Jean-Sébastien Caux authoreda701c09b
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__init__.py 3.56 KiB
__copyright__ = "Copyright © Stichting SciPost (SciPost Foundation)"
__license__ = "AGPL v3"
acknowledge_request_thesis_link = (
"Thank you for your request for a Thesis Link. Your request"
" will soon be handled by an editor."
acknowledge_vet_thesis_link = "Thesis Link request vetted."
acknowledge_request_commentary = (
"Your request will soon be handled by an Editor. <br>"
"Thank you for your request for a Commentary Page."
acknowledge_submit_comment = (
"Thank you for contributing a Comment. It will soon be vetted by an Editor."
acknowledge_doi_query = "Crossref query by DOI successful."
acknowledge_arxiv_query = "Arxiv query successful."
doi_query_placeholder = 'ex.: 10.21468/00.000.000000'
doi_query_help_text = (
'For published papers, you can prefill the form (except for domain, subject area and abstract) using the DOI. '
"(Give the DOI as 10.[4 to 9 digits]/[string], without prefix, as per the placeholder)."
doi_query_invalid = (
"DOI does not match the expression supplied by CrossRef. Either it is very old or you made a mistake. "
"If you are sure it is correct, please enter the metadata manually. Sorry for the inconvenience."
arxiv_query_placeholder = (
"new style: YYMM.####(#)v#(#) or "
"old style: cond-mat/YYMM###v#(#)"
arxiv_query_help_text = (
"For preprints, you can prefill the form using the arXiv identifier. "
"Give the identifier without prefix and do not forget the version number, as per the placeholder."
arxiv_query_invalid = 'ArXiv identifier is invalid. Did you include a version number?'
# Arxiv response is not valid
arxiv_caller_errormessages = {
'A preprint associated to this identifier does not exist.',
('This paper has been published as {{ arxiv_journal_ref }}'
'. Please comment on the published version.'),
('This paper has been published under DOI {{ arxiv_doi }}'
'. Please comment on the published version.'),
# 'arxiv_timeout': 'Arxiv did not respond in time. Please try again later',
# 'arxiv_bad_request':
# ('There was an error with requesting identifier ' +
# '{{ identifier_with_vn_nr }}'
# ' from Arxiv. Please check the identifier and try again.'),
('There exists a preprint with this arXiv identifier '
'but an earlier version number, which is still undergoing '
'peer refereeing.'
'A resubmission can only be performed after request '
'from the Editor-in-charge. Please wait until the '
'closing of the previous refereeing round and '
'formulation of the Editorial Recommendation '
'before proceeding with a resubmission.'),
'This preprint version has already been submitted to SciPost.',
('This arXiv preprint has previously undergone refereeing '
'and has been rejected. Resubmission is only possible '
'if the manuscript has been substantially reworked into '
'a new arXiv submission with distinct identifier.')
arxiv_caller_errormessages_submissions = {
'paper_published_journal_ref': ('This paper has been published as {{ arxiv_journal_ref }}'
'. You cannot submit it to SciPost anymore.'),
'paper_published_doi': ('This paper has been published under DOI {{ arxiv_doi }}'
'. You cannot submit it to SciPost anymore.')