- Oct 11, 2018
Jorran de Wit authored
- Feb 04, 2017
Jorran de Wit authored
Move ArxivCaller to the scipost folder, since this caller will be used by more apps, such as the commentaries apps.
- Jan 31, 2017
Boris Ponsioen authored
- Dec 21, 2016
Boris Ponsioen authored
Boris Ponsioen authored
- Dec 15, 2016
Boris Ponsioen authored
In Submissions -> prefill_using_identifier (view). The ArxivCaller class handles all requests and responses during the Arxiv paper lookup. This can be used again in different places, and is covered by a few tests (submissions.test_services). Additionally, there are 2 tests for the views in submissions.test_views.
Boris Ponsioen authored
- Dec 14, 2016
Boris Ponsioen authored
Also slightly pep-improves the models and views.