####### SciPost ####### This repository carries the entire codebase for the `scipost.org <https://scipost.org>`_ scientific publication portal. This repo and other repositories relevant for the operation of SciPost, are hosted at `git.scipost.org <https://git.scipost.org/scipost>`_. Relevant documentation about the intrastructure and its deployment can be found at `docs.scipost.org <https://docs.scipost.org>`_ (the source of this documentation is in the ``docs`` folder of this repository). ******************** Project organization ******************** The SciPost project is under the leadership of `Prof. Jean-Sébastien Caux <https://jscaux.org>`_. Composition of the tech-side team is detailed in the ``docs/team`` page. Bug reports, issues, suggestions and ideas can be emailed to techsupport@scipost.org. License ======= This codebase is released under the terms of the `GNU Affero General Public License (Version 3, 19 November 2007) <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html>`_. The SciPost name and logo are trademarks of the SciPost foundation. Contributing ============ If you are competent in Django-based web development and would like to learn about our ongoing development projects, please email your credentials to jscaux@scipost.org.