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plain_hilbert_construction.jl 1.87 KiB
plain_hilbert_construction.jl - LR, June 2020
Functionality for creating a plain cutoff basis, i.e., all many-body states
of given particle number within a single-particle basis up to some cutoff.
This is the most generic (however, mostly used) case.
function _find_states(state::SpinState, nb::Integer, n::Integer, l::Integer)::Array{SpinState,1}
""" Recursive piece of the state-finding algorithm. Terminates once the
maximum length is reached.
if n == 0
return [state << k for k = 0:(nb-l)]
if (nb - l) < n
return []
if l > 0
return [_find_states((state<<1)+1, nb, n-1, l+1); _find_states(state<<1, nb, n, l+1)]
return _find_states((state<<1)+1, nb, n-1, l+1)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function get_plain_fock_basis(n_basis::Integer, n_part::Array{IType,1})::Array{FullState,1}
""" Constructs the many-body basis with a plain basis-state cutoff.
Attention: Currently limited to 64 bit.
s_up = _find_states(SpinState(0), n_basis, n_part[1], 0)
s_down = _find_states(SpinState(0), n_basis, n_part[2], 0)
return sort([s_to_f(u,d) for u in s_up for d in s_down])
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function make_lookup_table(states::Array{FullState,1})::Tuple{LookupDict,InvLookupDict}
""" Takes a list of states and produces the lookup tables.
lookup_table = LookupDict()
inverse_lookup_table = InvLookupDict()
for k = 1:length(states)
lookup_table[k] = states[k]
inverse_lookup_table[states[k]] = k
return lookup_table, inverse_lookup_table