- Feb 10, 2017
Geert Kapteijns authored
Update all involved tests. Also extend model_form_data to accept an argument `form_kwargs` to pass to form.
- Feb 01, 2017
Geert Kapteijns authored
- Jan 31, 2017
Jorran de Wit authored
Jorran de Wit authored
Jorran de Wit authored
Jorran de Wit authored
Jorran de Wit authored
Creating a new ThesisLink didn't save the `requested_by` field, causing trouble in for example the vet view for these specific objects.
Jorran de Wit authored
Jorran de Wit authored
Improve the templates using template tags. Further, wrapping the `content` block in the `container` div element.
Jorran de Wit authored
Jorran de Wit authored
Geert Kapteijns authored
Geert Kapteijns authored
Geert Kapteijns authored
Test if thesis is vetted/deleted and mail is sent in the accepted/refused case.
Geert Kapteijns authored
Merge branch 'fix-thesis-vetting' of https://bitbucket.org/scipostdev/scipost_v1 into fix-thesis-vetting
Geert Kapteijns authored
Jorran de Wit authored
Jorran de Wit authored
Jorran de Wit authored
Jorran de Wit authored
Jorran de Wit authored
Altered the message alert class and positioned it absolute to the body to have floating messages.
Jorran de Wit authored
Add missing migrations
Jorran de Wit authored
Migrations involve appending default values to model fields
Boris Ponsioen authored
Improvements submissions
Boris Ponsioen authored
Jorran de Wit authored
Jorran de Wit authored
Boris Ponsioen authored
Boris Ponsioen authored
Boris Ponsioen authored
Jorran de Wit authored
Jorran de Wit authored
Jorran de Wit authored
Write test for bug from last commit.
Jorran de Wit authored
New Commentary requests were not completed as the `requested_by` field was not properly saved.
Jorran de Wit authored
Test if the `vet_commentary_requests` is responding with the right Commentary object.
Jorran de Wit authored
Passwords generated by factoryboy were directly put into the table as a string, unhashed! However, if the testclient tried to login, it used all auth methods a normal user uses as well. This caused the test user to never be able to login with the generated password.
Jorran de Wit authored
Add tests to VetCommentary view, however the fixtures for groups remain empty (no permissions) causing problems with the ContributorFactory. Need some fix first, to have the groups work properly with the factories.
- Jan 30, 2017
Geert Kapteijns authored
Theses that are accepted are vetted by the correct contributor. Mails are not yet sent. Thesis is not yet deleted when refused.
Geert Kapteijns authored
Work in progress. All unvetted theses are now listed at theses/unvetted_thesislinks. Vetting editors click on a thesis link to vet, and are redirected to theses/vet_thesislink/<id>, where they can change fields of a thesis link. theses/vet_thesislink/<id> is now a regular update view. It does not have mail capacity, or refusal reasons, etc. I will work on that next.