<p>{{journal}} is published by the SciPost Foundation under the journal doi: 10.21468/{{journal.name}}{% if journal.issn %} and ISSN {{journal.issn}}{% endif %}.</p>
<p>{{journal}} is published by the SciPost Foundation under the journal doi: 10.21468/{{journal.name}}{% if journal.issn %} and ISSN {{journal.issn}}{% endif %}.</p>
{% endif %}
{% if journal.doi_label == 'SciPostPhys' %}
<p>SciPost Physics has been awarded the DOAJ Seal <imgsrc="{% static 'scipost/images/DOAJ_Seal_logo_big.png' %}"alt="DOAJ Seal"width="40"> from the <ahref="https://doaj.org">Directory of Open Access Journals</a></p>
<pclass="mb-0">All content in {{ journal }} is deposited and permanently preserved in the CLOCKSS archive <ahref="https://www.clockss.org/clockss/Home"target="_blank"><imgsrc="{% static 'scipost/images/clockss_original_logo_boxed_ai-cropped-90.png' %}"alt="CLOCKSS logo"width="40"></a></p>
SciPost Physics has been awarded the DOAJ Seal <imgsrc="{% static 'scipost/images/DOAJ_Seal_logo_big.png' %}"alt="DOAJ Seal"width="40"> from the <ahref="https://doaj.org">Directory of Open Access Journals</a>
All content in {{ journal }} is deposited and permanently preserved in the CLOCKSS archive <ahref="https://www.clockss.org/clockss/Home"target="_blank"><imgsrc="{% static 'scipost/images/clockss_original_logo_boxed_ai-cropped-90.png' %}"alt="CLOCKSS logo"width="40"></a>
Self-computed impact factor
<small><sup><iclass="fa fa-question-circle"data-toggle="tooltip"data-html="true"title="Number of citations in year N for papers published in years N-1 and N-2,<br/>divided by the number of papers in those years.<br/>Data obtained from Crossref's Cited-by service"></i></sup></small> for 2018 (using <ahref="https://www.crossref.org/services/cited-by/"target="_blank">Crossref Cited-by</a> data)