[Newsletters] Create Newsletters management page
Feature Request
Currently, Newsletters are listed only in the mailing list management page https://scipost.org/mailing_lists/manage. However, permissions for managing a newsletter are different from permissions for managing the mailing list themselves. Please create a Newsletters management page that lists the existing newsletters for newsletter managers to easily find and edit. This url should be easily reachable.
Proposal 1
Use url https://scipost.org/mailing_lists/newsletters/ (currently nonexistent) to display a list of newsletters, each linking to https://scipost.org/mailing_lists/newsletters/[newsletter_number]/edit. A link to https://scipost.org/mailing_lists/newsletters/ should be provided somewhere easily accessible, either https://scipost.org/news/manage/ or in the personal page. -
Proposal 2
Alternatively, create the url https://scipost.org/newsletters/manage/ and a page to display the newsletters on the website, e.g. https://scipost.org/newsletters as per #283 (closed), with a Newsletters management section for users with permission. https://scipost.org/newsletters/manage/ should be linked to from https://scipost.org/newsletters/.