The size of an Editorial College will be such that each stated specialty
will be represented by at least 8 Fellows, with at least 3 Senior Fellows.
There is no maximum. The number of Fellows
caring for a stated specialty shall be adjusted to ensure a workload per Fellow
limited to approximately one half-day per month on average.
{% endif %}
<p>SciPost's Editorial Colleges should be representative of their respective field's academic communities. They are meant to be self-sustaining in scale and composition.</p>
<p>SciPost's Editorial Colleges should be representative of their respective field's academic communities. They are meant to be self-sustaining in scale and composition.</p>
@@ -103,6 +126,69 @@
@@ -103,6 +126,69 @@
Foundation. Appointment to an Editorial College starts immediately upon receipt
Foundation. Appointment to an Editorial College starts immediately upon receipt
of a positive answer from the candidate.
of a positive answer from the candidate.
{% if perms.can_view_pool %}
<divclass="bg-warning my-1 p-1">
<h4>Proposed modification 1.4.2 (VGM 2021-01): replace paragraph 1.4.2 and paragraph after by</h4>
<li>1.4.2 Nomination
Senior Fellows shall ensure that the number of Fellows in their specialty is sufficient,
by actively scouting for and nominating appropriately qualified candidates.
In addition, Foundation board members, members of the Advisory Board as well as current and past
Fellows of an Editorial College can nominate candidates for an Editorial Fellowship.
Guest Fellows which have proved to be reliable Editors-in-charge
for <em>Core</em>- or <em>Proceedings</em>-class Submissions can also be
nominated by Editorial Administration on behalf of the Foundation.
Candidates must fulfil the eligiblity criteria.
<li>1.4.3 Election of new Fellows (Senior Fellows vote)
Nominations are first forwarded to Senior Fellows of the relevant College for voting.
If a candidate secures a positive vote from a strict majority of Senior Fellows in their
stated specialties, and if no veto is received from Senior Fellows in other specialties,
from the Advisory Board or from the Foundation's Board, then the candidate is deemed elected.
<li>1.4.4 Election of new Fellows (Editorial College vote)
As an alternate route, nominations can also be forwarded to the relevant Editorial College
for voting, at the latest at the next Virtual General Meeting.
If a candidate secures a positive vote from at least half
of the Fellows currently
caring for the candidate's stated main specialty, and if no veto is received from
Fellows in other specialties, from the Advisory Board or from the Foundation's
Board, then the candidate is deemed elected.
<li>1.4.5 Appointment of new Fellows
Upon election, a candidate is invited to join.
Appointment to an Editorial College starts immediately upon receipt
of a positive answer from the candidate.
<li>1.4.6 Election and appointment of Senior Fellows
Each College shall be responsible for maintaining a sufficient number of Senior
Fellows in each specialty. When a need for new Senior Fellows arises, Editorial Administration
shall probe current Fellows in order to identify suitable follow-up
Senior Fellow candidates. Current Fellows in that specialty shall then be requested
by Editorial Administration to express their preferences.
Candidates having obtained the highest expressed preferences then become the new Senior Fellow(s).
As a special provision, if a given specialty has fewer than 3 Senior Fellows,
then the Foundation has the right to directly appoint appropriate candidates to take
on the role.
{% endif %}
@@ -226,6 +312,15 @@
@@ -226,6 +312,15 @@
and a list of potential Editors-in-charge is preselected based on expertise and
and a list of potential Editors-in-charge is preselected based on expertise and
{% if perms.can_view_pool %}
<divclass="bg-warning my-1 p-1">
<h4>Proposed modification 3.2 (VGM 2021-01): add the following phrase</h4>
Senior Fellows in the relevant specialty assist Editorial Administration
in establishing this list of potential Editors-in-charge.
{% endif %}
Special provisions exist for certain classes of Journals:
Special provisions exist for certain classes of Journals:
@@ -263,6 +358,23 @@
@@ -263,6 +358,23 @@
given the option of either withdrawing their Submission,
given the option of either withdrawing their Submission,
or of accepting an extension to the duration of their Submission's pre-screening process.
or of accepting an extension to the duration of their Submission's pre-screening process.
{% if perms.can_view_pool %}
<divclass="bg-warning my-1 p-1">
<h4>Proposed modification 3.3 (VGM 2021-01): change the last paragraph to</h4>
The Editorial College and Administration must make all reasonable efforts to ensure
that the screening process
be completed within 5 working days starting from the moment of submission.
Senior Fellows in the relevant specialty can be consulted by Editorial Administration
in order to assist in this endeavour.
If this timing proves impossible (for example due to a large influx of Submissions or current
unavailability of specialist (guest) Fellows), the authors are informed of the delay and
given the option of either withdrawing their Submission,
or of accepting an extension to the duration of their Submission's screening process.
{% endif %}
<li><strong>Appointment of Editor-in-charge</strong>
<li><strong>Appointment of Editor-in-charge</strong>
@@ -422,6 +534,14 @@
@@ -422,6 +534,14 @@
A number of Fellows (depending on the Journal) is selected by Editorial Administration and specifically given voting rights on the recommendation. This selection is made to ensure sufficient expertise, enforce checks on impartiality and avoid conflicts of interest. Other qualified Fellows can claim voting rights on the recommendation if they so wish, by contacting Editorial Administration.
A number of Fellows (depending on the Journal) is selected by Editorial Administration and specifically given voting rights on the recommendation. This selection is made to ensure sufficient expertise, enforce checks on impartiality and avoid conflicts of interest. Other qualified Fellows can claim voting rights on the recommendation if they so wish, by contacting Editorial Administration.
{% if perms.can_view_pool %}
<divclass="bg-warning my-1 p-1">
<h4>Proposed modification 3.7 (VGM 2021-01): replace last paragraph by</h4>
A number of Fellows (depending on the Journal) is selected by Editorial Administration (with assistance from Senior Fellows) and specifically given voting rights on the recommendation. This selection is made to ensure sufficient expertise, enforce checks on impartiality and avoid conflicts of interest. Other qualified Fellows can claim voting rights on the recommendation if they so wish, by contacting Editorial Administration.
{% endif %}
The voting Fellows cast their opinion on the recommendation. They can:
The voting Fellows cast their opinion on the recommendation. They can:
@@ -534,6 +654,21 @@
@@ -534,6 +654,21 @@
{% if perms.can_view_pool %}
<divclass="bg-warning my-1 p-1">
<h4>Proposed modification 3.8 (VGM 2021-01): add this point, move Production to 3.9</h4>
Authors can appeal a decision by the College if evidence exists that
procedures were improperly followed during the handling of their manuscript.
Appeals should be promptly lodged to Editorial Administration, and detail the evidence.
Appeals shall be handled by the Senior Fellows in the relevant specialty,
who collectively act as adjudicators. Adjudications by Senior Fellows are final.
{% endif %}
<p>Post-acceptance, the paper is handled by the production team, who produce the final version
<p>Post-acceptance, the paper is handled by the production team, who produce the final version
of the manuscript and ensure compliance with publication requirements (including outbound
of the manuscript and ensure compliance with publication requirements (including outbound