<li>Ensure that the author names are in format <code>[First name] [Last name]</code> namely: not just initials, full first name, so for example <code>Abe Bee, Cee Dee and Elle Fine</code> (unless the authors specifically request initials-only, as can be preferred in some cultures).</li>
<li>Ensure that the author names are in format <code>[First name] [Last name]</code> namely: not just initials, full first name, so for example <code>Abe Bee, Cee Dee and Elle Fine</code> (unless the authors specifically request initials-only, as can be preferred in some cultures).</li>
<li>Insert the correct Received, Accepted and Published dates in copyright statement.</li>
<li>Insert the correct Received, Accepted and Published dates in copyright statement.</li>
<li>Between the <code>\begin{minipage}{0.4\textwidth}</code> and <code>%%%%%%%%%% TODO: DATES</code> lines, paste:</li>
<li>Between the <code>\begin{minipage}{0.4\textwidth}</code> and <code>%%%%%%%%%% TODO: DATES</code> lines, paste:</li>