[Subsidies admin] Improve the subsidies administration page functionality/filters
Feature Request
Improvements to the functionality of https://scipost.org/finances/subsidies/ and of individual subsidies https://scipost.org/finances/subsidies/[subsidy_number]:
- In the filter, add Renewal action date as a possible ordering criterion.
- Add filtering by Status.
- Add a Refresh button to re-load data without needing to reload the page. Particularly useful for adding newly created documents in a subsidy's Financial Administration > Add new payment > Invoice and Proof of payment lists. The refresh button can be implemented globally for the page search results, or individually for each subsidy entry, as it is more convenient to develop.
- When showing the list of possible documents to be attached in the Financial Administration > Add new payment > Invoice and Proof of payment lists, show only the names of documents, not the full path (there is only one path possible for each organisation).
- For individual subsidies: add as possible status "payments up to date" (useful for multi-year agreements that get invoiced annually; the subsidy will not be fully paid for several years but we need to keep track if payments are up to date).