## Feature Request

### Description
A clear and concise description of the feature.

### Proposals
A brief description implementation proposals or ideas (if applicable).

1. Proposal 1  
   Description of proposal 1.

2. Proposal 2  
   Description of proposal 2.

## Additional Information
Any additional information or context related to the feature in request.

### Screenshots
Include any relevant screenshots or images to help illustrate the envisioned feature / design.

### Page URL(s)
- URL(s) where the feature would appear or pages it affects.
- Specify the affected page(s) or section(s).

### Related Issues
- #1 : Description of why this issue is related to #1. /relate #1

## Issue Checklist 
 - [ ] The search function has been used to ensure that this feature request is not a duplicate.
 - [ ] If related to other issues, it has been mentioned in the "Related Issues" section using #IssueNumber *AND* /relate #IssueNumber.
 - [ ] Title includes square bracket categorization tag, e.g. [Journals].
 - [ ] Labels have been assigned, e.g. type, priority and impact.
 - [ ] URLs and Screenshots have been provided and confidential information has been removed/blurred (if applicable).
 - [ ] Empty / default / non-applicable sections of this template have been removed.
  - [ ] This checklist has been removed.

<!--  Do not remove  -->
/label ~"Feature Request" 
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