@@ -129,6 +129,20 @@ Users of the portal are known as Contributors and are created through the regist
You can create a number of users, and use the admin site to give them various permissions through memberships of certain groups. For example, you'll want members of the SciPost Administrators and Editorial Administrators groups in order to access the internal management and editorial tools.
### Initial data
If you're working on a (almost) empty database, one can easily fill its test database using one of the built-in commands. To create few instances for each available object, simply run:
(scipostenv)$ ./manage.py populate_db --all
Run the help argument to find arguments to create instances for individual models.
(scipostenv)$ ./manage.py populate_db --help
## Maintaining database migratons
Every time fields in any of the models change, a [database migration](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/topics/migrations/)
needs to be created and applied. The first documents a database change and its