Replace the search tools with our latest search/filter widgets. As minimal fields, we would like to search by topic and slug and filter by field, specialties and tags.
Collate the list of topics in a more user friendly, human readable way.
Currently, selecting a topic and going to the relevant page is counter-intuitive: you need to search it, select the topic, and then click on it again. Let's change this to finding the topic using the search bar and then clicking on the topic in the list of results to redirect to the topic's detail page (example of a topic's detail page
George Katsikaschanged title from [Ontology] Create deeper ontology system and management tools to [Ontology] Create ontology management tools (website-level)
changed title from [Ontology] Create deeper ontology system and management tools to [Ontology] Create ontology management tools (website-level)
George Katsikaschanged the descriptionCompare with previous version