<ahref="{% url 'journal:issues' journal.doi_label %}"class="breadcrumb-item">SciPost Physics Codebases and Datasets</a>
<spanclass="breadcrumb-item active">Info for Authors</span>
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{% block content %}
{% with header_text='Information for Authors' %}
{% endwith %}
<h3>Manuscript preparation</h3>
<li>Please follow the <ahref="{% url 'submissions:author_guidelines' %}">Author guidelines</a> to ensure seamless processing of your manuscript.</li>
<h3>Submission and Refereeing</h3>
<li>Make sure you have read and agree with the <ahref="{% url 'journals:journals_terms_and_conditions' %}">SciPost Journals Terms and Conditions.</a></li>
<li>All Submissions to SciPost Physics Codebases and Datasets follow the peer-witnessed refereeing procedures outlined in
<ahref="{% url 'submissions:sub_and_ref_procedure' %}">Submission and Refereeing procedure</a>.
<li>All publication decisions are taken by the <ahref="{% url 'scipost:about' %}#editorial_college_physics">Editorial College (Physics)</a>, following the rules set out in the <ahref="{% url 'scipost:EdCol_by-laws' %}">Editorial College by-laws</a>.</li>