full_sync = timezone.now()
+    journal.save()
 def get_crossref_work_count(issn):
     Returns the total number of citables that are present in CR for a given ISSN