__copyright__ = "Copyright © Stichting SciPost (SciPost Foundation)"
__license__ = "AGPL v3"
from django import forms
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
from ajax_select.fields import AutoCompleteSelectField
from common.forms import ModelChoiceFieldwithid
from invitations.models import RegistrationInvitation
from journals.models import UnregisteredAuthor
from ontology.models import Topic
from scipost.models import Contributor
from submissions.models import RefereeInvitation
from .models import Profile, ProfileEmail, Affiliation
class ProfileForm(forms.ModelForm):
email = forms.EmailField(required=False)
# If the Profile is created from an existing object (so we can update the object):
instance_from_type = forms.CharField(max_length=32, required=False)
instance_pk = forms.IntegerField(required=False)
class Meta:
model = Profile
fields = ['title', 'first_name', 'last_name',
'discipline', 'expertises', 'orcid_id', 'webpage',
'accepts_SciPost_emails', 'accepts_refereeing_requests',
'instance_from_type', 'instance_pk']
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['instance_from_type'].widget = forms.HiddenInput()
self.fields['instance_pk'].widget = forms.HiddenInput()
def clean_email(self):
"""Check that the email isn't yet associated to an existing Profile."""
cleaned_email = self.cleaned_data['email']
if cleaned_email and ProfileEmail.objects.filter(
raise forms.ValidationError('A Profile with this email already exists.')
return cleaned_email
def clean_instance_from_type(self):
Check that only recognized types are used.
cleaned_instance_from_type = self.cleaned_data['instance_from_type']
if cleaned_instance_from_type not in ['', 'contributor', 'unregisteredauthor',
'refereeinvitation', 'registrationinvitation']:
raise forms.ValidationError('The from_type hidden field is inconsistent.')
return cleaned_instance_from_type
def save(self):
profile = super().save()
if self.cleaned_data['email']:
email, __ = ProfileEmail.objects.get_or_create(
profile=profile, email=self.cleaned_data['email'])
profile.emails.filter(, still_valid=True)
instance_pk = self.cleaned_data['instance_pk']
if instance_pk:
if self.cleaned_data['instance_from_type'] == 'contributor':
elif self.cleaned_data['instance_from_type'] == 'unregisteredauthor':
elif self.cleaned_data['instance_from_type'] == 'refereeinvitation':
elif self.cleaned_data['instance_from_type'] == 'registrationinvitation':
class SimpleProfileForm(ProfileForm):
Simple version of ProfileForm, displaying only required fields.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['expertises'].widget = forms.HiddenInput()
self.fields['orcid_id'].widget = forms.HiddenInput()
self.fields['webpage'].widget = forms.HiddenInput()
self.fields['accepts_SciPost_emails'].widget = forms.HiddenInput()
self.fields['accepts_refereeing_requests'].widget = forms.HiddenInput()
class ProfileMergeForm(forms.Form):
to_merge = ModelChoiceFieldwithid(queryset=Profile.objects.all(), empty_label=None)
to_merge_into = ModelChoiceFieldwithid(queryset=Profile.objects.all(), empty_label=None)
def clean(self):
To merge Profiles, they must be distinct, and it must not be the
case that they both are associated to a Contributor instance
(which would mean two Contributor objects for the same person).
data = super().clean()
if self.cleaned_data['to_merge'] == self.cleaned_data['to_merge_into']:
self.add_error(None, 'A Profile cannot be merged into itself.')
if self.cleaned_data['to_merge'].has_active_contributor and \
self.add_error(None, 'Each of these two Profiles has an active Contributor. '
'Merge the Contributors first.\n'
'If these are distinct people or if two separate '
'accounts are needed, a ProfileNonDuplicate instance should be created; '
'contact techsupport.')
def save(self):
Perform the actual merge: save all data from to-be-deleted profile
into the one to be kept.
profile = self.cleaned_data['to_merge_into']
profile_old = self.cleaned_data['to_merge']
# Merge information from old to new Profile.
profile.expertises = list(
set(profile_old.expertises or []) | set(profile.expertises or []))
if profile.orcid_id is None:
profile.orcid_id = profile_old.orcid_id
if profile.webpage is None:
profile.webpage = profile_old.webpage
if profile_old.has_active_contributor and not profile.has_active_contributor:
profile.contributor = profile_old.contributor
email__in=profile.emails.values_list('email', flat=True)).update(
primary=False, profile=profile)
# Move all affiliations to the "new" profile
# Move all PublicationAuthorsTable instances to the "new" profile
# Move all invitations to the "new" profile
return Profile.objects.get( # Retrieve again because of all the db updates.
class ProfileEmailForm(forms.ModelForm):
fields = ['email', 'still_valid', 'primary']
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.profile = kwargs.pop('profile', None)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def clean_email(self):
"""Check if profile/email combination exists."""
email = self.cleaned_data['email']
if self.profile.emails.filter(email=email).exists():
self.add_error('email', 'This profile/email pair is already defined.')
return email
def save(self):
"""Save to a profile."""
self.instance.profile = self.profile
return super().save()
class AffiliationForm(forms.ModelForm):
organization = AutoCompleteSelectField('organization_lookup')
class Meta:
model = Affiliation
fields = ['profile', 'organization', 'category',
'description', 'date_from', 'date_until']
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.fields['profile'].widget = forms.HiddenInput()