<p>The journal accepts three types of content: <strong>Letters</strong>, <strong>Articles</strong> and <strong>Reviews</strong>.</p>
<p>The journal accepts three indicative types of content: <strong>Letters</strong>, <strong>Articles</strong> and <strong>Reviews</strong>.</p>
<li><strong>Letters</strong> report broad-interest and high-quality advances in Physics, of interest and importance to researchers in multiple subject areas.</li>
<li><strong>Articles</strong> provide in-depth, detailed reports of research achievements within one or more subject areas.</li>
<li><strong>Reviews</strong> are short pieces taking a snapshot of a research area, written by recognized leaders in the field, providing a critical assessment of current frontline research and providing pointers towards future opportunities.</li>
<p>These three types of content are published side-by-side on our online portal.</p>
<p>SciPost Physics Proceedings is a premium-quality, two-way open access, community-run peer-witnessed refereed publishing venue for conference/workshop/school proceedings in Experimental, Theoretical and Computational physics, in all specializations.</p>
<p>SciPost Physics Codebases is an innovative peer-reviewed publication venue for modern forms of scientific contributions which too often remain unrecognized: codes and algorithms at the heart of contemporary research.</p>