<h1class="highlight">SciPost Expansion and Sustainability Drive 2018</h1>
<h1class="highlight">SciPost Expansion and Sustainability Drive 2018</h1>
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Since our original <ahref="{% url 'scipost:call' %}"target="_blank">call for openness</a> in scientific publishing, things have been developing extremely well with SciPost. One quick glance at our <ahref="{% url 'journals:publications' %}"target="_blank">publishing activities</a> (our list of publications now numbers more than 100, including some very highly-cited ones) is hopefully enough to convince you that we are well on our way to implementing a more healthy infrastructure for scientific publishing.
Since our original <ahref="{% url 'scipost:call' %}"target="_blank">call for openness</a> in scientific publishing, things have been developing extremely well with SciPost. One quick glance at our <ahref="{% url 'journals:publications' %}"target="_blank">publishing activities</a> (our list of publications now numbers more than 100, including some very highly-cited ones) is hopefully enough to convince you that we are well on our way to implementing a healthier infrastructure for scientific publishing.
Separately, in a sure sign that <i>The Times They Are A Changin'</i>, big players are moving towards implementing Open Access very similarly to our vision (including the European Commission with its recent <ahref="https://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:141558-2018:TEXT:EN:HTML&tabId=1"target="_blank">Call for Tenders</a>, though you should read recent blog posts <ahref="https://jscaux.org/blog/post/2018/04/02/ectender/"target="_blank">here</a> and <ahref="https://jscaux.org/blog/post/2018/04/27/ECTenderInterview/"target="_blank">here</a> for how this relates to SciPost).
Separately, in a sure sign that <i>The Times They Are A Changin'</i>, big players are moving towards implementing Open Access very similarly to our vision (including the European Commission with its recent <ahref="https://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:141558-2018:TEXT:EN:HTML&tabId=1"target="_blank">Call for Tenders</a>, though you should read recent blog posts <ahref="https://jscaux.org/blog/post/2018/04/02/ectender/"target="_blank">here</a> and <ahref="https://jscaux.org/blog/post/2018/04/27/ECTenderInterview/"target="_blank">here</a> for how this relates to SciPost).
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The time is now ripe for us to be bold, and take the next steps in our implementation plans. Read on to see how you can significantly help us out.
The time is now ripe for us to be bold, and take the next steps in our implementation plans. Read on to see how you can significantly help us out.
<h3class="highlight">Going for Genuine Open Access</h3>
<h3class="highlight">Going for Genuine Open Access</h3>
At SciPost, our ambitions for Open Access publishing are uncompromised, as can be seen from our <ahref="{% url 'scipost:about' %}#guiding_principles"target="_blank">guiding principles</a> or our short <ahref="https://youtu.be/Pgvd7EvehCI"target="_blank">intro video</a>. In particular, we implement the <ahref="https://jscaux.org/blog/post/2018/05/05/genuine-open-access/"target="_blank">Genuine Open Access</a> principles (which include an explicit non profit requirement), are resolutely quality-oriented and international in outlook.
At SciPost, our ambitions for Open Access publishing are uncompromised, as can be seen from our <ahref="{% url 'scipost:about' %}#guiding_principles"target="_blank">guiding principles</a> or our short <ahref="https://youtu.be/Pgvd7EvehCI"target="_blank">intro video</a>. In particular, we implement the <ahref="https://jscaux.org/blog/post/2018/05/05/genuine-open-access/"target="_blank">Genuine Open Access</a> principles (which include an explicit non profit requirement), are resolutely quality-oriented and international in outlook.
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<li><i>Is your field insufficiently represented in our current <ahref="{% url 'scipost:about' %}#editorial_college_physics">Editorial College</a>?</i><br/>We are looking for world-class researchers to become Fellows. Send us your nominations at <ahref="mailto:admin@scipost.org">admin@scipost.org</a>.<br/>We also welcome nominations in fields beyond Physics.</li>
<li><i>Is your field insufficiently represented in our current <ahref="{% url 'scipost:about' %}#editorial_college_physics">Editorial College</a>?</i><br/>We are looking for world-class researchers to become Fellows. Send us your nominations at <ahref="mailto:admin@scipost.org">admin@scipost.org</a>.<br/>We also welcome nominations in fields beyond Physics.</li>
<li><i>Is your institution not listed on our <ahref="{% url 'partners:partners' %}"target="_blank">Partners page</a>?</i><br/>Encourage them (through a librarian, Open Access officer, director, ...) to join by <ahref="{% url 'petitions:petition' slug='join-SPB' %}"target="_blank">signing our petition</a>, and by personally emailing them directly using this <ahref="mailto:?subject=Petition to support SciPost&body={% autoescape on %}{% include 'petitions/petition_email.html' %}{% endautoescape %}&cc=partners@scipost.org">email template</a>.</li>
<li><i>Is your institution not listed on our <ahref="{% url 'partners:partners' %}"target="_blank">Partners page</a>?</i><br/>Encourage them (through a librarian, Open Access officer, director, ...) to join by <ahref="{% url 'petitions:petition' slug='join-SPB' %}"target="_blank">signing our petition</a>, and by personally emailing them directly using this <ahref="mailto:?subject=Petition to support SciPost&body={% autoescape on %}{% include 'petitions/petition_email.html' %}{% endautoescape %}&cc=partners@scipost.org">email template</a>. Experience shows that such personal testimonies and statements of support from active scientists constitute the most persuasive means to convince institutions to support us.</li>
<li><i>Are your surroundings not yet sufficiently aware of SciPost?</i><br/>You can point them to our <ahref="https://youtu.be/Pgvd7EvehCI"target="_blank">intro video</a> and mention this drive on social media using the <ahref="https://twitter.com/hashtag/SwitchToSciPost">#SwitchToSciPost</a> hashtag.
<li><i>Are people in your surroundings and social network not yet sufficiently aware of SciPost?</i><br/>You can point them to our <ahref="https://youtu.be/Pgvd7EvehCI"target="_blank">intro video</a> and mention this drive on social media using the <ahref="https://twitter.com/hashtag/SciPost">#SciPost</a> hashtag.
We will keep you continuously updated on the results from this Expansion and Sustainability Drive 2018 on our website, and via our <ahref="{% url 'news:news' %}">News page</a>.
We will keep you continuously updated on the results from this Expansion and Sustainability Drive 2018 on our website, on Twitter at <ahref="https://twitter.com/scipost_dot_org">@scipost_dot_org</a> and with the <ahref="https://twitter.com/hashtag/SciPost">#SciPost</a> hashtag, and via our <ahref="{% url 'news:news' %}">News page</a>.
<h4>A Report has come in. Do I <i>have</i> to answer it?</h4>
<h4>A Report has come in. Do I <i>have</i> to answer it?</h4>
No. You should only feel that you <i>have</i> to provide an Author Reply to a given Report if the latter contains questions which you can directly answer, or statements which you would specifically like to respond to.
Not necessarily. You should only feel that you <i>have</i> to provide an Author Reply to a given Report if the latter contains questions which you can directly answer, or statements which you would specifically like to respond to.
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<h4>How long does the Editorial College taken to do its voting?</h4>
<h4>How long does the Editorial College take to do its voting?</h4>
In simple cases, it is usually possible to gather the relevant votes within one week. If a discussion ensues within the College, the voting period can sometimes take longer. If you are concerned with the status of your submission, you can <ahref="mailto:edadmin@scipost.org">email us</a>.
In simple cases, it is usually possible to gather the relevant votes within one week. If a discussion ensues within the College, the voting period can sometimes take longer. If you are concerned with the status of your submission, you can <ahref="mailto:edadmin@scipost.org">email us</a>.