# Core argon2-cffi==20.1.0 # 2021-07-18 Password hashing algorithm Babel==2.9.1 # 2022-01-23 Django==4.2.15 # 2024-08-19 feedparser~=6.0.8 # Check: not updated since 2016. [JdW, 2021-09-25] Upgrade to v6; v5 fails. psycopg==3.1.18 # 2024-02-27 PostgreSQL engine -- 2023-05-10 update for python 3.11 psycopg-binary==3.1.18 pytz==2021.3 # 2022-11-18 Timezone package # djangorestframework==3.9.3 # DEPREC, see next entry -- 2019-12-05 IMPORTANT: update templates/rest_framework/base.html if corresponding file rest_framework/templates/rest_framework/base.html has changed # git+https://github.com/SciPost/django-rest-framework.git@bootstrap-v5 djangorestframework==3.15.2 # 2024-08-19 requests==2.32.3 # 2024-08-19 pyotp==2.2.7 mock==2.0.0 # Django packages django-autocomplete-light==3.11 # 2024-02-27 django-cors-headers==3.5.0 # 2020-09-11, for enabling OAuth2 with django-oauth-toolkit django-countries==7.5.1 # 2023-02-26 django-crispy-forms==2.1 # 2024-02-27 crispy-bootstrap5==2024.02 # 2024-02-27, bootstrap5 plugin for crispy forms django-debug-toolbar==4.4.6 # 2024-09-06 django-extensions==3.2.3 # 2024-02-27 for e.g. runserver_plus (usage: python3 manage.py runserver_plus --cert [certificate .crt file]) django-filter==2.4.0 # 2021-06-08 django-guardian==2.4.0 # 2021-07-15 django-mathjax==0.0.8 django-oauth-toolkit==2.3.0 # 2024-02-27 django-webpack-loader==1.0.0 # 2021-05-22, implicitly loads vendor bundles django-maintenancemode-2 # 2021-07-15 djangorestframework-csv # 2020-10-13 # Django types django-types==0.19.1 django-stubs-ext==4.2.2 # Plotting plotly==4.6.0 # 2020-05-05 matplotlib==3.9.2 # 2024-08-19 pandas==2.2.2 # 2024-11-01 geopandas==1.0.1 # 2024-11-01 # Documentation Packages docutils==0.16 # 2020-02-21 Pygments==2.15.0 # 2021-05-21 Syntax highlighter Sphinx==2.4.2 # 2020-02-21 sphinx-rtd-theme==0.4.3 # 2020-02-21 Sphinx theme sphinxcontrib-mermaid # 2022-04-18 Jinja2==3.1.4 # 2024-08-19 for sphinx # Sentry urllib3==1.26.19 # 2024-08-19, for sentry-sdk sentry-sdk==2.13 # 2024-08-19, req: certifi, urllib3 # Silk monitoring django-silk==4.1.0 # 2021-10-16 # Testing factory-boy==3.0.1 # 2020-09-27 Faker==20.0.3 # 2023-11-17 coverage==6.5.0 # 2022-11-29 # Django Utils django-haystack==3.2.1 # 2024-02-27 Whoosh==2.7.4 # Python Utils ithenticate-api-python @ git+https://git.scipost.org/scipost/supporting-packages/ithenticate-python-api.git python-dateutil==2.8.2 # 2023-02-05 html2text lxml==4.9.3 # 2023-11-29 Markdown==3.1.1 Bleach==3.3.0 # 2021-05-21 # Possibly dead imagesize==0.7.1 pep8==1.7.0 six==1.16.0 # 2024-02-27 snowballstemmer==1.2.1 # Pillow==10.4.0 # 2024-08-19 # Scheduled tasks celery==5.2.7 # 2022-11-18 django-celery-results==2.4.0 # 2022-11-18 django-celery-beat==2.5.0 # 2024-02-27 flower==1.2.0 # 2022-11-18 mailchimp3==3.0.18 # 2023-05-09 # Security-related packages django-referrer-policy==1.0 # 2020-09-19 no new updates for 3 years django-csp==3.7 # 2020-09-19 django-feature-policy==3.4.0 # 2020-09-19 # Version Control python-gitlab==3.14.0 # 2023-05-15 # Preprint server packages arxiv==1.4.7 # 2023-05-19