<p>Hopefully you've already come across<ahref="https://scipost.org{% url 'scipost:index' %}">SciPost</a> and are aware of its mission to establish a healthier community-run, open and not-for-profit infrastructure for scientific publishing. If not, you can consult the<ahref="https://scipost.org{% url 'scipost:about' %}">about page</a> for a quick introduction.</p>
<p>Hopefully you're well aware of<ahref="https://scipost.org{% url 'scipost:index' %}">SciPost</a> and of its mission to establish a healthier community-run, open and not-for-profit infrastructure for scientific publishing (see our<ahref="https://scipost.org{% url 'scipost:about' %}">about page</a> for a quick introduction or reminder).</p>
<p>On behalf of the SciPost Foundation and in view of your professional expertise and reputation, I hereby would like to invite you to join the Editorial College ({{ object.profile.get_discipline_display }}) by becoming one of our Editorial Fellows.</p>