[Proceedings Metadata] Tool to create and deposit proceedings issue metadata
Feature Request
We lack the infrastructure to create and deposit the metadata related to an issue within SciPost Physics Proceedings.
Add Editorial Administration tools to manage metadata of SchiPost Phys. Proc. issues. Among these tools, we need:
- Create/update XML metadata
- Editor to format XML metadata
- Deposit XML metadata to Crossref
- Mark metadata deposit as succesful/unsuccesful
The metadata prepared should include at least the required elements defined by Crossref for conference proceedings and if possible the recommended and optional elements.
Proposal 1 These tools can be added in a section of the issue page, e.g. https://scipost.org/SciPostPhysProc.X, accessible only to EdAdmin.
Proposal 2
Create a specific page to Manage Proceedings issue metadata. This page should be linked from https://scipost.org/journals/admin/manage_metadata/, and should include the same navigation menu interlinking it to other metadata management pages.