<p>Many thanks for accepting to become an Editorial Fellow at SciPost! We wish you a very warm welcome, and very much appreciate your willingness to help out.</p>
<p>Your account has now been given Fellow-level rights, so you now have access to a few additional Fellows-only pages. This email is meant as a quick helper to make sure everything is set up properly, and to help you start finding your way around our systems.</p>
<p>Your account has now been given Fellow-level rights, so you now have access to a few additional Fellows-only pages. We have also included you in our list of Fellows at our <ahref="https://scipost.org{% url 'colleges:colleges' %}">Colleges page</a>.</p>
<p>This email is meant as a quick helper to make sure everything is set up properly, and to help you start finding your way around our systems.</p>
<h3>Making sure your data is correct</h3>
<p>From your <ahref="https://scipost.org{% url 'scipost:personal_page' %}">personal page</a>, please have a look at the basic information associated to your account (in particular, your areas of specialization). If necessary, please update the data by following the "Update your personal data" link.</p>
<p>Though we do not require it, we greatly encourage you to use our two-factor authentication setup (see <aahref="https://scipost.org{% url 'scipost:totp' %}">this link</a>) to ensure that your account is robust against hacking attempts.</p>