SciPost Code Repository

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This repository carries the entire codebase for the
` <>`__ scientific publication portal.

Project organization

Development work for SciPost is headed by `Jean-Sébastien
Caux <>`__ and Jorran de Wit. Bug reports, issues,
suggestions and ideas can be emailed to

If you are competent in web development and would like to join our core
development team, please email your credentials to


This codebase is released under the terms of the GNU Affero General
Public License (Version 3, 19 November 2007).


SciPost is written in Python 3.5 using Django 1.11 and requires
PostgreSQL 9.4 or higher. Python dependencies are listed in
``requirements.txt``. Frontend dependencies are managed by
`NPM <>`__ in package.json.

Getting started


Make sure that PostgreSQL is installed and running and that a database
with user is set up. A good guide how to do this can be found
`here <>`__
(NOTE: stop before the ‘Update settings’ part).

Python version

Make sure you’re using Python 3.5. You are strongly encouraged to use a
`virtual environment <>`__.

.. code:: shell

   $ pyvenv scipostenv
   $ source scipostenv/bin/activate

Now install dependencies:

.. code:: shell

   (scipostenv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Frontend dependencies

`NPM <>`__ (version 5.x; tested on v5.3.0) will
take care of frontend dependencies. To install all packages now run:

.. code:: shell

   (scipostenv) $ npm install


In this project, many settings are not sensitive and are thus tracked
using Git. Some settings are however secret. These settings may be saved
into the ``secrets.json`` file in the root of the project. The minimum
required structure is as follows (please mind the non-empty, but still
invalid ``SECRET_KEY``):

.. code:: json

     "SECRET_KEY": "<key>",
     "DB_NAME": "",
     "DB_USER": "",
     "DB_PWD": ""

The settings file itself is saved into
``SciPost_v1/settings/local_<name>.py``. Be sure to *wildcard import*
the ```` file in the top of your settings file. To run the
server, use one of two ways. Either:

.. code:: shell

   (scipostenv) $ ./ runserver --settings=SciPost_v1.settings.local_<name>

… or for convenience, export the same settingsfile path to the
``DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE`` variable, so that one can run the django
commands by default:

.. code:: shell

   (scipostenv) $ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="SciPost_v1.settings.local_<name>"

One can of course also add this variable to the ``~/.bash_profile`` for


In the ``mails`` application a special `Email
Backend <>`__
is defined. This will write all emails to the database. To use this
backend, in the settings set the the variable ``EMAIL_BACKEND`` as:

.. code:: python

   EMAIL_BACKEND = 'mails.backends.filebased.ModelEmailBackend'
   EMAIL_BACKEND_ORIGINAL = 'mails.backends.filebased.EmailBackend'

A management command is defined to send the unsent mails in the
database. This management command uses the Email Backend defined in the
settings under variable ``EMAIL_BACKEND_ORIGINAL``. If not defined, this
defaults to the Django default:

.. code:: shell

   (scipostenv) $ ./ send_mails

Check, double check

To make sure everything is set up and correctly configured, run:

.. code:: shell

   (scipostenv) $ ./ check

Module bundler

`Webpack <>`__ takes care of assets in the
``scipost/static/scipost/assets`` folder. To (re)compile all assets into
the ``static_bundles`` folder, simply run:

.. code:: shell

   (scipostenv) $ npm run webpack

While editing assets, it may be helpful to put Webpack in *watch* mode.
This will recompile your assets in real time. To do so, instead of the
above command, run:

.. code:: shell

   (scipostenv) $ npm run webpack-live

Sass and Bootstrap

Styling will mainly be configured using `.scss
files <>`__ in the
``scipost/static/scipost/scss/preconfig.scss`` file, relying on
`Bootstrap v4.0.0-beta <//>`__. A full list of
variables available by default can be found
`here <>`__.
All modules are configured in the ``.bootstraprc`` file. All modules are
disabled by default.


In order to collect static files from all ``INSTALLED_APPS`` (i.e. the
assets managed by Webpack), run:

.. code:: shell

   (scipostenv) $ ./ collectstatic

This will put all static files in the ``STATIC_ROOT`` folder defined in
your settings file. If needed, you can remove stale static files

.. code:: shell

   (scipostenv) $ ./ collectstatic --clear

Create and run migrations

Now that everything is set up, we can create the relevant tables in the

.. code:: shell

   (scipostenv) $ ./ migrate

Create a superuser

In order to use the admin site, you’ll need a superuser account, which
can be created using:

.. code:: shell

   (scipostenv) $ ./ createsuperuser

Create groups and permissions

Groups and their respective permissions are set using the management

.. code:: shell

   (scipostenv) $ ./ add_groups_and_permissions

Run server

You are now ready to run the server:

.. code:: shell

   (scipostenv) $ ./ runserver


Users of the SciPost portal are known as Contributors and are created
through the registration form accessible from the home page.

You can create a number of users, and use the admin site to give them
various permissions through memberships of certain groups. For example,
you’ll want members of the SciPost Administrators and Editorial
Administrators groups in order to access the internal management and
editorial tools.

Initial data

If you’re working on an (almost) empty test database, you can easily
fill it using one of the built-in commands. To create a few instances
for each available object, simply run:

.. code:: shell

   (scipostenv) $ ./ populate_db --all

Run the same command with the ``--help`` argument to find arguments to
create instances for individual models:

.. code:: shell

   (scipostenv) $ ./ populate_db --help

Maintaining database migrations

Every time fields in any of the models change, a `database
migration <>`__
needs to be created and applied. The first documents a database change
and its inverse, the second actually changes the database.

Make sure to commit the migration to Git after applying it, so other
developers can use them.

.. code:: shell

   (scipostenv) $ ./ makemigrations
   (scipostenv) $ ./ migrate

Search engine

`Django Haystack <>`__ is used to handle search queries. The search
engine needs indexing before you can use it:

.. code:: shell

   (scipostenv) $ ./ update_index -u default

Models involved in searches are re-indexed using ``post_save`` signals.


All project documentation is gathered from ``.rst`` files and
code-embedded docstrings. The documentation for the codebase can be
found in ``docs/codebase``.


The documentation is saved in the local database as a Project with name
``SciPost Codebase``, with slug ``codebase`` and path ``/docs/codebase``
(this project should be manually created in the admin under the
``Sphinxdoc`` app).

To update the docs, simply run

.. code:: shell

   (scipostenv) $ ./ updatedoc -b codebase

The documentation is then viewable by navigating to ``docs/codebase``.

There are also other Projects containing information about SciPost, user
guides etc. The list can be found on by viewing ``docs`` in the browser.

Locally-served documentation

The documentation can be rendered using
`Sphinx <>`__. Note that rendering
documentation is only available from the virtual environment - and only
when the host settings have been configured.

To build the documentation, run:

.. code:: shell

   (scipostenv) $ cd docs/[project slug]
   (scipostenv) $ make html

for each of the documentation projects. After this, generated
documentation are available in ``docs/[project slug]/_build/html``.


The ``mails`` app is used as the mailing processor of SciPost. It may be
used in one of two possible ways: with or without editor.

The actual mails only have to be written in the html version (the text
based alternative is automatically generated before sending). Creating a
new ``mail_code`` is easily done by creating new files in the
``templates/email/<subfolder>`` folder called ``<mail_code>.html`` and
``<mail_code>.json`` acting respectively as a content and configuration
file. Here, ``<subfolder>`` is named after the main recipient’s class
(authors, referees, etc.).

The config file is configured as follows


-  ``context_object`` - (*required*) Instance of the main object. This
   instance needs to be passed as ``instance`` or ``<context_object>``
   in the views and as ``<context_object>`` in the template file (see
   description below);
-  ``subject`` - (*string, required*) Default subject value;
-  ``to_address`` - (*string or path of properties, required*) Default
   to address;
-  ``bcc_to`` - (*string or path of properties, optional*) - A
   comma-separated bcc list of mail addresses;
-  ``from_address`` - (*string, optional*) - From address’ default
   value: ````;
-  ``from_address_name`` - (*string, optional*) - From address name’s
   default value: ``SciPost``.

Mailing with editor

Any regular method or class-based view may be used together with the
builtin wysiwyg editor. The class-based views inherited from Django’s
UpdateView are easily extended for use with the editor.

.. code:: python

   from django.views.generic.edit import UpdateView
   from mails.views import MailEditorMixin

   class AnyUpdateView(MailEditorMixin, UpdateView):
       mail_code = '<any_valid_mail_code>'

For method-based views, one implements the mails construction as:

.. code:: python

   from mails.views import MailEditingSubView

   def any_method_based_view(request):
       # Initialize mail view
       mail_request = MailEditingSubView(request, mail_code='<any_valid_mail_code>', instance=django_model_instance)
       if mail_request.is_valid():
           # Send mail
           return redirect('reverse:url')
           # Render the wsyiwyg editor
           return mail_request.return_render()

Direct mailing

Mailing is also possible without intercepting the request for completing
or editing the mail’s content. For this, use the ``DirectMailUtil``

.. code:: python

   from mails.utils import DirectMailUtil

   def any_python_method_within_django():
       # Init mailer
       mail_sender = DirectMailUtil(mail_code='<any_valid_mail_code>', instance=django_model_instance)

       # Optionally(!) alter from_address from config file
       mail_sender.set_alternative_sender('SciPost Refereeing', '')

       # Send the actual mail


`django-extensions <>`__
provide added commands like ``./ shell_plus``, which preloads
all models in a shell session. Additional imports may be specified in
```` as follows:

.. code:: python

       ('theses.factories', ('ThesisLinkFactory')),
       ('comments.factories', ('CommentFactory')),