<li>Create a Profile for <ahref="{% url 'profiles:profile_create' from_type='contributor' pk=next_contributor_wo_profile.id %}">the next</a> Contributor without one ({{ nr_contributors_wo_profile }} to handle)</li>
{% else %}
<li><iclass="fa fa-check-circle text-success"></i> All registered Contributors have a Profile</li>
{% endif %}
{% if nr_potential_duplicate_profiles > 0 %}
<li><iclass="fa fa-exclamation-circle text-warning"></i><ahref="{% url 'profiles:duplicates' %}">Check for duplicate Profiles ({{ nr_potential_duplicate_profiles }} to handle)</a></li>
{% else %}
<li><iclass="fa fa-check-circle text-success"></i> No potential duplicate Profiles detected</li>
{% endif %}
{% if next_reginv_wo_profile %}
<li><iclass="fa fa-exclamation-circle text-warning"></i> Create a Profile for <ahref="{% url 'profiles:profile_create' from_type='registrationinvitation' pk=next_reginv_wo_profile.id %}">the next</a> Registration Invitation without one ({{ nr_reginv_wo_profile }} to handle)</li>
{% else %}
<li><iclass="fa fa-check-circle text-success"></i> All Registration Invitations have a Profile</li>
{% endif %}
{% if next_unreg_auth_wo_profile %}
<li><iclass="fa fa-exclamation-circle text-warning"></i> Create a Profile for <ahref="{% url 'profiles:profile_create' from_type='unregisteredauthor' pk=next_unreg_auth_wo_profile.id %}">the next</a> UnregisteredAuthor without one ({{ nr_unreg_auth_wo_profile }} to handle)</li>
{% else %}
<li><iclass="fa fa-check-circle text-success"></i> All UnregisteredAuthors have a Profile</li>
{% endif %}
{% if next_refinv_wo_profile %}
<li><iclass="fa fa-exclamation-circle text-warning"></i> Create a Profile for <ahref="{% url 'profiles:profile_create' from_type='refereeinvitation' pk=next_refinv_wo_profile.id %}">the next</a> Referee Invitation without one ({{ nr_refinv_wo_profile }} to handle)</li>
{% else %}
<li><iclass="fa fa-check-circle text-success"></i> All Referee Invitations have a Profile</li>
{% endif %}
<li><ahref="{% url 'profiles:duplicates' %}">Check for duplicate Profiles ({{ nr_potential_duplicate_profiles }} to handle)</a></li>
{% if next_reginv_wo_profile %}
<li>Create a Profile for <ahref="{% url 'profiles:profile_create' from_type='registrationinvitation' pk=next_reginv_wo_profile.id %}">the next</a> Registration Invitation without one ({{ nr_reginv_wo_profile }} to handle)</li>
{% endif %}
{% if next_unreg_auth_wo_profile %}
<li>Create a Profile for <ahref="{% url 'profiles:profile_create' from_type='unregisteredauthor' pk=next_unreg_auth_wo_profile.id %}">the next</a> UnregisteredAuthor without one ({{ nr_unreg_auth_wo_profile }} to handle)</li>
{% endif %}
{% if next_refinv_wo_profile %}
<li>Create a Profile for <ahref="{% url 'profiles:profile_create' from_type='refereeinvitation' pk=next_refinv_wo_profile.id %}">the next</a> Referee Invitation without one ({{ nr_refinv_wo_profile }} to handle)</li>
{% endif %}
<li><ahref="{% url 'profiles:profile_create' %}">Add a Profile</a></li>