{% include 'organizations/_organization_details_contents.html' with org=org %}
{% include 'organizations/_organization_details_contents.html' with org=org %}
<h3>Funder Registry instances associated to this Organization:</h3>
{% for funder in org.funder_set.all %}
<li>{{ funder }}</li>
{% empty %}
<li>No Funder Registry instance found<br/><br/>
<strongclass="text-danger">Without a Funder Registry instance, we cannot record funding acknowledgements to this Organization with Crossref.</strong>
<p>Are you a representative of this Organization? We advise you to:</p>
<li>Make sure your Organization gets included in <ahref="https://www.crossref.org/services/funder-registry/"target="_blank">Crossref's Funder Registry</a>;</li>
<li>After inclusion, <ahref="mailto:admin@scipost.org?subject=Inclusion of {{ organization }} {% if organization.acronym %}({{ organization.acronym }}){% endif %} in the Funder Registry">contact our administration</a> with this information so that we can update our records.</li>
{% endfor %}
<divclass="tab-pane show active pt-4"id="publications-{{ org.id }}"role="tabpanel"aria-labelledby="publications-{{ org.id }}-tab">
<divclass="tab-pane show active pt-4"id="publications-{{ org.id }}"role="tabpanel"aria-labelledby="publications-{{ org.id }}-tab">
<h3>Funder Registry instances associated to this Organization:</h3>
{% for funder in org.funder_set.all %}
<li>{{ funder }}</li>
{% empty %}
<li>No Funder Registry instance found<br/><br/>
<strongclass="text-danger">Without a Funder Registry instance, we cannot record funding acknowledgements to this Organization with Crossref.</strong>
<p>Are you a representative of this Organization? We advise you to:</p>
<li>Make sure your Organization gets included in <ahref="https://www.crossref.org/services/funder-registry/"target="_blank">Crossref's Funder Registry</a>;</li>
<li>After inclusion, <ahref="mailto:admin@scipost.org?subject=Inclusion of {{ organization }} {% if organization.acronym %}({{ organization.acronym }}){% endif %} in the Funder Registry">contact our administration</a> with this information so that we can update our records.</li>