# Core argon2-cffi==16.3.0 # Password hashing algorithm Babel==2.4 Django==2.1.8 # 2019-05-18 feedparser==5.2.1 # Check: not updated since 2016 psycopg2== # PostgreSQL engine pytz==2017.2 # Timezone package djangorestframework==3.8.2 requests==2.18.3 pyotp==2.2.7 mock==2.0.0 # Django packages django-autocomplete-light==3.4.1 # 2019-11-17 django-countries==5.3.3 django-debug-toolbar==1.8 django-extensions==1.7.6 django-filter==1.0.4 django-guardian==1.5.1 # 2019-05-11 django-mathjax==0.0.8 django-mptt==0.8.6 # Dead django-silk==2.0.0 django-webpack-loader==0.5 django-maintenancemode-2==1.1.11 # Documentation Packages docutils==0.16 # 2020-02-21 Pygments==2.5.2 # 2020-02-21 Syntax highlighter Sphinx==2.4.2 # 2020-02-21 sphinx-rtd-theme==0.4.3 # 2020-02-21 Sphinx theme # Sentry #sentry-sdk==0.7.14 # 2019-05-11, req: certifi, urllib3 sentry-sdk==0.9.2 # 2019-06-27 # Testing factory-boy==2.10.0 Faker==1.0.2 # Django Utils django-haystack==2.8.1 Whoosh==2.7.4 # Python Utils ithenticate-api-python==0.8 mailchimp3==2.0.15 python-dateutil==2.6.0 Pillow==3.4.2 # Latest version is v4.2.1; need to know about usage before upgrade. -- JdW html2text # Mongo (Metacore) mongoengine==0.15.0 Markdown==3.1.1 Bleach==3.1.0 # Possibly dead imagesize==0.7.1 Jinja2==2.8 pep8==1.7.0 six==1.10.0 snowballstemmer==1.2.1 # Scheduled tasks celery==4.3.0 # 2019-05-11, py3.4 to 3.7, req: amqp-2.4.2 billiard- kombu-4.5.0 vine-1.3.0 django-celery-results==1.0.4 # 2019-05-11 django-celery-beat==1.3.0 # 2019-05-11, req: celery, django-timezone-field-3.0 python-crontab-2.3.6 flower==0.9.3 # 2019-05-11, req: pytz, tornado, babel, celery # Security-related packages django-referrer-policy==1.0 # 2019-05-11, py<=3.6, Dj<=2.0, req: django-csp==3.5 # 2019-05-11 django-feature-policy==2.2.0 # 2019-05-18