SciPost Code Repository

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Prioritized labels 0

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Other labels 19

  • Issues related to code quality, including refactoring, improving code structure, and removing technical debt.
  • Issues related to code or page documentation, including missing or unclear instructions, explanations, or wording changes.
  • impacthigh
    Affects more than 50% of users, prevents optimal/efficient operation of any workflow.
  • impactlow
    Affects less than 10% of users, or classifies as a "nice to have" feature of a workflow.
  • impactmedium
    Affects ~20% of users, or causes minor alterations to otherwise efficient workflows.
  • impactsevere
    Affects more than 90% of users, or impedes any workflow immensely.
  • priorityhigh
    Must be addressed within this (two-week) sprint.
  • prioritylow
    Effectively a backlog item, no set completion timeframe, to be completed at our leisure.
  • prioritymedium
    To be tentatively completed in the next 2-3 sprints.
  • priorityurgent
    Ultimate priority: must be addressed today, ideally right this very second.
  • Security 🔒
    Issues related to critical bugs or oversights which may lead to a possibly security risk, such as account compromise or information leaks.
  • Testing 🧪
    Issues related to writing or fixing tests, fixtures, factories, ensuring code coverage and stable deployment.
  • typebug 🪲
    Issues related to software bugs or unexpected behavior that needs to be fixed.
  • Requests for new features or enhancements to existing features.
  • Issues related to improving the user experience, such as usability enhancements, accessibility features, or UI/UX improvements.
  • workflowblocked
    Issue progress is blocked, usually because it is waiting for administrative decision or feedback. Updated twice daily.
  • Issues that are currently be worked on. Updated twice daily.
  • workflowready
    Issues that are ready for potential peer review. Updated twice daily.