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<p>All the best,</p>
<p>Prof. J.-S. Caux on behalf of the SciPost Team</p>
Your work has been cited in a manuscript submitted to SciPost, {{ invitation.cited_in_submission.title }} <br>by {{ invitation.cited_in_submission.author_list }}, <br>
Your work has been cited in a manuscript submitted to SciPost, {{ invitation.cited_in_submission.title }} <br>by {{ invitation.cited_in_submission.author_list }}, <br>
I hereby wanted to remind you of an invitation sent to you a while back, originating from the fact that your work was cited in a publication in a SciPost journal (see details below).
In case you are not yet familiar with SciPost, please have a look at the site https://scipost.org. You will hopefully feel sympathy for this by-and-for-scientists initiative aiming to bring much needed reform to the world of scientific publishing.
Your registration as a Contributor to SciPost would be most welcome, as well as your submissions to our emerging journals.
<p>All the best,</p>
<p>Prof. J.-S. Caux on behalf of the SciPost Team</p>
<p>Your work has been cited in a paper published by SciPost,</p>
<p>Your work has been cited in a paper published by SciPost,</p>